
当前版本: martin.joos


Black Screen - External monitor works


Hi all,

I have a MacBook 13 inch Retina from mid 2015 (MB PRO 13.3" RETINA 2.7 GHZ I5 - 256GB //  16GB ). My issues started slowly - after turning on the MacBook the screen stayed black. After a hard shutdown (power button for some seconds) and starting again, everything has been fine...

Some days later the screen stayed black again. Same procedure as before - everything worked again.

My problem is  that the number of times that the screen stays black became more and more. Now, about 30 to 40 hard resets are needed to have a working screen.

If I light the screen from behind by a flashlight, I can see a picture.

External screens do work fine.

Do you have any idea, what could be the problem?

I did several SMC and PRAM resets - they didn't help.

I am really desperate - such an expensive machine just won't be useful anymore?!

Thanks for your support!



Retina MacBook 2015





编辑: martin.joos


Black Screen - External monitor works


Hi all,
I have a MacBook 13 inch Retina from mid 2015 (MB PRO 13.3" RETINA 2.7 GHZ I5 - 256GB // 16GB ). My issues started slowly - after turning on the MacBook the screen stayed black. After a hard shutdown (power button for some seconds) and starting again, everything has been fine...
Some days later the screen stayed black again. Same procedure as before - everything worked again.
My problem is that the number of times that the screen stays black became more and more. Now, about 30 to 40 hard resets are needed to have a working screen.
-I tried to see something at the screen in bright light - I haven't been able to see anything.
+If I light the screen from behind by a flashlight, I can see a picture.
External screens do work fine.
Do you have any idea, what could be the problem?
I did several SMC and PRAM resets - they didn't help.
I am really desperate - such an expensive machine just won't be useful anymore?!
Thanks for your support!


Retina MacBook 2015



编辑: martin.joos


Black Screen - External monitor works


Hi all,
-I have a MacBook 13 inch Retina from mid 2015. My issues started slowly - after turning on the MacBook the screen stayed black. After a hard shutdown (power button for some seconds) and starting again, everything has been fine...
+I have a MacBook 13 inch Retina from mid 2015 (MB PRO 13.3" RETINA 2.7 GHZ I5 - 256GB // 16GB ). My issues started slowly - after turning on the MacBook the screen stayed black. After a hard shutdown (power button for some seconds) and starting again, everything has been fine...
Some days later the screen stayed black again. Same procedure as before - everything worked again.
My problem is that the number of times that the screen stays black became more and more. Now, about 30 to 40 hard resets are needed to have a working screen.
I tried to see something at the screen in bright light - I haven't been able to see anything.
External screens do work fine.
Do you have any idea, what could be the problem?
-I did several SCM and PRAM resets - they didn't help.
+I did several SMC and PRAM resets - they didn't help.
I am really desperate - such an expensive machine just won't be useful anymore?!
Thanks for your support!


Retina MacBook 2015



编辑: Dan


Black Screen - External monitor works


Hi all,

I have a MacBook 13 inch Retina from mid 2015. My issues started slowly - after turning on the MacBook the screen stayed black. After a hard shutdown (power button for some seconds) and starting again, everything has been fine...

Some days later the screen stayed black again. Same procedure as before - everything worked again.

My problem is  that the number of times that the screen stays black became more and more. Now, about 30 to 40 hard resets are needed to have a working screen.

I tried to see something at the screen in bright light - I haven't been able to see anything.

External screens do work fine.

Do you have any idea, what could be the problem?

I did several SCM and PRAM resets - they didn't help.

I am really desperate - such an expensive machine just won't be useful anymore?!

Thanks for your support!



-MacBook 13inch Retina Mid 2015
+Retina MacBook 2015



原帖由: martin.joos


Black Screen - External monitor works


Hi all,

I have a MacBook 13 inch Retina from mid 2015. My issues started slowly - after turning on the MacBook the screen stayed black. After a hard shutdown (power button for some seconds) and starting again, everything has been fine...

Some days later the screen stayed black again. Same procedure as before - everything worked again.

My problem is  that the number of times that the screen stays black became more and more. Now, about 30 to 40 hard resets are needed to have a working screen.

I tried to see something at the screen in bright light - I haven't been able to see anything.

External screens do work fine.

Do you have any idea, what could be the problem?

I did several SCM and PRAM resets - they didn't help.

I am really desperate - such an expensive machine just won't be useful anymore?!

Thanks for your support!



MacBook 13inch Retina Mid 2015

