
期待已久的MacBook Air更新到来,带来了全新的英特尔酷睿i5处理器、升级了的视网膜显示屏以及众多其他更新。发布于2018年11月7日。

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Can I reuse my Broken MacBook and put my Raspberry pi inside of it

Hi Guys, I have completely broken my MacBook Air Retina 13.3-inch (2018) - Core i5 (I killed the logic board with water), and Apple and I say they don't want to fix it. But I do have a Raspberry Pi 4, so would I be able to put my Raspberry Pi into my MacBook and use my MacBook as a shell for the Raspberry Pi?

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Hi Elias,

Sounds like a fun project! I don't really have any help to offer you, but the concerns I have would be with figuring out how to interface to the existing hardware. Speakers shouldn't be a problem, but that's about it for easy connections.

With regard to power, I assume it would be easiest to just run a power jack to the side of the of the case, but if you have provisions for battery power that would have to be fit inside the case in place of the existing battery.

Other than those items, the biggies are the display, keyboard and trackpad. It's going to be interesting to hear how the keyboard and trackpad connect up, because I'm guessing Apple most likely uses proprietary interfaces, although they may be connected via something like an I2C or possibly a USB interface. Alisha (@flannelist) may know more about it; they're our local Apple expert, having worked as an Apple technician.

In my mind the biggest challenge is going to be the display. It's hard to say whether you're going to be able to find any kind of interface between it and your Raspberry Pi. On one hand it's entirely possible they used a somewhat standard interface, but it's just as likely that it's specific to Apple and will only work with some sort of Apple controller. @oldturkey03 might know more about that.

Anyway, those are the major issues I can think of; of course the camera could be a bit of a puzzle; not sure how that connects up. I'd love to have you update this as you work and let us know what you find out and how the connection goes.


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@eliassamuel Sorry my friend, but I'm not conversant with the touch bar so I can't help. There are a lot of really smart people on here and hopefully one of them knows the answer to your question.


@eliassamuel just for my own understanding here. You are considering of using the Touch Bar in its original function on a Raspberry Pi? What is your plan in its totality?


hi @oldturkey03, forget about what i mentioned about the touch bar, i just realized it would be a bit to difficult and pointless


@eliassamuel right! :-) So you'd be looking at basics like display, keyboard and trackpad. Did you make headway yet?


@oldturkey03, yeah, it would also try to connect the battery, which would be a pain, and no id, don't think I have made the headway yet (I don't know what that is)




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Thank you. How would I make space for the pi and lodge it somewhere in the metal casing?




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