
标准款Xbox 360的轻薄升级款,配有250GB硬盘和Wi-Fi功能。维修需要用到复杂且特殊的工具。

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open tray error plz help

my x box 360 console s wont read none of my discs i put it my cleanest game but it still says open tray can someone plz help

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I believe that this is caused by an error with your optical drive. It could be a dirty laser caused by dust and debris as well as a loose laser, the screws that hold it on may have come loose. You will have to disassemble it and take a closer look at it as well as all the connections to it.Xbox 360 S Optical Drive Replacement and there are plenty of fixes out there http://www.google.com/search?q=xbox+360+... Of course, don't do that if you still have warranty on it. then I would send it back to Microsoft and get it fixed.


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This worked for my xbox http://howtofixstuff.blogspot.com/2012/0... but you got to know what your doing or else you will be lost


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I agree with both solutions or to avoid the hassel of testing and re-testing I would replace the whole optical drive completly. But be shure to get the correct one or u will have a hard time playing games.


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You can't just replace the optical drive. The drive is keyed (locked) to the motherboard. First start with replacing the laser. This is the easiest and cheapest step. Anyone can follow the guide on here to swap the laser.

If that doesn't work, there may be an issue on the drive circuit board and that is harder to diagnose. To put a totally new drive in the console requires you stripping the key off the drive circuit board. This involves software, compatible computer and cords. Not something you should attempt if you're not computer savvy.


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You could just switch boards…



Many theories are circulating around and from what I've heard there's two main ways to fix it.

1) Remove any disk from the console if there is one. Power off the console and give it some time to shut down. If you're as impatient as I am, this is the worst part. After it has fully turned off, turn it on by using the power button (NOT the eject button) and wait for the xbox 360 to go to it's home page. Take your time putting in a disk and it should work. Treat the console like a really old PC (like Windows Vista for example) and let the system take it's sweet sweet time booting up. This should work (I'm getting ready to try this method myself because I'm tired of resorting to option #2), which brings me to option #2.

2) Last Resort. Respectfully show the console who the owner is. This includes methods such as: continuously opening and closing the tray if it won't read a disk, beating (semi-softly) the top/sides of the console itself while it's trying to read the disk, and manually (with little effort) pulling the disk tray back and forth while also pressing the consoles eject button multiple times. The only problem with beating the console is it could lead the console to further damage and creates a bit of noise. The problem with continuously trying to eject the tray is that it only work a fifth of the time, if it works at all. The last option should be exactly that, your last option. It's a good stress relief to pull the disk tray back and forth a few dozen times, but this too rarely works.

I hope this helps anyone who needs it, and use these steps to your own risk, it's called Last Resort for a reason . . .


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