


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Microsoft Surface Studio,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解, Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解, Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 虽然没有圣诞长袜,但是我们认为这个机器还是塞了好多好东西:

    • 28 英寸可调整角度的 PixelSense 显示屏, 4500 x 3000 分辨率(192 DPI)——支持 sRGB、 DCI-P3 和 Vivid 色彩配置,以及10点触控。

    • 第6代 Intel Core i5 或 i7 处理器,可选8 GB、16 GB 或 32 GB 内存。

    • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M GPU(配备 2 GB GDDR5显存)或 GTX 980M(配备 4 GB GDDR5显存)

    • 可选 1 TB 或者 2 TB 混合硬盘

    • 802.11ac Wi-Fi / 蓝牙 4.0 / 内建 Xbox 无线支持

    • 支持 Surface Pen 和 Surface Dial

    • 它重21磅(约合9.5公斤),按理说转动屏幕很费力,但你仅用一根手指就可以把它推倒到20º。

    • 角度是随机选择的——它不仅是艺术家和动画师常用的一个角度,而且你不能在这个斜面上放一杯咖啡,防止咖啡溢出来。

  2. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 这个显示屏是这台 PC 的一个配件。首先,我们要看一下它都有什么样的接口。从左到右:

    • 4个 USB 3.0 接口

    • 千兆以太网插孔和电源插座

    • Mini DisplayPort 接口

    • SD 卡插槽 3.5 毫米音频插孔

    • 同时,沿着显示器的底部边缘,我们注意到一个宽带的扬声器格栅 - 我们很快会看到这些点是如何工作的。

    • 哦,还有一整个值得 星联 研究的传感器阵列 ,包括:面部识别登录相机与红外线传感器(可能),500 万像素的摄像头、还有两个麦克风。

  3. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    Heavy-Duty Suction Cups (Pair)
    • 外部看够了,我们要看看里面了。我们把Studio翻过来,希望能找到进入方法。

    • 基座板能看到一排排气孔,在每个角我们发现了橡胶垫,用来遮住Torx螺丝。

    • 前面两个角的Torx螺丝尤其长。生产商继续极力隐藏螺丝,我们对于这种做法表示赞同——当然比胶水要好了。

    • 拧出螺丝,沉重的基座底部仍然有几个夹扣,所以我们使用了吸盘来拆开。

    • 然后,我们就进入到Studio内部了。

    In the two articles I've read here on pulling apart the Surface Studio, I found it interesting that in both cases, people decided to tear it down with the display floating in the air, having the power plug facing the bench.

    I placed the surface display completely flat on the table and took it apart that way. This enabled testing of the fans [and relying on the thermal shutdown to protect itself if it needed to], which one really cannot do with the plug on the desk. I also think this position is better for the display and puts no undue torque on it.

    Turns out, if you do that, then the fans have enough cord to lie flat on the desk as you blow them clean [and find out if one, like mine, needs to be replaced]. In addition, when the midframe comes off, the speaker is pretty nice and stable on the bench, and there is little to no chance of accidentally damaging that baby.

    So the way I did it is how I recommended it, regardless of the articles here.

    Eric Snyder - 回复

    When you pull off the feet, best to use the tweeters as shown here. You need to get in and under the foot in order to pull it off, because it is glued with some sticky nasty stuff like stronger sticky notes. But be careful, not only to not scratch your base, but also to not bend the very tiny ends of the tweezer.

    I recommend highly the iFixit Pro Toolkit. Your old surface is worth it, and your new gadgets will also need to be torn apart eventually anyway, so it is a long-term investment.

    Eric Snyder - 回复

  4. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 把后盖打开,我们发现了好多部件。。。

    • 。。。其中大部分我们还不能看到。

    • 此处有严格的操作秩序。首先出来的是两个风扇,但是它们由隐藏的电线连接。中框接着可以拆除。

    • 在我们拆除中框时,带出了一个附带的扬声器,上有第三根电线连接到主板。

    • 这是拆解而不是太空行走!就不能让我们偷个懒吗?Redmond

  5. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用了一些小手段,我们把两个Delta制造的排气扇给拆出来了。

    • 它们俩尺寸很不同。难道一个是CPU的,另一个是GPU的吗?太酷了!

