
当前版本: Jerry Wheeler


Hi Bella,
I think I've got a clue about that hole on the bottom side of the epilator. I believe its a mounting point for an accessory called a skin cooler; you freeze it then attach it to the epilator to help alleviate the pain of doing large areas like your legs. Here's an excerpt from the user manual.
-[link|https://www.gebruikershandleiding.com/Philips-hp-6433-satin-ice/preview-handleiding-269636.html|Handleiding Philips hp 6433 satin ice (pagina 1 van 100) (Nederlands, Duits, Engels, Frans, Deens, Zweeds, Noors, Fins)|new_window=true]
+[link|https://www.gebruikershandleiding.com/Philips-hp-6433-satin-ice/preview-handleiding-269636.html|Handleiding Philips hp 6433 satin ice (pagina 1 van 100) (Nederlands, Duits, Engels, Frans, Deens, Zweeds, Noors, Fins)]
So I don't think that part has anything to do with opening it up; I'm guessing there's a couple of springs in there that grab onto the end of a post sticking out of the skin cooler to hold onto it.
+(UPDATE 4/16/23)
+Okay, so there's no sign of any fasteners that can be accessed any place we can see. That leaves a couple of possibilities; the most common ways I've seen a device like this being fastened together are either clips or glue. Naturally it's a royal pain in the a** if they've simply glued it together; that means they've left no provision for it being opened up again for repair.
+So let's go with the first option, that it's clipped together somehow. I haven't found anything at all on your specific model and how to open it up, but on other models none of them have been glued, so that's a good sign.
+First thing to try is the method I saw on another model where a part you exposed by taking off the head comes out. On one of the guides on the device heading your question is filed under it shows how to disassemble the epilator by prying out the mechanism that drives the gears on the head.
+[link|https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Philips+Satinelle+Motor+Replacement/114302|Philips Satinelle Motor Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide|new_window=true]
+Step 2 shows the process; I believe it's different for your epilator, but it may be that the concept is the same, that you need unclip something here in order to get the two halves to come apart. On yours I'm thinking you might try a flat blade screwdriver inserted in one or the other of the two openings I've marked.
+Try prying in there, but don't be too forceful about it; I don't want you to break something that will render the epilator useless. Check around the edges and see if there's any kind of clip or retainer holding that mechanism in.
+Also, I'd like to ask for one more photo; take one of the side of the epilator so we can see how the seam separating the two halves meets up with the top of the device where the head fastens on.
+I know this is taking a while, but we're groping in the dark here so it's going to be an exploration to figure this thing out.



原帖由: Jerry Wheeler


Hi Bella,

I think I've got a clue about that hole on the bottom side of the epilator. I believe its a mounting point for an accessory called a skin cooler; you freeze it then attach it to the epilator to help alleviate the pain of doing large areas like your legs. Here's an excerpt from the user manual.

[link|https://www.gebruikershandleiding.com/Philips-hp-6433-satin-ice/preview-handleiding-269636.html|Handleiding Philips hp 6433 satin ice (pagina 1 van 100) (Nederlands, Duits, Engels, Frans, Deens, Zweeds, Noors, Fins)|new_window=true]


So I don't think that part has anything to do with opening it up; I'm guessing there's a couple of springs in there that grab onto the end of a post sticking out of the skin cooler to hold onto it.

