
Canon's Rebel XT is one of Canon's early entry-level DSLR's with an 8 MP sensor. Also known as the EOS 350D and the EOS Kiss Digital N.

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Why won't my pc or mac recognise cf card?

When I go to down load the pics from My Canon 350D the card will not be recognised. I have tried a new card reader and have tried new cf cards on PC and imac, but neither seem to detect the card.

Many thanks.

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how can I erase my CF when is full?





Computers do not "recognize" drives (memory cards is essentially a thumb drive) due to formatting (MBD) issues.

That neither a PC or a Mac can read the format could be caused by a camera writing a proprietary format, or the card being damaged. The only other possibility for why a Mac could not read a format is that it is formatted NTFS by Windows older Mac's can not read this format - new Mac's can read- but not write to this format. Never erase or format a camera card on a computer that must be accomplished in the camera only, by the camera's software/OS or your risk making the card unusable by the camera.

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