
Black screen in windows 10

So, recently I downloaded the program called "Driver booster", the problem is when I restarted my computer, It keeped loading in a black screen like this:

Block Image

I restarted a lot of times my computer but no solution. I tried to install Windows 8 from an original installation disk but the problem is that Windows says that I need a driver that is missing on my computer.

I cannot open recovery mode, or secure mode. Also I don't have the original installation disk of Windows 10.

Specifications of my computer:

  • I5 3330
  • 4GB Ram Kingstone 1333ghz
  • GT 610
  • Mother Asus h61mk

Thank you for your time!

已回答! 显示答案 我也有这个问题


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Hi, Do you know anyone who has a PC with Win 10 installed? If so you can make a Win 10 recovery disc (USB at least 4GB) from their PC.Go to Control Panel > Recovery and follow the prompts to create a recovery USB drive. It will load only the necessary system files onto the USB. With that you can boot your PC (change boot option to USB first) then get into troubleshooting and repair using it.

Be aware that it takes 40+ minutes to create a USB recovery disc (based on i5 + 8GB RAM)





Can you try this . Remove the power cord ,unplug the machine then hold the power button down for a minute or more. We're resetting the memory to be clear so that the computer has a clean clear boot . Then plug the computer back in and reboot. If this gives Joy then use a program like revo to uninstall the driver booster program . This will get it all out of your computer. Loading drivers should be done through the computers website. Second party websites or programs are not always a safe spot to get drivers from. They are also hard to completely get rid of . This is why a program like Revo uninstaller is necessary to rid the computer of it. Hope this helps


得分 3

Can you get to the recovery page if you depress F8 on boot-up. If you can try to go back to when windows was good. And if you can get you system back up then I would never use that Booster Program. In fact those Driver finders usually do not work EVER. Best is to find drivers from the companies websites manually.


得分 2

If you are getting Windows 10 update black screen or black screen Windows 10 display problems then following some of these How to fix Windows 10 Black Screen solutions might help you:

  • Solutions (1): Check the Hardware to Fix Windows 10 Black Screen
  • Solutions (2): Fix Windows 10 Black Screen in the Safe Mode
  • Solutions (3): Uninstall and Reinstall Display Driver in Windows 10
  • Solutions (4): Uninstall Uxstyle to Fix Windows 10 Black Screen

Source: http://www.zerodollartips.com/windows-10...

I hope it helps.



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Solutions for a black screen — before logging in!

If you can’t even reach the Windows login screen and just get a black screen, things are either super easy to solve or perhaps very tough, depending on the specific problem. Let’s work our way down the checklist.

Optimize your startup applications

If you’re only occasionally getting a black screen, you might want to look into disabling some startup items and optimizing your boot. One of the best tools for this is AVG TuneUp, which can turn off all non-essential applications and put them to sleep. AVG TuneUp’s built-in Sleep Mode preserves RAM and CPU power so you have more resources available.

Check your cables and connections

If everything was working normally until suddenly your PC won’t show a screen, chances are that there’s something wrong with the cables or your monitor. Here’s how to check all your important connections.

1. Unplug and then reconnect your video cables

Try disconnecting and then reconnecting all of your video cables — HDMI, DVI, DisplayPort, and VGA. And yes, the good old “blow into the ports” also occasionally works as dust or crud can get stuck in there.

Try disconnecting and reconnecting all your video cables to see if that fixes your black screen issue.

2. Try a different cable

Cables break. Especially if you’re using a laptop and an external monitor. Constantly plugging in connectors wears them out over time. To check whether your cable is somehow affected, try a different video cable (e.g., from your TV) that you know works. If that produces an image, it’s time to shop for a new cable for your computer.

I hope these methods will be helpful!

Mark Wilson


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Are you saying it never boots up?

Since you don't know what that program did, it might be easier and less time consuming to do a reinstall.

Can you boot into safe mode? https://www.businessinsider.com/windows-...

If so, you can offload all your "stuff" (assuming you don't have a recent backup and need to).

Then reload W10 from a USB drive. Unfortunately, you will also need to reload any programs you use.

Then you can copy back your stuff.

DO NOT use those speed up programs, drive or registry cleaners, etc.

Download drivers from the mfg or let Windows take care of it.


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