trouble massage like Ubdate Firmware *Bios Mode*
my printer write a massage when i want to print an on the printer the massage says
Ubdate Firmware
*Bios Mode*
wait updating F/W
2010/10/28 Vo.01
Canon ImageRUNNER 2422 2420
ok then how can I solve this problem plse help how can I do " Ubdate Firmware
*Bios Mode*
wait updating F/W
2010/10/28 Vo.01
Canon ImageRUNNER 2422 2420"
Have u solved it? I have the same problem. Thanks
canon ir 2420 update firmware bios mode
ok then how can I solve this problem plse help how can I do " Ubdate Firmware
*Bios Mode*
wait updating F/W
2010/10/28 Vo.01
Canon ImageRUNNER 2422 2420"
this is all problem solution
*Bios Mode*
wait updating F/W
2010/10/28 Vo.01
Canon ImageRUNNER 2422 2420"
hello i have machine canon ir 2420 , error message update firmware , i am change board usb , fix problem
That will work for sure! BUT will cost you a fortune! And yeah - that is much easier!
Here is what you can do. That helped me once.
You need to get to mainboard and find there flash memory. In my case it was chip - 25Q64BVFIG. It contains firmware for that machine.
Then - need to desolder it, reprogram using programmer with support of that type of schemes and solder it to mainboard again.
Downbelow will be a link for dump to download (must mind you - that Canon iR-2420 was in Russia and I'm not sure about differences between US/Canada and European firmwares. Just to let you know that beforehand - that there might be some problems to show up. But I suppose - since machine will finish loading inner software and comes to ready state - you can just figure it out by playing with local/country settings). These are photos before and after (connector melts a little)
- About dump - it's ready to use with your programmer - it's been taken from newly installed machine (not by me - but from guys from similar Russian tech forum). DUMP for reflash memory chip
- About programmer - mine is - TL866A - pretty simple and cheap
Good luck! Hope that will works for you!
Here is link to forum Copytechnet - where I originally posted this recommendation
yep! what if i swap the chip with the one from 2318 ? will it work?
Not 100% sure, but suppose yeah, that might work for you.
what would be the problem of this and what should i do ?
what would the problem of this and what should i do
Boa tarde a equipe da CANON, eu tenho uma maquina fotocopiadora canon 2420, ela tinha problema de fonte e ja foi resolvido, so que nao esta a fazer copia, aparece na tela a seguinte mensagem: Update Firmware * Bios Mode* 2010/10/28 VO.10W STARDR 5N
Como solucionar esse problema?
Please if any body knows the solution on how to fix this problem of (* bios mode * firm ware update ) on IR2420 Canon .
Please E mail me on
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Have u solved it? I have the same problem. Thanks
由 Bertrand 完成的
plz help i need a help
由 Tamim khan tmk 完成的