
Model A1369, 1.6, 1.7, or 1.8 GHz Processor, 64, 128 or 256GB Flash Storage

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MacBook beep sound not starting

My Macbook air is not turning on, it keep beeping only. I searched in net and look like i will have to replace the ram of my mac book. Could you please let me know the cost of replacing the mac book air Ram.

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Please tell us the beep pattern. It should do the beeps, pause then repeat. The number of beeps will tell us which error it may be.





The RAM can't be replaced by conventional means on the MacBook Air, however this issue can sometimes be repaired.

Remove the board and check the RAM chips (group of black rectangle chips on front/back of board) for any liquid damage. If there is liquid around a particular chip, note which one is affected and try cleaning with 95%+ isopropyl. If not successful, the chip will have to be reflowed and you will need a decent hot air station to do this.

If no liquid is visible, this has likely been dropped and caused a solder ball under the RAM chip to crack. All the RAM chips will need to be reflowed in this case, since you do not know which one is affected.

If not successful, the affected chip(s) will need to be replaced. If you do not have the required equipment, take it to a competent repairer


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If its an Air, I think the RAM is soldered on the motherboard. It may not be possible to replace the RAM.


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