


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone XR,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone XR拆解, iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • iPhone XR 的外观看起来可能有点不一样,但是规格看起来似曾相识:

    • 六核 A12 仿生处理器配备新一代神经网络引擎

    • Liquid 视网膜高清显示屏,1792 x 828 像素分辨率(326ppi),原彩显示和广色域显示(P3)

    • 12 MP 后置摄像头,ƒ/1.8 光圈配备光学防抖,前置 7 MP 摄像头配合原深感面容 ID 硬件

    • 64 GB 板载储存(128 GB 和 256 GB 可选)

    • 支持蜂窝网络和 eSim,802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi w/MIMO + Bluetooth 5.0 + NFC

    • IP 67 级防水防尘

  2. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    Manta Driver Kit - 112 Bit Driver Kit
    • 有很多的颜色可以选,但是我们还是最爱蓝色和黑色

    • 当你可以看“透"一切东西时,颜色就变得无关紧要了!我们在 Creative Electron 的朋友利用 X 光告诉我们一些新 iPhone 内部的秘密。

  3. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 为了更好的对比,我们将iPhone XR与XS叠在一起,看看他们之间什么有差异。

    • 我们在底部边缘开始探索,iPhone XR缺少的天线带和漂亮的对称的开孔让我们想起了去年的iPhone X.

    • iPhone XR继承了许多与其兄弟iPhone XS相同的特性,但它没有继承快速的千兆LTE功能。

    • 点亮显示屏,很容易看出iPhone XR的边框有点大——如果你真的靠近仔细观察,边缘的曲线开始变得有点粗糙

    • iPhone XR继承了XS的许多功能,但只有一个广角的摄像头,而远摄则与XS保持一致。

  4. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • iPhone XR与XS的相似之处还在于拆解的程序:Pentalobe螺丝围绕着不再处于中心的充电口,而且只需要一点点iOpener的帮助就可以打开。

    • 而不同之处在于:令人惊讶的不与机身颜色匹配的Pentalobe螺丝,以及向手机下部移动了的SIM卡槽。

    • 让我们有点疑惑的是:iPhone XS拥有更强的IP防水等级,而拆解iPhone XR感觉与XS几乎相同!

  5. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 考虑周到的,首先从显示屏下手的拆解程序就是这样轻松——在防水的智能手机上也一样。

    • Apple在iPhone 5上完善了这一设计——幸运的是,他们从未改变过它。

    • 在内部,iPhone XR乍一看更像iPhone 8X之间有趣的混合。我们又回到了矩形电池,还有一个矩形的主板。

    • 问题是:该主板有多少

  6. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    Standoff Screwdriver for iPhones
    • 在拆出主板的过程中,我们遇到了大量螺钉。 我们习惯了每台iPhone上的一两个,而不是十个。

    • 幸运的是,我们已经全副武装了。

    • 这是什么? 模块化SIM卡卡槽! 这在iPhone上第一次出现。

    • 这不仅意味着坏掉的SIM卡卡槽可以被快速更换,还可以降低更换主板的成本!双赢!

    • 这可能是对不支持eSIM的中国市场的让步 —— 因此,为了在中国型号上实现双SIM卡功能,Apple安装了双Nano-SIM读卡器。模块化的方法比将读卡器焊接到主板上更容易,就像过去的模型一样。

    • 细长的,没有弯曲的,单层的主板板现在拆出啦!

    With a modular Sim Reader, could it be we can swap the EU one for the Chinese sim reader and leverage true dual-sim? That would be excellent!

    Hugo Catarino - 回复

    I agree reason of modularity should be there. But I suppose is more an issue of industrialize with efficiency. Sound difficult that it would work on the ESim board ..? 3 Sim sound too much …. but is some to investigate. it may happen they put ESim hardware all over and that dual physical sims may come out swapping the modules… Thinking they have done it because sharing an advantage with users I doubt about. Is since 3 years that more and more components in the Apple lineup are soldered and not changeable and its obvious that a relevant part of their stellar margins came from an accurately strategy that consider ram sizes… or hd in the Mac arena…

    Andrea Marco Borsetti - 回复

    Look at the CPU heat spreader, it is much thicker than previous models, is it possible that this is some kind of mini flat heat pipe?

