
iPhone 14 Pro Max SIM 卡替换


  1. iPhone 14 Pro Max SIM 卡替换, 弹出 SIM 卡槽: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 14 Pro Max SIM 卡替换, 弹出 SIM 卡槽: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 14 Pro Max SIM 卡替换, 弹出 SIM 卡槽: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 将SIM卡弹出工具插入SIM卡托上的小孔。小孔在iPhone的音量按钮旁边。

    • 用力按压以弹出卡槽。

  2. iPhone 14 Pro Max SIM 卡替换, 移除SIM卡槽: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 14 Pro Max SIM 卡替换, 移除SIM卡槽: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 14 Pro Max SIM 卡替换, 移除SIM卡槽: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 从iPhone中取出SIM卡卡槽。

    • 当重新插入SIM卡时,确保它在卡槽内的方向正确。

    • SIM 卡槽周围的薄橡胶垫圈可提供防水和防尘保护。 如果此垫圈损坏或丢失,请更换垫圈或整个 SIM 卡槽以保护 iPhone 的内部组件。



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Dominik Schnabelrauch


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Yo Dom, no removable SIM card carrier on 14-pro-max (e-sim only).

mrmichaelpeters - 回复

Hi mrmichaelpeters,
only the US model does not offer a physical SIM card tray, however the international model A2894 has one.

Dominik Schnabelrauch -

Hello, can I swap sim card trays from iPhone 13 256 Green to iPhone 14 Pro Max 128 Black (A2894) in EUROPE? I’m guessing they have the same sim card tray shape, I don’t care about the color. Thanks

Stefano Valero - 回复

i mean apple sim tray has not changed size so yeah you can

Shuch Up -

My hands started hurting in pain. i suffered how how this was. the phone exploded and then my house caught on fire. i blamed this all on apple and decided to hack their severs. thats why iphones suck now. because this super hard task >:( (Note this is a joke and I did this myself and it was a quite easy task thank you for this tutorial.)

Blake - 回复

It's an e sim how do I do it

Victory Onyeka - 回复



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