

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Samsung Galaxy Watch,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解, Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 我们对 Galaxy Watch 的探测结果如下:

    • 1.3”(33 mm)圆形 Super AMOLED 屏幕(360 × 360),更小的 42 mm 版本是1.2”(30mm)

    • 双核,1.15 GHz Exynos 9110 处理器

    • 1.5 GB RAM + 4GB 内部储存(蓝牙版本为 768 MB RAM)

    • 无线充电和 5 ATM 下防水等级为 IP68

    • 472 mAh 电池(42 mm 版本为 270 mAh)

  2. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 一次快速的在轨扫描显示,手表的一侧有两个机械按键,带有一个用于麦克风的小洞。

    • 在远端,我们发现了为扬声器准备的另外三个孔。底部还有一个心率传感器集群。

    • 后面好像有一个额外的小开口,可能用于接近传感器或压力阀。

    That little plastic part came off can I use crazy glue and put it back on

    erikfeinberg380 - 回复

  3. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 这星系(Galaxy)的正式称号是 SM-R805F。

    • 这个星系的标准化22毫米悬臂很容易从中心分离出来。

    • 在核心的下方还有一个 5 针接口。

    • 这是一个为有线充电和维护准备的 USB+1 接口吗?

    The five-pin port is a remnant of the original Gear S, which used the same 5-pin setup for charging and USB connection. In fact, with a little bit of modifications (mainly filing away a bit of the plastic), the Gear S’ charger dock’s PCB can be used to establish USB connection with the watch for recovery purposes. Samsung uses a custom made tool in repair shops for diagnostics.

    Jozsef Kiraly - 回复

    Thanks Joszef for the additional info on the Gear S’ charging dock. Very intriguing.

    Tobias Isakeit -

  4. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    iFixit Precision Bit Driver, Aluminum
    • 装备上我们带有可旋转顶部的铝制精密批旋具,我们解决了涡旋形三点螺丝。

    • 这些螺丝似乎被三个磁性区域吸引,可能这就是对接上无线充电台的方法。

    • 但是我们被这种基本相互作用分心并用力一点打开了表芯。

    • Galaxy Watch 有着 IP68 级防护,因此提供一定的防御——但我们知道这是徒劳的

    The Galaxy Watch is rated for 5ATM (5 Times the Atmosphere Pressure) so 50m as the Pressure increases 1 ATM per 10 Meters under water.

    Thilo Jäggi - 回复

    I lost the bottom screw. could anyone share specification for them?

    Ashok Kumar P - 回复

    You might want to have a look here: 拆开手表

    Tobias Isakeit -

    Is their any thread locker used on the screws if so what colour???

    Jonny Engleby - 回复

    is the screwdriver Y00 or Y000?

    Ernest Honigmann - 回复

    Tri-point #00 screws (4.2 mm length) as mentioned in the Opening Procedure guide

    Tobias Isakeit -

  5. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 期盼会出现一个诱杀陷阱,我们被长得很慷慨的柔性线缆惊喜到,线缆把心率传感器连接到了内部。

    • 封住手表边缘的蓝色橡胶如果被损坏的话,可能需要在组装回去之前更换,但是到目前为止没有胶水——我们很喜欢这一点。

    • 说到密封,我们还在麦克风,环境光传感器和压力传感器发现了橡胶圈。

    You have put together a great guide here. Nevertheless, I still have a question ... Can I replace the Micro without any problems? How do I have to proceed? Best regards, Stefan

    Stefan Fißmer - 回复

    Where I can get - The blue rubber seal? What is the size?

    Emir Web - 回复

    donde consigo la junta azul y las otras tres de los sensores?

    Javi aranburu - 回复

    where do I get the rubber seal for the back cover multiple people have asked but I don't see answers please help

    Avery Benzing - 回复

    I want to know the charging and data poles of the Samsung Galaxy Watchr810

    Moh - 回复

    I’m quite positive that the blue rubber seal around the Galaxy's edge has a lot to do with the water seal, mine didn’t have it and I had several issues with moisture and pool swimming where both the display and side buttons stopped working well and needed replacing.