    Tom Chai - 回复

  7. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 随着主板被拆解出来,我们第一次看到了主板上的芯片:

    • Apple(苹果) APL1W81 A12 仿生 SoC, 上面封装有 Micron/镁光 D9VZV MT53D384M64D4SB-046 XT:E 3 GB LPDDR4x SDRAM 内存

    • Apple(苹果)/USI(环旭电子) 339S00580 (可能是一个 WiFi/蓝牙 模块, 与我们在iPhone XS中找到的很像)

    • NXP(恩智浦)100VB27 NFC控制器

    • 3个 Apple(苹果) 338S00411 音频放大器

    • Skyworks(思佳讯) 203-15 G67407 1838(可能是功率放大模块)

    • Cypress(赛普拉斯)CPD2 USB供电IC

    • 76018 119G1

    The “76018 119G1“ module is the Qorvo PAD.

    yazhou_wang - 回复

    What is the battery Apple I phone Xr

    Hitesh - 回复

  8. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 逻辑板背面有更多芯片。 告诉我们你们都是些什么芯片吧,拜托了......

    • Toshiba(东芝) TSB3243VC0428CHNA1 64 GB 闪存

    • Intel(英特尔) 9955 (可能是XMM7560 LTE Advanced Pro 4G LTE基带), 5762 RF收发器,还有5829

    • Apple(苹果)338S00383-A0, 338S00375-A1 电源管理IC(可能来自 Dialog Systems)

    • Texas Instruments(德州仪器) SN2600B1 充电IC

    • Apple(苹果) 338S00248 音频解码器 (可能来自 Cirrus Logic(凌云逻辑))

    • Skyworks(思佳讯) 13768前端模块

    • Broadcom(博通) 59355A2IUB4G (可能是BCM59350无线充电接收芯片的变种)

    I still don’t get why the speed difference in the Xr vs the Xs. If they have the same chip, shouldn’t max download speeds be the same?

    jridder - 回复

    Xs has 4 antennas, while the XR only has 2.

    Tom Chai -

  9. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 除了这块主板之外,这里还有另外两块主板。

    • 新的iPhone XR主板+ SIM读卡器(中)看起来有点像展开了的iPhone X主板(右)。 左侧是巨大的iPhone 8 Plus主板以示比较。

    • 这种新的外形非常完美地填补了iPhone主板发展的空白。

    • 通过X射线拍摄的特写提醒我们这个“简化了”的iPhone主板仍然非常复杂。

    • 更多的芯片隐藏在了其他组件下面,例如TrueDepth相机系统。

  10. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 随着主板的拆出,我们取出了大名鼎鼎的Taptic Engine!

    • 虽然iPhone XR不支持3D Touch,但它却可以支持Haptic Touch的触控反馈——用长触摸触控方式模拟压按触摸式效果。 看起来触觉是由熟悉的线性振动马达产生的。

    • 接下来是那个矩形电池! 我们非常高兴能够遇到四个完整的粘合剂拉片,让移除变得非常轻松。

  11. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 所有四个拉片的表现都令人满意,然后这个11.16 Wh的电池就拆下来啦!

    • 我们已经听说iPhone XR在iPhone中拥有最好的电池寿命,但它是如何提升的? 下面是展示电池的时间了!

    • 从左到右,我们有:iPhone 8(6.96 Wh),iPhone XR(#赢家),iPhone 8 Plus(10.28 Wh)和iPhone XS(10.13 Wh)。

    • 与iPhone 8 Plus相比,iPhone XR电池看起来有点小 - 但外表是有欺骗性的。iPhone XR电池更厚,有更多的容量,而不是更少。

    • 如果你看向旗鼓相当的对手,安卓仍然会赢得这场纯容量比较的游戏。 Galaxy S9 +仍然以13.48 Wh稳居榜首,而紧随其后的是13.2 Wh的Pixel 3 XL

    • 当我们把他们放在一起时,让我们借机用X射线给iPhone X系列拍一些Xiang(相)片。 从左到右,我们有iPhone X,XR(低密度铝框架)和XS Max!

    Why is the iPhone X’s induction coil wire so much thicker than the others? Was that a change from the 8/X to XR/XS generations?

    Jacob Ford - 回复

    @unitof Correct—Apple redesigned their charge coils for this year’s models. Word is they are using copper coils (as seen in the steps below) rather than ferrite polymer composite (FPC). Good eye!

    Jeff Suovanen -

  12. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 这个就是单后置摄像头 - 与iPhone XS和XS Max相同的更新的广角镜头模块。

    • 单摄像头的iPhone XR似乎是谷歌同样配置的Pixel 3的合理竞争对手 - 但谷歌的手机不知用何种方法将双镜头iPhoneXS Max打败了。怎么破? 也许还需要更多摄像头

    • 我们将摄像头与支持FaceID的TrueDepth系统一起排列。就我们的观察来说,与我们第一次在iPhone X中看到它时几乎没有什么变化。

    • 不要忘了,下一个是下方的扬声器——它仍然很容易移除,这很好,因为你可能想要移除它以便更换电池。

  13. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 接下来,我们将注意力转向被广泛关注的苹果的Liquid Retina显示屏。

    • iPhone XR的LCD显示屏比iPhone XS的AMOLED显示屏大0.3英寸,但它也更厚更重 - 正如所预期的那样。

    • 对背光组件的需求意味着LCD显示组件总是需要比同等AMOLED组件更大的体积。

    • 据我们所知,变厚的显示组件是将Lightning连接器推离中轴线的原因。

    • 回到拆解,我们挖掘出了无线充电线圈,以便进一步了解。

    • 我们找到铜丝! 铜丝更低的电阻(与iPhone X中的FPC相比)应该意味着更快的充电速度和更少的热量。

    FPC also uses copper. It looks like there is just more of it now in the wire, which is reducing the resistance.

