
The Canon ELPH Z3 model camera was released in the United States in March 2012.

3 个问题 查看全部

Why won't my camera lens full retract upon powering off?

As I was finishing up using my camera, upon powering off, I noticed the camera lens will not retract back into the camera. This makes it unable to close the sliding cover feature over the lens. Is there any explanation for this issue?

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Fortunately, this is a very common issue in most cameras. There a few reasons as to why your camera may not be retracting the lens however, most solutions are quite an easy fix. Most commonly it is a battery issue in which you would just need to replace the batteries. Another solution to fix it is to go on the camera's "functioning menu", go to "function set", and press "OK". This usually causes the camera to retract the lens. If neither of these common fixes work, perhaps a factory reset will help resolve the issue which is usually present in the camera manual. Hope this helps!


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