    Christian Lozano - 回复

  6. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 在断开屏幕的连接后,核心很好的分成了几个更小的部件。令人感到鼓舞的是,直到现在,我们还没有看到第五大基本作用力——粘合剂的痕迹。

    • 这块屏幕的柔性电缆面板带着环境光传感器,它透过屏幕上的一个小洞来窥视外面的世界。

    • 玻璃柔性面板是最可能损坏屏幕的操作。如果你准备探索你的星系(Galaxy),小心行动,并关注我们的官方指南。

    I confirm ripping the cable carpet damages the display, I ruined mine before reading the guide I got a new one, now’s good to go.

    Christian Lozano - 回复

  7. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 虽然屏幕是圆形的,但它不是球形的 - 这似乎支持了有争议的“平面显示理论”。随着在不远的未来会推出的可折叠屏幕,这个理论很快会被证明是对的。

    • 这块在我们 46 mm 版本上的 Super AMOLED 屏幕直径为 1.3"(33 mm)。垂直和水平最大分辨率为360像素。

    • 我们发现了带有标记为 S88YA1YF1X01 的芯片

    • 还有应该带猫眼的环境光传感器。

    May I know the partname of ambient light sensor and vendor name?

    dennyjung - 回复

  8. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 星系(Galaxy)的引力计算核心看起来像是一个扁平小虫子的头部,带着两个像天线的按钮电缆。

    • 除了两块扁平的树脂外,在这一面没有什么可以展示的——类似于 Apple Watch Series 4 上的那一块


    Can you show how you separated the two "bug" connectors on the motherboard from the lower portion?


    Tony Fernandez - 回复

    Podważa się czymś ostrym w okolicy guziczka 😏 odchodzi lekko, tylko musi być coś jak igła bo jest mało miejsca

    Depresja Murowana -

  9. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 另外一面则又更多的可以展示:

    • 三星(Samsung)Exynos 9110 SoC (双核,1.15 GHz)

    • 恩智浦(NXP)80T17 NFC 控制器

    • 博通(Broadcom)BCM430131 WiFi/BT 芯片和 BCM47758-GPS/GLONASS 芯片

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks)77651-2177652-11 3G/LTE 多模/多频功率放大器模块

    • S910 NFY55 WR1

    • 意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)气压传感器

    • 意法半导体(ST Micro)ST33G1M2 32-bit ARM® SecurCore® SC300 (安全元素)

    I’m trying to manually charge my galaxy watch by connecting the white data +, green data -, red + and black -, but I have a hard time identifying those parts on the watch. Could you help me identify them?

    Viet Bui - 回复

  10. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 结构完整性由中框提供,还容纳了使这个星系(Galaxy)旋转的能源。

    • 用手一推,我们拿出了 3.85 V,472 mAh,1.81 Wh 的电池。

    • 这意味着这个星系(Galaxy)超过了 Gear S3 的 1.47 Wh(380 mAh @ 3.85 V)和 Apple Watch Series 4 的 1.113 Wh(291.8 mAh @ 3.81 V)。

  11. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    Halberd Spudger
    • 我们回到外壳来寻找卫星组件。装备上撬棒,我们探测到了心率传感器和无线充电线圈。

    • 心率传感器的四个光电管聚集在中间的光源周围。

    • 板载了一颗德州仪器(Texas Instruments )TI 8AWKJYP SN1712025 超小集成 AFE(模拟前端)心率传感器芯片。

    Isn’ that supposed to be the antenna/coil for wireless charging instead (and not for NFC)?

