
This Nintendo DS Lite was released in 2006 as the successor to the Nintendo DS. Getting inside this device is simple, making for easy fixes.

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How can I fix too loose ZIF cable?

I'm trying to fix an old nintendo ds. I disassembled it and I tried to connect all the ribbon cables in their location.

I noticed that the ZIF connector of the top screen is "too loose" and this is a problem because even a little movement makes the ribbon cable get out of the connector.

The same thing, for example, doesn't happen for the bottom screen. It seems it has a stronger grip.

How can I fix this?

I was wondering to apply some tape on it but I don't know if it is a good solution.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

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@twiggy7 I'd add a few strips of capton tape to the non contact part of the ribbon cable etc. Just enough to make sure the clasp is still locking properly without being to tight. Too much and you may actually break the connector.






I would stick a small amount of adhesive under the cable just before the gold but so it can still make contact but as for a loose zif connector there isn’t much you can do apart from replace it

Hopefully this helps



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@hellomacos any concern that the adhesive could shorten out the contacts? Would this affect the way the ribbon cable needs to get removed the next time I change the top screen?


I don’t think it would because they used to do this on the iPod classic

Not if it’s done a little before the contacts

That’s where I got the idea from:-)




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