    JohnnyNoy - 回复

    Is the touch panel separate or incell?

    Nathan Chen - 回复

    i didn’t notice the lightning connector being off axis. %#*@ it, now i can’t unsee it. that is going to bug me all day.

    Lewis Marx - 回复

  14. iPhone XR拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 随着iPhone XR的全面拆解,让我们展示一下拆解过程中的花絮:

    • 在后盖下所看到的设计语言让人想起iPhone 8(矩形电池,单层主板)和X(方形主板,Face ID),使其成为事实上的“iPhone 9”。

    • 但是iPhone XR并非都是倒退——它拥有最新的芯片,并且拥有最新的iPhone功能。 我们找到了Apple首款模块化SIM卡卡托,可能有助于他们新推出的多SIM卡计划。

    • 再次感谢Creative Electron的好朋友。 现在让我们给你讲一个非常好笑的笑话:

    • 哪个是海盗最喜欢的iPhone?

    • X-ARRRrrrrr

    I’m curious about the QI Receiver, its dimensions and location on the iPhone (Xr) housing. Could you help? Its for me to properly locate that “steel washer” for magnetic car holder. Thanks! :)

    PA N. - 回复

    Muy bueno el chiste, favorito desde ahora de mi hijo de 7 años. =)

    Sergio Murillo Rosas - 回复

  15. 最后的想法
    • 第一步先从显示屏下手和电池很容易拆出仍然是设计优先事项。
    • 可以用最少的硬件改动更换损坏的显示屏,并且稍加注意就可以保护住Face ID。
    • 苹果再次使用罕见的小Pentalobe和三点式螺丝来固定,但这些紧固件比起坚韧的胶水来说不知道高到哪里去了。
    • 防水措施使一些维修操作变得复杂,但是让因进水而造成的损坏变得更少。
    • 正面和背面的玻璃使得破裂的风险加倍——而且背面玻璃一旦破裂需要更换整个后盖。


en zh


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Taylor Dixon


67,317 声望



It’s here! Can’t wait to see what magic they did on the display.

Sandy34 - 回复

Next year: iPhone XR GTS SS Z11 LX

Juan Martinez - 回复

iPhone XR GTS SS Z11 LX Turbo Limited Luxury 2.0 Edge

Robert G -

where is the repairability score?

Ali Dhia - 回复

Battery size is smaller than in 8plus but capacity is bigger.. hmmm

dozerator - 回复

I think it’s thicker

Haotian Zhang -

It’s stated that it’s thicker. There are more than 2 dimensions.

David Berk -

Because Xr’s battery is thicker

drbranco -

Hi I’m wondering how much difference is there between the Taptic Engine’s iPhone Xs and Xʀ have?

Houston Duane - 回复

Hey Houston, the XR and XR Taptic engines look nearly identical size-wise, but have different screw patterns!

Sam Goldheart -

I heard rumor says iPhone XR has a Force Touch coil around the screen like the ones on Apple Watch. Can you do a screen teardown and find out if it’s true?

fieldont - 回复

How much does the wireless charging coil weigh?

wenhuf - 回复

Are there any Himax Technology parts in this phone?

jritchie2004 - 回复

Could you please purchase and disassemble the CHINESE version? It should have a PHYSICAL DUAL SIM SLOT, therefore I expect some differences in the internal hardware! Thank you

Max70 - 回复

would like an update on the Qorvo PAD/ will it only be in the Chinese version ??? Hopefully someone has an explanation of why it was not found in the teardown.

ski3938 - 回复

I was in the Higuera Apple Store when Kiki bought this phone! She bought a coral one too.

Anthony Bonvino - 回复

Who’s Kiki lol?

Rafael B -

Did I miss the Teardowns wallpaper?

Pete Karnowski - 回复

I wonder if you can switch out the sim slot with the dual sim slot of the Chinese version and get a real dual sim upgrade.

Ryo Saeba - 回复

That would be really cool!

Suchiththa Wickremesooriya -

indeed. Is the ST33G1M2 e-sim chip in the sim-reader module or in the motherboard?

If we could replace the sim-reader for true dual-sim it would be excellent!