    Speculating that the NFC antenna should be somewhere on the top side…

    Wanderfalke - 回复

    Hi Wanderfalke, you’re probably right. Those coils are most of the time dual function (NFC/charge). But in this case, it is more likely that it is just the charging coil. I’ve corrected it in the step. The NFC is more likely on the motherboard (probably the coil located near the barometric sensor). Thanks for your pointer.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    Hi, Could you please explain the procedure to pull and replace heart rate sensor. Thanks in advance.

    Pala Gill - 回复

  12. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 背盖上最后被拆出的元件是服务端口和扩音器,被两颗十字螺丝和用于防护的橡胶垫圈固定。

    • 我们从中框上拆出了一个普通振动电机和一个霍尔传感器阵列,我们先放在一边等下和旋转表圈一起调查。

    In picture 3, what part is in the lower right hand corner? I was disassembling mine and the cable broke. Do you have any idea where I can purchase parts for my smartwatch? I’m also in need of a new screen/digitizer and the back sensor glass is also busted.

    Brandon Perritt - 回复

    Hi Brandon, the part in question is the hall sensor assembly which is explained later in this teardown. Unfortunately, we don’t have any parts for the Galaxy Watch, yet. There is a link in one of the comments in the next step for a possible parts source.

    Tobias Isakeit -

  13. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    iFixit Opening Picks (Set of 6)
    • 这个星系(Galaxy)有它自己的外环,我们急着要拆下它。一个拨片帮我们把外环推出了轨道。

    • 一个单独的塑料环和四个金属球轴承被暴露出来。

    • 每个轴承都安装在铝制外壳中的弹簧上,转动表圈并且轴承座圈与表圈中的凹槽对齐就会简单的锁定。

    This black scaled ring should be made of hard plastic ?

    Is there no possibility of seepage at all here ?


    Planck - 回复

    Hi Planck, yes the black scaled ring is made of a hard plastic. The ring mechanism is not connected to the inside of the watch, so no seepage is possible. It sits on top of the aluminum casing and the sensor reading the movement is on the inside.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    What are the 4 black oval “stickers" on the case? I have had my watch for about 2 months and 2 of them have actually come out as i rotated the bezel. Do the actually do anything?

    Joshua Booms - 回复

    There is nothing underneath those elongated/oval black sticker. I checked all four of them and can’t see any reason why your watch should not keep working as it did. All should be fine.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    Hi Tobias, please tell me when removing the rotating bezel for cleaning.. thing I did yesterday.. is anything affected or does anything changes regarding the 5ATM water proofing? Thanks.

    Jacouille - 回复

    Hi Jacouille, since the bezel is on the outside removing (and re-applying) it should not affect water resistance of the watch.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    How can I get a replacement glass?

    Laurie Sherman - 回复

    When putting it back together, you should put the white ring first into the black one. Then you can gently push the it back into place.

    sam_goossens - 回复

    Do you know where can I find the bearing replacement??? One bounce out of my mat and I can't find it

    Jo Godoy - 回复

    You can order from www.rounded.com

    I ordered from them both rotating bezel and gasket ring.

    Hashan Munasinghe -

    Hi were can I buy the plastic ring and four metal ball bearings.

    elshadia_77 - 回复

    Where can i buy that shell

    Carlos Luciano - 回复

    Where can I buy a replacement bezel ring?

    Peter Muller - 回复

    The gasket (white plastic ring) is not flat. It has some embossements perpendicular on the plane of the ring. Does anyone know, or can check 2hether these embossements should face upwards or downwards ?

    Many thanks

    Raymond Schoeman - 回复

    Those face downwards.

