The back cover keeps coming off
The back of my watch keeps falling off. Looks like it was held together with some sort of adhesive.
It appears to be a compression fitting. See if you can find someone with strong hands and thumbs to press it into place.
That worked! There was a notch where the dial was that I had to line up and then it took a lot of pressure around the outer edge of the metal back but I heard a few clicks as I pressed very hard around it.
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FWIW, the battery tutorial linked below doesn't mention any adhesive
Samsung Gear S2 Battery Replacement
Might want to closely examine the unit for broken locking tabs, maybe.
由 prop man 完成的
So the part I'm talking about is the part that is directly against the wrist, not after you open it to get to the battery. So if it falls off it exposes the gold part not the battery. It has a small window on it which is usually the sensor
由 Jayne a 完成的
@Jayne a Ahhh OK thanks for the update. Guess the sensor must be part of the charging system then, is that right? Being retired I haven't worn a watch in donkeys years now and so am not really up to date on the newer styled watches. Good luck with your investigations though. :-)
由 prop man 完成的
I have tried…seems like it needs some sort of adhesive glue to stay but not sure if I can just use regular gorilla glue
由 Jayne a 完成的
@propman frustrating that they want to charge 70 dollars to replace the whole back but all I need is some
由 Jayne a 完成的