

Joost Visser

Joost Visser2 其他贡献者

最后更新于 March 7, 2022



由于Krups不再销售这些部件,此设备的备件越来越难以获得。Erzatsteil Direct大多数部件仍然可供从欧洲订购的人使用。





  1. 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 请务必先拔下设备电源

    • 拆下水箱,然后用TR10螺丝刀,先拆下水箱后面的两颗螺丝(红色箭头)

    • 现在小心地从支架上取下弹簧(橙色箭头)

  2. 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(2): 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 卸掉底部部件上的两颗TR10螺丝

  3. 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(3): 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(3): 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(3): 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 将设备背面朝上,从左侧面板开始

    • 它与下半部分的6个剪辑相连,顶部与另外几个剪辑相连

    • 从底部的夹子(红色箭头)开始,小心地从底部向上撬开夹子

    • 接下来打开电源线旁边的夹子

    • 打开面板侧面的三个夹子(橙色箭头)。锁扣夹住橙色夹子 1 和 2 中的孔。如果将它们从底座直接向外提起,它们就会松开。锁扣旁边是导销。它们在移除过程中不提供阻力。

  4. 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(4): 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(4): 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 现在继续顶部。它在两个地方连接,有一大堆剪辑和占位符。可能需要用力将它们拉开。

    • 首先处理底部的一排剪辑(红色箭头)

    • 然后撬开顶行(其它红色箭头)

    • 您现在可以移除整个左侧并将其放在一边

  5. 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(5): 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 打开(5): 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 按照与左侧相同的步骤拆下右侧。一旦右侧完全松开,从面板上断开电源按钮。它由两个小夹子固定到位,可以用平头螺丝刀或撬棒轻松松开。

    • 我们现在可以完全接触企鹅的内脏了!

  6. 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 识别泄漏处: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 发生泄漏的常见位置有三个。流量测量、连接到水箱的接口组件和泵组件。

    • 要识别其中哪些正在泄漏,只需在意想不到的地方寻找水。所有联轴器都应该完全干燥。

    • 在三个常见的泄漏地点中,大多数源于连接器组件的钙化。由于标准解钙方法(带卫星)不接触这些部件,因此很容易堵塞,并在密封之间漏水。

    • 当其中一个联轴器确实出现故障,或者流量测量或连接器组件破裂时,请先更换这些部件。

  7. 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 清洁接口组件: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 清洁接口组件: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 如何修复泄漏的胶囊咖啡机, 清洁接口组件: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 松开接口组件。它没有粘合或被夹子固定,所以轻微的晃动就足以拉动它。

    • 拔出密封橡胶并过滤

    • 仔细但彻底地清洁任何钙化遗骸的外壳、密封和过滤器。

    • 清洁组件连接到外壳的外壳底部。从这里也移除所有钙化后的遗骸





en zh


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Joost Visser


2,758 声望



Hi Joost

Thanks for the great guide. helped to quickly get into the Coffee Maker yesterday after it stopped working. Result: A Capacitor and a Resistor kicked the bucket. Replacing the ElCO is no problem as it is a fairly standard one and (more important): the values are printed on it :)

But i am not able to decipher the value of the resistor, as most of the color bands have faded away and the parts that are still visible are not clear enough to recognize the value... and since it is broken, i can't measure its value.

so i wonder: maybe you took some close ups of the PCB when doing this guide where the resistor R105 (one onnly two NON-smd resistors on the board near the inductor coil L100 (both located on the lower right side of the PCB). From what i can see form the Picture of Step 5 and 6, both our Coffee Makers use the same revision of the PCB. If so, i would kindly ask you to share them with me... a snapshot of that resistor with all it's bands visible would be enough :-)

Daniel Bittel - 回复

Hi Daniel, Glad the guide was able to help you. I did take clear pictures of the pcb luckily, but i suck at decoding resistor values. Luckily the pcb is also available as a spare part, and the supplier has really clear pictures of it, so you should be able to decipher it yourself :)

Since i can't upload images to a comment as far as i can tell, please take look here: https://res.cloudinary.com/dtk4ybaqk/ima...

Joost Visser -

Hi! Do you know if i could order the needle from somwhere? Main got broken... And also how to Change it? Thank you!


Rell - 回复

Hi, it depends on the exact model, but a good place to start would be erzatsteil. A quick search gives you that there are only three models available, so just find the right one for your model number at: (https://ersatzteildirect.de/advanced_sea...). The injector plates are sold seperately, and should cost you less than 12 euros (without shipping).

Luckily, replacing it is very easy. Take a look at this guide, it will tell you how: How to fix water leaking from the side of the capsules

Joost Visser -

Hi Joost, very clear instructions, thanks. One small problem: the bolts in my machine look like Torx bolts, except that they have a little pin in the centre. That means that you need a Torx screwdriver with a hollowed out centre and I have no idea how I can get hold of those ...

As an afterthought: if scale on the connector assy is the most frequently occurring problem, I think that I'll just soak a handkerchief in a vinegar/water solution, put it on the connector and leave it overnight. See if that works.

Frank Teunissen - 回复



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