    For re-assembly you might want to try to put the white bezel in the metal ring (mind the reversed orientation then—embossed parts looking towards you). Make sure it sits snug on the inside so that the ends of the white plastic bezel have some space between them. Then place the ring onto the watch and press it down with your palm.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    Where I can get that plastic ring?? I had an accident and the metal ring is fine the rest of my watch too but I loose that part??

    rafael rivera - 回复

    Si potrebbe avere un tutorial del montaggio con le 4 sfere e molle . Grazie


    sergio laki - 回复

  14. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • Galaxy Watch 用了一个和 Apple Watch 使用的光学编码器不一样的装置来读取表圈的转动。

    • 在小小的 PCB 上又三个霍尔传感器,和表圈上的凹槽一样每个之间的距离相同。

    • 每三个凹槽里就有一个小磁铁。

    • 当表圈倍转动,三个传感器中的两个救护读取到磁场的变化(开/关或关/开)。第三个传感器则不会读取到变化。在这种模式下,可以清楚的直到表圈转动的方向。

    So it’s possible to remove the bezel without opening the watch?

    prhone - 回复

    Basically yes, you can get the rotating bezel off without opening the watch. Don’t lose the small ball bearings or springs. Also, it’s a bit of fiddling to get the white plastic ring back in place.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    So bezel can be removed great but what about the 3 hall sensors? Where are they?

    Jacouille - 回复

    The hall sensors sit on the plastic mid frame. You can spot them on the bottom right of the first picture in step 8.

    Tobias Isakeit - 回复

    Do you know the type of hall sensor?

    aschaudt - 回复

    Hi aschaudt, the markings on the sensors say “6WN”. Not sure if this helps you anything. These are hall switches (not linear hall sensors) and just tell on or off (digital sensor).

    Tobias Isakeit -

    What size of small magnet?

    Ling - 回复

    I don’t have it at hand right now, but should be <1mm in diameter, height=?

    I guess the bezel can be acquired separately on the internet.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    There are several missing magnets, try to get 1mm dia. x 1mm thk fix it.

    Ling -

    Gdzie kupię głośnika ??

    Krystian Klimek - 回复

    Czy jest problem z wymianą głośnika? I gdzie można go kupić

    Krystian Klimek - 回复

    Hi Tobias, I tried to make the bezel smoother by washing it under water. Now my watch does not recognise bezel movement. I tried removing and refitting bezel, but to no avail. Did I damage the halls sensors by washing it in water? Stuck now! Thanks

    Prateek Singh - 回复

    Possibly you've managed to de-magnetize those little magnetic spots. Not sure how. Heat can de-magnetize, but it seems unlikely washing even with hot water would do this.

    On my watch, I seem to have managed to de-magnetize just one of the dots. In every rotation there are 3 "clicks" which are not recognized but the others are.

    Only after I found this teardown page do I now understand why.

    From image 8-1 I can see that the hall effect sensors are aligned 90 degrees clock-wise to the side with the buttons as the watch faces up ... so along the "bottom" edge ... and by moving the bezel until the "middle" of the 3 clicks is at the bottom and marking it, I know which one is giving me trouble.

    Now to figure out how to re-magnetize it.

    Josh Audette - 回复

  15. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    • 当这个人造的星系停止转动的时候会发生什么?当然是要充电啦。

    • 它的充电器将不再是个谜。我们再次拿出我们的精密螺丝刀,自己动手。

  16. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    Flat Needle Nose Pliers
    • 这个家伙不会这么简单就交出秘密,所以我们必须拿出我们的热增强粒子加速器(就是热风枪啦)。

    • 最后我们通过强作用力(手)还有一把扁平尖嘴钳取得成功……

    • 它的充电线圈带有大约14个绕组(正面和背面)。

  17. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • 一个小战舰 PCB 被从充电器中拿出,它上面有些新的芯片:

    • IDT P923 5A-16NDGI 无线电力发射器和 32 bit ARM® Cortex®-M0 处理器

    • Micro USB 作为电源接口

    • 不是4个,也不是5个,而是1个 LED 灯在尾部。

    • 这款充电器的布局和 Gear S3 的充电底座相似,输出 5 V 700 mA。

    Any idea about how the watch knows when it’s not on an official charger? I want to say a hall sensor seeing as they already have the magnets there.

