
A1706/EMC 3071—于2016年11月上市,这台13''MacBook Pro带有OLED触摸条。以双核“Skylake”英特尔酷睿i5 CPU和4个雷电3端口为特征。

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Spilled on MacBook, opened up and now have questions

I opened up my MacBook (model A1706) to check for any corrosion and thoroughly dry it up. After opening I do not see any corrosion on the bottom side. Before I go through and take out the logic board, I noticed a couple things.

First, I’m seeing a few pads with no chips on the bottom side of the board. For example, if you have hinge side facing you, towards hinge side in the middle I see a 6983H smd that has a “220” on it. To the left there’s an empty pad that has solder but no chip. I found a pic of an A1706 logic board but when I zoom in the pic is so blurry. It looks like there’s no chip there but hard to tell. Please let me know if I’m missing a chip and if that’s the cause of my MacBook not powering on.

Second, the batteries are definitely swollen. The second I took the screws off the back, the back plate kinda bulged out from the pressure of the battery bulges. I’m wondering if the battery being damaged could be causing it not to turn on, is that a thing?

If neither of those is the culprit, should I continue my quest of taking the logic board out and trying to wipe it all down with isopropyl alcohol?

Thanks for any help

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search in youtube for "louis rossmann spill cleanup videos". You need to use proper isopropanol to cleanup. Then test is slowly




Roger Frontera  unless we can actually see your logic board and have you mark the area of concerns we can really not venture out to guess if your board is missing a component. All Apple Logic Board have multiple areas of solder pads but no components were ever placed on this. Most of this is related to the development of the boards or future expendability. So post a good picture and mark the area, with your QUESTION. 在已经存在的问题里加入图片

Next is the battery issue. Sure anytime you have an expanded battery there are issues that could be the cause for pretty much anything. At this time I suggest that you replace the battery and then re-evaluate about what is going on. Right now anything else will only be a guess and not very helpful to you.


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