Can't turn on my TV.
My Samsung 32f5500 TV red standby light blinks 2 times when turning on the power switch. After blinking, the red standby light will go off and no display no sound. Please help me..
start by trying to reset your TV. Disconnect the power cord from the outlet, then press and hold the power button on the TV (not the remote), for at least 10 seconds. Then wait a few minutes and plug the TV back in and press power once.
2 blinks on Samsung TV's usually indicates a bad power supply. You will have to give us your TV's exact model number so we can verify this and check the power board. It might help if you post some images of all of your boards so we can see what you see. Use this guide for that. Check the boards for obviously damaged components, like leaky domed caps etc.
iFixit staff suggestion: This is a very helpful answer! For some additional information that might help, you can go to this page, which incorporates information from several of our community contributors (including oldturkey03) as well as other sources.
Hi there, I did as per what you said, still not able to turn it on... Images attached for your perusal.
I did all the steps disconnected the power cord then held down power button for 10 seconds an still won’t come on
If it is the power board which is broken, is it worth repairing it ? I have a 19 inch Samsung tv (about 12 years old)
Excellent help. Thank you so much. My tv worked instantly after following your directions.
Mine is brand new, and wouldn’t turn on today (it’s been fine for the two weeks I’ve had it, till now). Followed your instructions and it turned in. Thank you!!!!
Check if your tv has other connection like ps3 or other hdmi connected devices. If so.. we had the same problem.. the tv blinks and it wont turn on. Tried unplugging it from the outlet and pressed the power button for 10 seconds, but still the tv wont turn on. Then i tried to open the playstation which is connected to the hdmi port 2 and the tv turned on. Our kids shut it the playstation off and did not returned the source to hdmi port 1, thats why our tv didnt turn on and the red light is blinking.. hope this will help..
Unplugged the PS4 hdmi port and it worked..I gather it must be a fault with the HDMI LINK feature on the PS4 itself. Thanks for the thread, nearly threw the TV out.
ugh thank you so much. Mine wouldn't turn on even after the resets. I saw your comment and unplugged my PS4 HDMI and plugged it into a different port and it turned right on.
Leave it unplugged for 24 hours then plug it back up it will come on . It take that long for all the power to go out of tv
Oh wow, I so hope this will work. Thank you
I turned on my TV and red light on TV blinks but does not come on! I did what you said unplug TV press button on TV wait couple seconds and it still does not come on. Should I call the cable company? I'm so lost! What should I do mow?
Hi @ James gray
Have you checked that the power outlet that the TV is connected to, is working?
Was there a storm or power outage just before the TV wouldn't turn on?
Try a power reset and check if this works:
Switch off the power outlet (if it has an On/Off switch) that the TV is connected to and disconnect the TV power cord from the outlet.
Press and hold the TV power button (located on the side of the TV) for 30 seconds to dissipate any residual power from the TV.
Reconnect the power cord to the TV and switch on the power outlet (if it has an On/Off switch)
Turn on the TV by briefly operating the TV’s Power button
If the TV turns on you can use the buttons on the side to select channels, raise and lower the volume and to switch off the TV (press the power button again) until you can get a replacement remote unit or a universal remote control unit.
What is the screen buttons not working
How can I get my Samsung tv to turn on went off by itself connected to cable box model number un40fh6030f
You are amazing! Mine work. Thanks for the info
Try taking the batteries out of the remote control unit and check if the TV stays on when you move away.
I'm wondering if by standing directly in front of the TV you're blocking the “IR window” that receives the signals from the remote.
If this works you may have a stuck button on the remote or a faulty remote
When I’ve unplugged the tv and tried resetting the tv by holding the power button for 10 secs plugging tv back in the blue light under the tv is already flickering like it’s on without pressing the power button..
OK but did you remove the batteries from the remote and check , you didn't say?
What is the model number of the TV?
If the TV has button controls check if they are OK and not stuck etc.
If it is no longer covered by the manufacturer's warranty, disconnect the power and remove the back cover and if the TV has user control buttons find where they are connected to the mainboard and disconnect the cable connecting the buttons to the mainboard.
Then reconnect the power and see if it tries to turn on by itself or not and if not whether it will turn on and work OK when using the remote.
Be careful how you disconnect the cable, some connectors have latches that need to be raised or other locking devices etc. If it appears to be just plugged in pull out using the plug and not the wires as you could pull them out of the connector pins if they aren't crimped strongly.
I FIGURED IT OUT!! You were right but it wasn’t the tv remote it was my firestick remote with a power button that must of been stuck thanks to my 1 yr old!! Ha thanks!!
My Samsung TV did exactly that turn on and off by its self for hours until I unplugged it.
I opened it up and disconnect the wire for control. And no problems since. Thanks for the heads up
I already replaced my power bottom thinking it may be the problem after trying the above mentioned solutions and still to no avail. What is my next step? @jayeff
I had the same problem on a samsung tv model ln46b750u1fxza. I inspected the power board and noticed two 10v 1200uf capacitors were leaking and swollen. I replaced both (purchased from and, VOILA!, problem solved. As always, make sure you properly discharge any potential charge before you touch any circuitry.
I have a Samsung UN55F6300AFXZA just recently the TV won’t turn on by the remote or the TV itself. I’ve tried a soft reset and it doesn’t work. I’ve unplugged it from the outlet and let it sit it didn’t work. I have nothing connected to it but my cable box hdmi. The only way it turns on is if I unplug the power cord from the back of the TV. Once on the remote works fine and shuts off. When I’m trying to turn it on the light stays a solid red and then when I hit the power it just flashes. Sometimes after it flashes it just goes black. Any idea what this could be?
The first time this happened I changed the capacitors as they were bulging and it fixed the problem. It's a few years on and happening again but the capacitors looked fine but changed them anyway. Didn't fix the problem. I find that if any device is connected through the HDMI ports the TV takes a long time to turn on. It attempts to turn on then clicks and blinks to power off and repeats. Disconnect the hdmi and the TV powers up no problem. So went to the menu to switch off hdmi in settings but it's still an issue. There doesn't seem to be a fix for it so it's a software issue with Samsung it would appear. I'll tinker around with it but I think a new TV is the only solution
Thank you. I disconnected all the items connected to the hdmi and it worked for a bit but then went back to a blck screen after a few weeks. I agree time for a new TV thank you!@Paul Dunne
Thanks for the capacitor tip. I had the same issue with my LN46B750U1FXZA. I'm not a wiz at soldering but it was a pretty easy fix. $0.45 for two caps VS new TV.
Try holding Return and Play/Pause, then pressing Power. I do not know what to do if this does not work. Look for a red signal light if there is one.
The Led Of My Smart Tv Is Lighted, But The Screen Of The Tv Is Turning Off And There Is No Picture On It, So What The Problem And What Should I Do?
With some research, my best guess is that the circuit board assembly containing the speakers/ screen is damaged, disconnected or broken. You may need to check it to see if there is a problem and then replace what is necessary. Also, if you look really closely and can see what is on the screen, but barely, then the backlight is malfunctioning, most likely.
open the cover, disconnect the power line between the motherboard and powerboard. wait. and re connect. this may work
The common solution of this issue
There are the most common solution, if these tasks have been done completely, then check out this article. Here are some other methods that might help to resolve the issue. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue. Cheers.
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