    Charlie Frake - 回复

    Hi Charlie, I doubt that a hall sensor can in some way recognize the charger. If the watch and charger are NFC compatible it may work this way. But maybe it is just a minor difference in geometry/layout/design of the charger/watch. Did you experience any problems between models/chargers? If yes, which ones?

    Tobias Isakeit -

    My Galaxy watch (46mm) is on a 3rd party charger every night. No problems, or not even a notice telling me that it isn’t a Samsung charger.

    Dano C. - 回复

    Could you say which 3rd party charger you have ? I've tried at least 4 I had laying around and none have worked this far .

    Brett H -

    Hallo :)

    Die galaxy watch meiner Frau misst leider kein puls und schritte zählt sie auch nicht mehr hast du einen Tipp was das sein Könnte ich vermute das es der sensor sein könnte aber welches Teil muss ich dafür tauschen ? Vielen lieben Dank für deine Mühen.

    Jens Leonhardt - 回复

  18. Samsung Galaxy Watch 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,1
    • 这个星系(Galaxy)的所有部件都散落在天空桌子上。

    • 我们的银河之旅到此结束。时空线保持稳定,我们用一点知识和洞察力填补了我们的探索空白。

    • 所以请继续关注未来的拆解,并保持好奇心。

    Muy explicativo, soy relojero de la vieja escuela, mecánicos y de Quartz, está fácil, pero donde se consiguen las partes para remplazarlas, quien las vende

    Pablo Pineda - 回复

  19. 最后的想法
    • 电缆设计整洁,没有易碎的 ZIF(零插入力 Zero Insertion Force)连接器。
    • 尽管有防水结构,拆机的过程还是直截了当还没有胶水(虽然它需要一个不常见的 Y 型螺丝刀)
    • 电池只用了温和的粘合剂,但是接触到电池之前必须一处主板。
    • 很多部件是模块化的并且可以单独更换——除了经常使用的双按钮电缆,它们焊接在了主板。
    • 玻璃触屏和屏幕融合在一起——意味着完全更换会很简单和快速,但是单独维修玻璃就不可能了。


en zh


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Tobias Isakeit


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Tobias Isakeit - Repairability Engineer Tobias Isakeit - Repairability Engineer 的会员


1 名成员




How about the removal of the bezel for cleaning? Is it easy? It is like the gear s3?


Jacouille - 回复

Is there anyway for me to order the spring and barring that goes under the bezel?

kristin_marie86 - 回复

Did you manage to get the parts, I need the same bits for my bezel. Thanks

steve -

In step 12, 3rd pic, there is a speaker..can i get the information of where to get that speaker part??

Monika Verma - 回复

Same question as posted earlier around sourcing the bezel bearings, springs and gasket. Any thoughts?

Richard Davis - 回复

My bazel ring got scratched.from where can i get a new bazel ring?

Khurshid Rasheed - 回复

The sensor cover on the bottom of the watch keeps falling off, especially if I wear it on a hot day. The adhesive seems to soften, and it slides off. I don't see this part listed in your tear down. I need to replace this part. Any thoughts?

Karl Marmaduke - 回复

Where can I get the watch parts new?

crazymon01 - 回复

Where can I find a watch face replacement?

deanna brents - 回复

what about the glass protecting the sensors. its cracked on my unit and i dont know how to fix it or if its even fixible and if it is is it expensive.

please email me the answer at helmadam61@gmail.com

Logic - 回复

my watch battery dies very fast

markknight0815 - 回复

Where might I be able to purchase the internal wireless charging coil for a sm-r800 46 mm smartwatch?

Thank you

David Goldstein - 回复

galaxy watch sm-r500 , da ist das Glas gesprungen, kann man das auch “so leicht” wechseln ? Woher bekomme ich solch ein Glas ? Danke


naumato - 回复

does anyone know how much getting a scratched screen would cost to replace ?

darren.m.levy - 回复

My galaxy 46 mm watch speaker not working where can I get part or get replacement?

