
型号 A1136 / 30, 60, 或 80 GB 硬盘 / 黑色或白色塑料面板

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O Death, where is thy Sting? (or Bono)

My 60GB 5th generation iPod was working just fine – for years – but the other day it joined the choir invisible, shuffled off its mortal coil, went to meet its maker. This iPod appears to be an ex-iPod: it's bleeding' demised.

This bucket-kicking was not preceded by a dropping accident, extreme temperature, nor battery run-down – just a sudden "F#ck you! I'm not going to work anymore!"

I've tried to charge it (multiple times) for multiple hours, tried to reset it multiple times (and, yeah, I know the drill), but nothing. Absolutifactually nothing.

Question: should I simply give up? #$^#, I hate throwing stuff into the e-landfill if it's fixable, but this iPod has all the hallmarks of a hardware failure that might not be recoverable.

Any suggestions?

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I love the poem-esque you're doing lol


+ creative title


Alas, death did sting Sonny by yon tree, but Bono lives and Cher knows not who he is, nor cares.


Skippy, more of this poetry can be found in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 of your King James Bible from which both question and answer were paraphrased.





There is no sting to those who obtain remission by a simple act of faith. Death may seize a battery, when it cannot hold its power. Battery death is terrible to the unbelieving and the impenitent and to those who will not take hold of but a few simple tools. Cast aside the old and put on the new. Believe that you too can make the change. Through faith and willingness to try, you too may attained the title of newbie techie. Here's how: iPod第五代(视频版)电池更换

Behold the instrument of your iPods resurrection: iPod Video 60/80 GB Battery

iPod Video 60/80 GB Battery图片


iPod Video 60/80 GB Battery



得分 17


EGO occulto per supremus :)


Turkey - Grammatica sugit Latinis, gratias temptare


vote for top ten best answers of all time.



You haven't mentioned what happpens when you connnect to your computer.

Trying to do something with a dead device on its own never yields much info. Your PC is your diagnostic device for looking into the heart of that thing. Does your PC "Ping" when you plug in the USB cable. You may have to wait for several minutes.Your USB could be struggling to charge up a dead or shorted battery. If anything at all appears in the bottom RH corner of your computer screen then you have a ray of hope.

Try this - if you haven't done so already.


得分 0

Personally, i'd take the whole thing to bits and put it together again and plug it in (works for cars[maybe without the plug it in bit but you get my point]) Add a new battery first (again works for cars and iPods often) then your iPod should tell you what its problem is by its error code, or maybe its just old and fed up with its software and wants the funky new (3.1 lol) software update, works for me a lot of the time.


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