
原帖由: Daniel Strait


Hello Jack,

I’ve heard that you could try and do a full restart of your camera. Just take out BOTH batteries.  There’s a date and time in the same slot as the main battery.  You should be able to find it after a minute of sliding a finger on the sides.  Check where the door hinge is.  Once that’s done, remove the lens and CF card and have  a cap put on, before leaving it for five to ten minutes.  Capacitors inside may still have a charge, even after 20 seconds.   Since I have a 20D that I’ve dropped, we’re in the same boat.  I’ll try it and give you feedback once I have seen if it works.  20D’s are great cameras.  If you are planning to get rid of it after you’ve had your satisfaction, give it as a gift to an aspiring photographer!  I’ve had mine for a while now, and I’ve not have a problem with it until I dropped it.  But, stay optimistic, I’m hoping as well.

