
第四代iPhone。维修过程直观易懂,但前置玻璃和LCD面板无法分开,只能作为同一零件更换。GSM版本, 8, 16, or 32 GB 容量 / 型号 A1332 / 黑色或白色

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My iPhone is dead,

My iphone one year old but suddenly is not charging any more phone is dead,not starting again no sound or light even when I plugged to computer or power supply,can you help me to solve this problem

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得分 8

My iphone is dead not starting crkit problem pls answers index

to fast


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fathibk, "no sound or light even when I plugged to computer or power supply," sounds like either a bad battery or a bad dock connector. Make sure that you are using a cable that definitely works. If you tried that and your phone remains dead, check the dock connector. Make sure that there are no bend, broken, or corroded pins. Clean it with some isopropyl alcohol and a few puffs of compressed air. If that doesn't work, start thinking about replacing the battery and /or the dock connector. Use these guides to work on it. The dock connector is available right here and the battery right here. After that re-evaluate and let us know hos it is going. Hope this helps, good luck.

iPhone 4 Battery图片


iPhone 4 Battery



得分 2

I had the same problem...

What I did to fix it is the following: Follow the iFixit instructions on how to pop open the back of your iPhone 4 and disconnect the battery. wait 5 minutes, reconnect the battery and then close the iPhone back up. Turn on the iPhone (it should turn on, assuming that there is some battery charge left, else you might need to plug it to the charger)

Completely charge it and then do a hard reset... If your iPhone bricks again, do the same thing once more (disconnect the battery...etc.)

IF your iPhone does not turn on (after charging, etc), then look at replacing the battery.


得分 0

I have the same problem for my iPhone 4 and i don't know if its USB Connecter is broken or something is wrong with my battery.But if i buy a new connecor so would it work? :/


得分 0


My name is John Alberd i'm from U.S and lst time when brought my Iphone 4 and the day i brought and the next day at 3:11 P.M my Iphone 4 screen was black it still had 32% charge but it just got black and that i go to the Iphone Franchise and ask them why this happen then they told me that there would any technical problem( But i thought it would be some connector or battery problem :) ) and they asked me to give my Iphone for 1 day so they can open all the body see anything is wrong.After one day when i reached the franchise when i ask the guy is my Iphone's problem solve the franchise Manager was saying "Sir!There is no technical problem in your Iphone and the connector you have given us the connector bend is broken and we are gonna give you another Connector for your Iphone) Seriously i was like OMG!

So yeah Like Oldturkey03 say he's right maybe your bend would be broken if its not then change the battery

Thank you

Jack Alberd


得分 0

my iphone 4 is not coming on at all


得分 0


i need help cause im tired of it



Buy a phone charger.


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