Hugo Catarino -

Yes a proper dual sim would really reduce the aggro from providers. One thing has always bothered me about these glued shut phones: What happens to the waterproofing once you have opened one using an iopener or similar soource of heat? When reassembled, will they still be waterproof? (almost certainly not?)Could you remove the old sealant and rewaterproof it properly? What would you use?

I. Margaronis - 回复

Actually, the “juice” in the battery means very little to the user. What user cares more are:

1. Can I leave home without a charger, and without hoping for a charger until I come back?

2. What performance can I expect with such battery? (in simple words - Can I run latest 3d jaw-dropping 120fps game on the device without draining it in half an hour? Will I survive a 3 hour drive with navigation software running, without a charging cable?)

3. How much do I pay for this battery, in weight? After all - anyone can stick an accessory battery and have their iPhone work for 2-3 days. Only it’s… well… heavy!

So the battery parade isn’t very helpful - and as far as my own experience taught me - Androids with huge battery, still drain twice as fast as my old iPhone SE - while presenting mediocre, never-awe-inspiring performance.

I wish someone would come up with a GOOD benchmark on power and up-time on those iPhones.

Yes, I’m an iOS software developer - I KNOW apps can kill battery and Apple can’t prevent this completely.

Motti Shneor - 回复

It is true that battery capacity is only one of many influencers of how long a phone will last.

Here’s an article that compares how long phones last browsing the web before they die.

Arthur Shi -

It’s much better that it’s iPhone 8 siblings….

I mean, once you got all the screwdrivers you need, all you have to worry about is the way to pull off that display.

Lightning connector IS still modular. Unlike the other *cough* iPad *cough* lineup.

Xavier Jiang - 回复

Can i just say, i love your teardown and everything, but its been 8 years now that Apples been using pentalobe screws, and i think that the pentalobe driver has become quite common (most repair kits you buy, either from iFixit or for $2 off of amazon have a pentalobe driver), so i don’t think it merits being in the “neutral” section of the repairability criteria…

Andrew Demetriou - 回复

Hey, Andrew, thanks for reading and commenting! Glad you enjoy the teardowns! I agree that pentalobe and tri-point drivers are more widely available now than they were eight years ago, but pentalobe and tri-point screws still aren’t used anywhere besides Apple devices. That means that even someone who’s equipped to take apart all other electronics has to order special drivers to work on Apple products, and we view that as a move toward keeping people out of their devices.

Adam O'Camb -

where the iPad Pros at?

Suchir Kavi - 回复

It would be nice to see more details of the how the LCD screen is connected to enable the symmetrical bezel, and how it differs from the curved OLED bottom of the X series screens.

Pete Wilson - 回复

Can you purchase a chassis and replace it? If so how much I dont feel like paying $400 to replace the whole phone

Xanny - 回复

Can you make a list of all materials and show if you can put it back together

王子良 - 回复

Where is the GPS antenna and where is the cellular antenna?

Abdullah - 回复

What about the shield on the back of the screen that is welded down is that need to swap the screen?

Noah Vernon - 回复

Big question that NO ONE ever mentions, How about the back CAMERA glass on the XR??? The small piece of glass over the lens of the camera? I see the part for sale for only $7 and by the looks and feel of it, its a separate piece!

Mickey Sheehan - 回复

Does anyone knows where is the logic board’s serial number?

Hernán Insaurralde - 回复

Anyone ever facing a problem with eSIM module?

Aiman. Mohd Nor - 回复

This is a horrible teardown, I love this website and have used it for close to 7 years. Most teardown’s on here are great and give all the details on parts and screws but this one is stupid. This phone has been out for over a year, can we get a more detailed teardown please. I am sorry if I am being a jerk in this comment.

jon mask - 回复

I’m sorry this one wasn’t up to par for you Jon! :( Could you elaborate on what you mean by more detailed? What specific things would you like to see in this (and other) teardown(s)? We’ve been doing our best to keep teardowns fun and exciting while phones are getting more and more similar, but we definitely have skipped over some important things from time to time in our attempt to avoid rehashing details. I’d love to hear your thoughts, thanks for loving our website and being a follower for so long!

Taylor Dixon -

Where is the NFC antenna please? After a frame replacement, the induction charge works but not Apple Pay, any idea ? Thanks

Adrien Durand - 回复

This is a short version of tear-down and now I am stuck!

JoeBlog - 回复

They put the long ones on YouTube … I guess to get Remuneration $$$ - OK, I understand.


JoeBlog -

what about bottom? where is plug for charger ?

Darius Varanavičius - 回复

Hi, is it possible to buy from iFixit replace microphone for iPhone XR please? I am in Denmark and which other's products for finish correct replace the port microphone I need also?

Mihai Mihaescu - 回复



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