
2018年7月发布,15英寸 MacBook Pro,型号 A1989,拥有True Tone技术的LED背光15.4英寸显示器,最高6核心的酷睿 i7 处理器。

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What is this connector on the motherboard called

I managed to "crush" the edge of this connector by accident.. Does anyone if its repairable? I have a lot of tools to my disposal but I am a beginner at fixing things.

It would be helpful to know what this connector is named and if there is a description available on how the "pins" is running insidie the connector..

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Block Image

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fpc connector


Thank you all for the info. I appreciate it alot! I think I will try to solder the pin that is broken. I believe that would be easier than replacing it as its attached to a flex cable? I just need to read up a bit on soldering.. Im not experienced with it and Im afraid there is noone around that can help me..





Ted Lindström that connector is a AA07-S022VA1 I have not found a datasheet for it yet but the connector is readily available.


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Huh. I never thought about the schematics actually listing a name for the connector type.... but that makes sense that it would have some standardized way of being referenced.

Well. You learn something new every day.



It’s an FPC type connector. Although FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit? I think?) is still pretty vague. It encompasses a lot of various form factors. More specifically this is the FPC for the Touchbar digitizer (the touch part of the Touch Bar). The display part is the cable that curls up around the bottom right corner of the logic board.

I believe that is the end on the cable, rather than the board itself? But it’s hard to see based on the picture. The connector could be replaced if you have soldering skills. You would need a hot air station, and some solid experience before undertaking that though. The connector on the cable side, is a bit trickier since the cable will be more fragile than the logic board. You could also replace the Touchbar, if it’s the cable end that was damaged, but that is also a super involved repair, just not soldering tiny bits levels of involved.

If it makes you feel better, these are easy to crush when putting the display back in. Have nearly done it myself on many occasions.


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Thanks. This did happen when I was replacing the screen and it is on the cable side. On that matter, do you know if the computer and screen would be able to start without this cable connected? The reason I am asking is because I tried to do that and my screen just got a little bit lit up but nothing was displayed on it. I bought the screen second hand from a serious dealer but I am afraid that its not working properly.. Do I need to do something after replacing the screen?


@Ted Lindström I can't say for sure. But I would think it should be okay without it connected. I know that MacBooks with the T2 chip can be fussy about starting up if doesn't have everything connected. But the touchbar is such a non essential part.

Was the old screen just broken/cracked? This could be a faulty replacement screen. But I might just double check the cables coming off the screen for damage. And make sure the cable from the logic board that plugs into the TCON board (the one that kind of dangles from the display) is connected soundly and no debris is stuck in the connector.



Here is iFixit's product link (you may find it cheaper somewhere else):

2018 Macbook Pro Logic Board

It appears to me that it is designed in such a way as to be part of the motherboard.

HERE is a video of the tear down of your device.

Also, here is another purchase option for the logic board but as it is ebay, you need to take precautions: USED Logic Board

MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Mid 2018) 2.7 GHz Logic Board with Paired Touch ID Sensor图片


MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Mid 2018) 2.7 GHz Logic Board with Paired Touch ID Sensor



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