Bharat Bhushan - 回复

You might want to post your video on the Samsung Galaxy Gear S2 device page (make a teardown-guide) and delete it from this device, please.

Tobias Isakeit -

Does anyone know the what the part is called with the numbers on it and where I can get it?

Max Quiroz - 回复

What type of barometric sensor is it? Is it possible to order and replace it by ourself? Mine is broken, and Samsung service center recommend me to replace entire motherboard which cost me $100.

noery_d - 回复

Is it possible to change the inner bezel? Where i can find it?

Alberto - 回复

Me podríais decir el modelo del conector del sensor del pulsómetro que está en la placa, donde se conecta dicho sensor, se me rompió y voy a intentar soldar uno nuevo. Gracias, impresionante despiece jeje

Ricardo Vereda - 回复

Do you sell the battery for Samsung gear S2 watch?

I bought and replaced one I purchased from amazon but its useless. By the 3rd day it wouldnt even charge enough to turn on.

Fernando White - 回复

The rear glass disc cover of the sensor on my Samsung Active 2 has come off . Everything works still and it charges, it that an easy fix?

Thank you

Betsy Nichols - 回复

How to assemble new button connectors?

paulviji - 回复

How to assemble new button connector

kimberlyhibbs53 - 回复

Did you do the active 2 4g model as there is a hidden camera I believe

Andrew Harris - 回复

I found this camera by accident when I bought the watch I would like a different view as Samsung say there isn't one but I believe there is

Andrew Harris - 回复

Can i order part for back button?

bugimabebi - 回复

where can I purchase the case gasket the one blue that goes between the case and the bottom

Miguel Vera - 回复

I just can’t find a place where they sell the bottom gasket mine it was meltled ,useless and no longer waterproof I think.

can’t belive I search everywhere and just can’t find it. I apreciate you’r input.

Miguel Vera - 回复

If you can’t find an original gasket you might want to think about using some “liquid gasket” to apply it. Be careful not to use too much so it doesn’t spill into the watch and onto other components.

Tobias Isakeit -

Hola, se me perdío el anillo de plástico podría comprarlo ?

Marta M - 回复

Can upgrade samsung galaxy 46mm bluetooth version to Lte esim version

Oommen C V - 回复

how can i remove that inner bezel

Md NoMaN OmEr - 回复

Buenos dias

Alguien me podria decir si en el samsung galaxy sm-r810 para cambiar solo el anillo del bisel hace falta abrir el reloj o se puede cambiar desde fuera

Ruben Vazquez Mendez - 回复

Alguien me podria decir si en el samsung galaxy watch de 42mm sm-r810 para cambiar el anillo del bisel hay que desmontar todo el reloj o sale desde fuera y se coloca desde fuera

Ruben Vazquez Mendez - 回复

Básicamente sí, puedes sacar el bisel giratorio sin abrir el reloj. No pierdas los pequeños rodamientos de bolas ni los muelles. Además, es un poco mañoso para conseguir que el anillo de plástico blanco se vuelva a colocar en su lugar.

Mariana Roca -

Someone should make a charger that can be worn within the band and that plugs into a long sleeve shirt with USB C rigged with small solar panel cells in a tartan pattern :)

Scott Widmann - 回复

can i just order a bezel. Mine is broken for a galaxy 3

ncrouch1932 - 回复

SM-R500 GALAXY WATCH ACTIVE. Where can I purchase the 44mm adhesive tapes.? Both the front and back are now worn out and the glass circle just slides off.

Beth Winquist - 回复

Where can I find the miniature e clips that fit on the buttons

ktmwes biking is life - 回复

Thanks a lot, you saved me losing my watch as I managed to replace the battery otherwise 😞 no more smartwatch for me. Please continue helping like this.Thanks again I really appreciate you.

Yulzi Amudzhev - 回复

Is it possible to know approximate rating of vibration motor used in smasung galaxy watch 4 ,I am working on a thesis which examines the feasibility of smart watch haptile Feedback with deaf community requirements




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