
iPhone4S是第五代iPhone。网络制式为GSM/CDMA ,存储容量有8GB、16GB、32GB、64GB可选,机身颜色有黑色、白色可选。维修iPhone4S是容易的,需要耐心,用到的工具有螺丝刀、撬棒等。

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Constant charging / sync / startup sound but no display no boot

Hi, I've purchased a iPhone 4S off ebay with the aim of fixing it. It is in great condition inside and out, however won't turn on or boot and there is no display. When plugged into the wall socket it just makes the charging chirp sound over and over again, but that is all. When plugged into a computer it does nothing, no show in iTunes. All the seller was able to say was that he tried to fix the screen and it worked before that, but couldn't get it to work properly after that. Any ideas what could be wrong, what needs to be replaced? If it was just a faulty screen shouldn't the phone still charge and why is it making the constant sound?

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得分 10

I'd redo the entire job...ie dismantle and then reassemble, this way you know you've got everything connected properly..at the same time you're checking out the board and ribbons as krayzee says. Sometimes people aren't so good at reassembling...maybe you'll get lucky.


Thanks Krayzee & pollytintop for the suggestions. I did do a complete strip down when I first got it just to make sure all the components were there, they are and they looked like they are in as new condition, i also cleaned all metal connectors. However, I didn't really inspect the components extremely close, so I might go over it all again with a magnifying glass to check. How do I check IC? aren't these under the heat shield protectors? Is it safe to remove those? Also is it possible to check the battery with a multimeter? would it be the outer contact on each end of the connector? I have purchased a new battery and lcd screen off ebay so will see if they help diagnose the problem. If not I will look into replacing the charging block as well. For testing parts in another phone it would have to be another 4S right? That could be hard to come by as I can't really afford to fork out for another one.


Also, any ideas why it's making the sound over and over again? Seems like very odd behaviour to me even if the screen is dead. Also, found out that when the silent mode button is toggled it then vibrates intermittently but constantly.


Ok just a quick update on this.

I've tested the original battery with a multimeter (by testing the outer 2 metal points on the clip) and even after sitting on charge for an hour it still displays as no charge so I figured out it must be dead. I've recieved a new battery that i've put in the phone and now it show's up in iTunes!! So it looks as if the phone's internals are working (well I figure the motherboard and usb dock connector must be ok at least).

However, there is still no display on screen and it still makes the constant sound. So I'm waiting for a new lcd screen to come in the post and will see if that fixes the display (which I think must be dead as well).

I will update once it arrives.


Another update, I've now recieved the new lcd screen and carefully replaced. It is now working! I can see the display and interact with the phone. Also, putting in the new display has stopped the constant sound when charging, so it seems as if the phone is now fixed. I'll keep it under observation for now but as far as I can see everything is working as it should be; calls, wifi, speaker, headphones, all buttons, all cameras, charging battery. So it looks like for me all it needed was a replacement battery and lcd display, and it was replacing the faulty screen that stopped the constant sound when on charge or usb. Hopefully this can help out anyone else in a similar situation.






what i would try is:-

- look on the board for any signs of damage or missing diods, check every ic, ( takes along time - but can be worthwhile)

- then if nothing, try replacing battery

- try replacing charging block

- try lcd

- put board in another fully working phone

these are the steps i would take, let me know how you get on


得分 2


im really glad to hear everything is fixed up mate, wish i could have helped a bit more like lol


No probs! Thanks for your suggestions at the start. I've been using it now for a week and it's been running flawlessly, no issues with reception or wifi as some people notice after replacing parts, so I'm happy too. Make's me more confident to do it again if I come across another cheap one on Ebay.


my phone while in connecion automatically shut without any warning or sign. what should i do now? its not opening up or giving any signal . its full black and not responding. if i connect it to the computer than it says" connected to the malfunctioned device" What am i supposed to do ?



i have the same problem with an iPhone 5 black 32gb the sound when charging and if mute keep vibrate,Guess i will try the lcd change


Just change the LCD for a new one and it will work again.


得分 1


I also have the same problem with my iPhone 5.

It crashed hardly to the ground and so the backhousing deformed and the screen is destroyed.

I ordered a new backhousing and a new display, they are on the way to me.

When I actually connect my displayless iPhone 5 to the charger, it makes the charging sound about all 6 seconds. I hope rebuilding it into the new housing with a display attached to it will fix that.

Earlier (at my first display replacement) I also connected my displayless iPhone to the charger and the repeating sound wasn't repeating. It started this phenomenon after the crash, so I think the logic board has a fault on any power management section. Maybe it's not getting the needed power to charge the battery.

