
首先 你得要准备一部iPad Air(1rd Gen)只支持Wi-Fi的机型 这里我们指的是A1474机型 它拥有64位的A7双核处理器并拥有16,32,64GB甚至是128GB的内存选择

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Dark spots on left side of LCD from top to bottom?

Dark spots on left side of LCD from top to bottom evenly spaced? They are not lines, its not a broken lcd, and its not a faulty lcd, a new one has the same spots. My only guess is maybe a backlight fuse? but the other 99% of the lcd is fine. It looks like only part of the back light is not lighting up. They are spaced about 1cm apart and go no deeper than 1cm into the lcd from the frame. And all the dark spots are identicle. Thanks! second time ive seen this, and anyone that can repair it?

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得分 8

I have exactly the same problem. After opening iPad Air and removing display now there are dark spots. Looks like every odd LED is not working on left side. Is it a display issue? I have doubts about it.


I have tried 3 different lcds its not the lcd itself. All 3 had the same issue. Like that area isnt getting power.


I have the exact same problem with an iPad Air serial DMPM, but it only occurred when I changed the digitiser. Prior to that it was slightly darker but not the "rippled" effect. After reading a lot of forums , it seems this is a common problem but mostly when they are new. Has anyone worked out how to fix it?


I have exactly the same problem. After switching on my iPad 4 there are dark spots which are evenly gaped. Looks like every odd LED is not working on left side. Don't know whether this is a hardware issue or iOS issue. Is there anyway to correct myself?


This sometimes happens when you have pressure on the display underneath or placement of the LCD, I would try and take the LCD out and put it back in. Or look to see if you have something under the display causing the pressure that makes the backlight look funny.







I had the same problem with my iPad 4 and also the screen behaved like a goast and functioned anonymously . I tried so many ways and finally ordered a new digitizer. As I have decided to replace the digitizer, I just tried a final try.

Just switched off my iPad and slapped three four times on the led screen with my palm firmly. After that the black spots were vanished and even the goast behavior of the screen also gone and till now it works perfectly! Lol

This is what I did and my iPad works 100%. It is up to you to try or not. If any thing goes wrong please don't blame me!


得分 2


Ok why did this work so well? It fixed my issue instantly.


It worked on mine too.



I have solved this problem, by replace PPLED DIODE , it is zener diode regulator 3.3v for odd led B, and even led A.

on ipad air diode D8228 chanel A, and diode D8258 chanel B.

locate it at beside U8100.

must be have schematic diagram will it.

if one diode dead, lcd shows look like picture above.

if both lcd show black but still have icons is very dime.

good lucky. hahah.


得分 2


You are correct!





得分 1

TurboHommy, from your description it sounds like you are saying the shadow from between the LED's from the backlight. This can happen when the backlights rotate during manufacture of the panel. Post an image of what your panel looks like with your question. Use this guide for that. I envision something like this

Block Image


得分 0


Yes thats exactly it but they are always along the left side at all times. not quite that long though as in your photo. Its on an ipad air. I was very surprised when a new LCD didnt fix the issue.


The length of that depends on the amount of rotation by the LED backlight. The backlight consist of multiple different strips, so yours is the left side strip. The LED driver circuit on your iPad's logicboard really just turn the LED's on but does not impact the rotation etc. I'd try another screen.


Tried 3, all the same in exact same areas. Tried brand new and original used.


I had the same problem with my iPad 4 and also the screen behaved like a goast and functioned anonymously . I tried so many ways and finally ordered a new digitizer. As I have decided to replace the digitizer, I just tried a final try.

Just switched off my iPad and slapped three four times on the led screen with my palm firmly. After that the black spots were vanished and even the goast behavior of the screen also gone and till now it works perfectly! Lol


I also have this type of spots problem on my ipad air 2 . What should i do now.....??



I had this problem today with odd or even backlight LEDs not illuminating on the left of the screen, giving a dotted pattern. I used a multimeter on diode test mode to test the two backlight diodes, found the dead one, also found a dead filter near the screen connector too. Replaced the filter with a iPhone 6 backlights filter and the diode with the backlight diode off an old iPad mini board and it's all working fine now.


得分 0

Test a new LCD if that does not fix it, the backlight filter probably went bad. Most likely cause of that is unhooking the LCD while the battery is still plugged in and the device is powered on.


得分 0

Pls on the above subject, my iPad has gone off completely. It doesn't come on anymore. The backlight was completely off after the persistent of the dotted light. Pls what should I


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