
Google Pixel 系列第三代中的其中一隻。Pixel 3a為系列中主打中低價位的一員,其中,鏡頭型號與同系列旗艦款式同款。2019年五月發布,有全黑、純白、淡紫三種顏色(前兩者電源鍵為橙色,紫色為黃色)。

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Replaced screen and now it doesn't display anything.

Hello everyone,

I just replaced the broken screen on the Pixel 3a (not my first) and now it turns on, but the screen just flashes. I notice when I touch the power button the screen flashes and nothing else.

Could I have damaged the display pins? The original screen doesn't even work now.

Edit: Posted some photos of the display connector on the motherboard for reference.

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I had the same problem, I delicately bent the pins on the battery side outwards so that they made better contact with those of the screen, and incredibly it worked!!!





Unfortunately, it would seem that you have damaged the connector on the main board. For microsoldering repairs, @flannelist may be able to help you further.


得分 1


I figured as much, so now the next thing I would like to ask is there any way I can extract the data from this phone?

Google assitant is turned off, USB debug is also off, and I only have the fingerprint button, power button, and volume keys.


@troubleshot If you happen to have Google cloud backup turned on, you can get that. Otherwise, you could desolder the storage chip from the main board and solder it to a known working Pixel 3a


Unfortunately I had it turned off because it got full. Is there someone here familiar with microchips to see whether or not the connection is damaged.

I can get close enough with one of my better cameras. I just ordered a new screen I think it was a defect because it just flickers when I push some buttons or the screen changes to a different one. Worst case scenario I will take it to a microsolder.


@troubleshot I'm not that well-versed on microsoldering, but @flannelist may be able to help.


Thank you very much for your help. I'll try to reach @flannelist.





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