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Instructions way oversimplify repair

Hi, I order 3 replacement batteries from ifixit for an ipod touch, an ipad mini, and an iphone. I started with the ipod following ifixit's recommendations and ended up damaging a wire that goes to the ipod speaker while removing the magnetic screen. your review makes this battery replacement easy, which it was definitely not. i am considering returning all 3 batteries and taking my ipod touch to get professionally fixed. i don't believe i'm a hack, as an engineer that builds and programs arduino equipment regularly but maybe i'm wrong.

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@adam_eisele having performed a few of these repairs myself, I can vouch for the difficulty of it. If you re-check the guides for the iPod and the iPad ( I actually make sure that I have a digitizer for it before even attempting to replace the battery;-) you see that it does state:

Difficulty --- Very difficult

I do not think that the guides are misleading. The easiest task will most likely be your iPhone. Yes, sometimes it is better to leave those repairs to somebody else.


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