
介绍历史: LTT guide for building your own Router

Jacob Mehnert编辑

编辑已通过 由 Jacob Mehnert

This video will cover how to create your own network router using any x86 computer, and an Intel-based NIC. This video was created by the [link|https://linusmediagroup.com|Linus Media Group] and can be found on the [link|https://www.youtube.com/c/LinusTechTips|LTT Youtube channel]. You can also find the original video [link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPmqbtKwtgw|here].
***Things you will need***
* An x86 computer with a 3rd generation PCIe slot - Typically this is any PC that has been manufactured within the past 10 - 15 years
* An Intel-based [link|https[Topic://www.ifixit.com/Device/NIC_ Card|NIC|new_window=true]] - They use a 4 port card, but as long as you have 2 ports then you should be fine
* An SSD (In place of your Hard Disk Drive) - 256 GB is recommended
* Either [link|https://www.pfsense.org/download/|PFSense] or [link|https://opnsense.org/download/|OpnSense] - OpenSense is a more user-comprehensive GUI
* A cheap multipart [[Topic:Network Switch|networking switch|new_window=true]] - A Netgear GS308 is a good inexpensive one
* A [[Topic:Wireless AP|Wireless Access Point|new_window=true]] or Mesh System
* A USB Drive for installing your Operating system