
Apple发布于2012年9月12日的第六代iPhone,维修时与前代型号一样,需要螺丝刀和撬棒。iPhone 5以多种版本销售:通讯制式有GSM/CDMA;存储容量有16/32/64G;颜色有黑/白。

20 个问题 查看全部

After shutdown battery won't hold charge

After shutting down my iPhone 5 I realized it’s battery went to 0 and stayed there. I’ve been charging it for 1-3 months but no success has occurred. Can you find an answer to this problem? It won’t matter by Christmas cos’ I’m getting a £49 phone which actually looks nice.

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I don't understand anything about this issue.

How can you realize its battery went to zero when the phone was shut down?

Why would you be charging your phone for MONTHS at a time? And why can't you remember if it's one, two, or three months? That's a heck of a spread.

And if you're so excited about getting a new phone, why worry about this one?


Why don't you stop complaining eh? It's been a year, that phone could've been up and running, next time give a suggestion. The world is already &&^&@@ up.




The 5 series has an issue with the U2 IC (charge control microchip). They can often be damaged with aftermarket charge cables. If you have a ammeter, such as the portapow, you can see if the phone is actually pulling a charge or not.

The issue could also be the battery itself. If it is worn out too much, it won’t hold a charge and could be causing the issue as well


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I guess that's kind of the problem, the phone died after holding a few months of bad broken charging cables and it seems to be the capacitor causing the issue. Thanks!




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