I will measure the voltage on the battery connector of the iPhone while it is attached to the charger to see if the input voltage is okay or not.

If the new backhousing and display won't fix it, I will reflow the logic board and tell you if I hadnsuccess or not in this thread.

Best regards,



得分 1


Sorry, I missed it. After I rebuilt my iPhone 5 with a new housing and a new Display, it worked again like a charm.



I also have the same problem , black screen and wont turn on and when i plug it in i get the charging sound over and over again and vibrating over and over again if on mute. when i plug it into my computer it is recognised by itunes so its not a motherboard issue. i have been fixing iphones for over 3 years now and ive had this problem before which i solved by taking the battery out for 10 mins to drain any power that could still be left in the components and it worked fine after that. with this phone i have tried a new battery, 2 different screens so its not a battery or screen issue, i have drained the power from components and tried to boot but nothing. i have my suspicions that it could be a blown backlight fuse which pretty much means its bust but i cant see why this would happen, there must be one more thing that i could try before accepting defeat and taking it into the apple store (which is going to kill me) ??? any more suggestions would be great ?


得分 1


I replaced the battery 3 times none would restart the phone. two out of 3 batteries seem to charge but not boot up. My verizon salesmen say Apple is not sup0porting the 4 iphones anymore. But I can go to an old land line that is 50 or 60 year old and it works perfectly. Steaming out my ears. I fixed an old 5C that works OK. not as nice as the 4S.




I had the same issue today. My iPhone 4S had shut down because battery wad dead, and when I connected it to the power it started to beep every 6 secs or so. I connected it to the computer and I had the same issue. iTunes was able to see it, and sync some data, but then stopped. When I removed the cable the beeping was gone. The moment I connected it to the power/computer the beeping went back again. I could see however through iTunes that it was charging, whereas when connected to the power it didn't show the charging icon. What I did is reset the phone by pressing power and the apple button continuously and then letting go. I suspect that it is the cable, because it is not in a good shape at all. Nevertheless I'm still able to use it.


得分 1

Hi I may have just got lucky with mine. I would do what the other guys suggested, take it apart piece by piece and look over all the components (with magnifying glass if you have), make sure none of the tiny components are missing or any of the connections have small breaks in them. Put it back together carefully making sure every connection clip is down hard in place (they can easily come loose).

When plugging into a computer is the iPhone showing up in iTunes? if it isn't it could mean a problem with the motherboard or there could be software issues.

For me changing the battery and screen for new one's fixed the problems, but this may not be the case for everyone. It could be other things like the dock connector that needs replacing if things aren't charging / syncing with computer properly.

I also tried making every component to work (front/back cameras, vibration, speaker, microphone, wifi, bluetooth, headphone jack, volume buttons etc) just to see that they are all working and weren't contributing to the problem. If one of those aren't working it could be contributing to the phone not working properly and would need replacing.


得分 0


i have already tried connecting with the device times and again. plus i have no clue about the aparting the components? and there is no problem in computer. its simply is reacting dead . its not giving any kind of respond. while connecting to computer it says that connected device is malfunctioned. this happened just an hour before and i have no clue how? its a new thing for me as i am a new user. so please can uyou provide me some simpler ideas how i can start my phone/



I replaced the lcd screen. An still not working then i open it Again and then i saw under the power button a bracket was damaged. After replace it the phone worked :D


得分 0

I have the same exact problem. I tried to put all of the innards of my dads phone into a new housing and lcd. Well, got it all in, worked GREAT! Then I realized the sim holder would not eject. Forgot to switch over the lever to release it. So I had to reopen it. I assume that I may have been to forceful on reopening and possible tweeked the screen a little. But, in the world of iPhones a little is a LOT. iTunes still reads it and said that I did a successful reboot on the phone, but still nothing shows on screen and the chirp still repeats. Your questions and your updates have been great. Spot on to my problem and I am hoping this is my solution as well! I'll update when I have another over priced screen lol!


得分 0

Same problem here, after replacing the lcd it won't turn on and the chirp sound repeats every 5 seconds. Itunes recognizes the Iphone but it won't turn on. Tried to reinstall the old broken lcd and got no different results. I was very careful when doing every single step so I'm really confused!!!


得分 0


this is blown backlight fuse---send out for board-level repair and you'll be fine.



I had the same issue after I changed the LCD. There was only the charging sound to hear. I only disconnected the connectors on step 17and I cleaned alle the connectors with alcohol.(iPhone4屏幕总成更换) Than I put it back together and it started to work. I guess the cable of the LCD was not properly connected.


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