了解如何更换 iPhone 5 屏幕。这部分屏幕已经安装了前置摄像头、听筒扬声器和 LCD 屏蔽板,因此维修起来更容易。
成功更换屏幕后,请安装 [oroduct|IF118-056|屏幕保护膜],以防止划痕。
将反向钳手臂滑过 iPhone 的左边缘或右边缘。
将吸盘放在靠近 iPhone 底部边缘的位置——一个在正面,一个在背面。
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My brother in-law had water damage to his screen and the carrier was going to charge him and arm and a leg for a new phone so I ordered the complete display assembly from right here on iFixit that came with all the necessary tools. Took me a little over 5 minutes between repairing and chit chat to finish. It was a really easy repair and my brother in-law was never happier to have his phone back at a fraction of the cost the carrier was quoting.
Thanks for your guide for replace new touch screen
i had save one tiny screw from inside assembally :) :) :)
nilesh2411 - 回复
My display didn't shut down when i have a call and i put the phone near my ear! I plug my broken display and it work well but not the new one...please someone help! btw thanks for the guide and for the fast delivery
I know you posted this awhile ago, but if anyone else is wondering, how to fix the issue where the display won't turn off while on a phone call, You MUST transfer over the small plastic retaining brackets from the old display, and put them in the correct position! By correct position, I mean the two small transparent points need to line up with the receptors on your iPhone's front panel assembly (Camera, light sensor, mic).
This one is for Max:
Max, can you explain better what you mean by plastic retaining brackets? I'm about to swap my screen out and I wanna be able to do this