If you are getting Windows 10 update black screen or black screen Windows 10 display problems then following some of these '''[http://www.zerodollartips.com/windows-10-black-screen-after-windows-10-creators-update/|How to fix Windows 10 Black Screen]''' solutions might help you:
* Solutions (1): Check the Hardware to Fix Windows 10 Black Screen
* Solutions (2): Fix Windows 10 Black Screen in the Safe Mode
* Solutions (3): Uninstall and Reinstall Display Driver in Windows 10
* Solutions (4): Uninstall Uxstyle to Fix Windows 10 Black Screen
Source: '''[http://www.zerodollartips.com/windows-10-black-screen-after-windows-10-creators-update/|http://www.zerodollartips.com/windows-10-black-screen-after-windows-10-creators-update/]'''
I hope it helps.