    • 扬声器电线断开之后,中框也脱落,但扬声器仍然附着在上。

    • 显而易见,扬声器本身是防震动的,使用了橡胶垫圈(颇有Apple电脑工艺)

    • 最后我们来到内脏器官。但是我们需要发掘至更深。

  6. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们看到标准、可移除64G 闪迪 Z400s M.2 SSD:

    • 闪迪 05466 032G 32 GB NAND 闪存模块 (x2 共64 GB)

    • Silicon Motion SM2246XT SATA III 6 Gb/s DRAM-less SSD 控制器

    • 有趣的是,如果可以用2个32GB 芯片去替换4个16G 芯片就好了,所以后面有两个空的焊接垫。

    • 如果你正好有闪存模块,NAND闪存便可以替换。

  7. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 接下来我们继续挖掘铜矿, 拆除了亮闪闪的散热槽。和 27" iMacs中类似。

    • 散热槽提供了很多散热的功效:

    • 散热管从CPU和GPU拆下来后,我们看到散热系统使用风扇排出热空气。

    • CPU风扇位于散热器上方,有一个塑料通道通向散热器。

    • GPU风扇较大,它的散热器有一根额外的散热管。

    • 看起来微软的散热效果比 2000年左右产品要好

  8. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们很高兴地为您介绍,在这里有一个标准的SATA硬盘接口,与之连接的是一块标准的SATA硬盘。

    • 为了拆解到这里,我们做了一些努力。但是看起来,你的价值$3000~4000的桌面一体机有一个完整的升级存储的方式,本来也应该就有。

    • 这并不奇怪,但是这块2.5"的笔记本硬盘的参数如下:

    • 希捷 Spinpoint M8 ST1000LM024 5400 RPM, 1T容量, SATA 3.0 Gb/s 硬盘

    • 你没有看错,这个参数表明这是一块SATA 2 硬盘。惊不惊喜,意不意外?有一点。有点残废?的确有一点。可以解决吗?有可能——但是需要有人把它换成SATA 3 的硬盘然后运行读写测试来验证一下。


    end2 - 回复

  9. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 虽然说不仅Surface Studio有SD卡读卡器,但是Studio的读卡器是在一块单独的模块化电路板上的!其它的芯片包括:

    • Realtek RTS5314 SD卡读卡器控制器

    • Macronix MX25L1006E 1 Mb CMOS 串行闪存

  10. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 从这里,我们可以拉出电源,一个定制的Lite-on(建新电子)单元,具有双额定电压(100-240 V)。

    • 电源具有独立的小型内置散热风扇。这让我们回想起Xbox One 的拆解。

    • 总体印象:它是一个电源。这是一个动力强劲,绝缘良好的电源。你开心吗?好吧,继续。

    LOL, it is not dual-voltage rated. :D

    It is fom 100V to 240V range rated.

    preziremprokletigugl - 回复

  11. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们离主板很近,我们几乎可以尝到它。最好的猜测:它尝起来应该像玻璃纤维和铜。

    • 同时,我们遇到了最后一个组件:这个小小的耳机插孔。

    • 我们不确定耳机插孔的日期是否有编号,但我们很高兴看到它在这里出现 - 即使它在最后面有点不方便,如果你带了牙科检查镜你可以把耳机插上。

    • 更重要的是,这个小家伙是完全模块化的,所以你有需要,耐心一点就可以把它取出来。

    • 这样,主板就被解放了。 真好!让我们检查一下这些芯片。

  12. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 在上面,我们发现了下面这些芯片:

    • 英特尔酷睿i5-6440HQ 处理器(6M 缓存,最高频率3.50GHz)

    • 八颗三星K4A4G085WE-BCPB 512 MB DDR4 RAM (正面和背面各有4 GB )

    • 英伟达GeForce GTX 965M 图形处理器

    • 英特尔中枢平台控制器GL82CM236

    • 安森美半导体NCP81205 3+3+1 相控制器

    • 英飞凌SLB 9665 TT 2.0 TPM(和在Surface Book 中看到的一样)以及14颗英飞凌0812ND HBE613

    • 华邦 W25Q128FV 128 M 串行闪存

    The GL82CM236 is in interesting PCH choice here - it is a Xeon-capable PCH, supporting the likes of Xeon E3-1575Mv5 (up to 3.9GHz!) and ECC memory. Did you folks see any indications of a ninth and an eighteenth memory chip on the motherboard? If so, there may just be a possibility of a workstation grade Studio, boasting Xeon E3-1500Mv5 processor, ECC memory and a Maxwell-based Quadro GPU. That machine would probably also comes with Windows 10 Enterprise and a 10-year warranty.

    xcvista - 回复

  13. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • 第二面

    • 四个SK海力士 H5GC4H24AJR 512 MB GDDR5 SDRAM(总共2 GB)

    • 额外的八颗三星K4A4G085WE-BCPB 512 MB DDR4 RAM(总共8 GB)

    • 华邦W25X40CL 串行闪存

    • 联阳半导体 IT8527

    • 瑞昱 ALC3269 音频编解码器

    • 英特尔 I219-LM 千兆以太网控制器

  14. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 正如所承诺的,是时候回到那个巨大的28“玻璃显示屏。偶滴天!

    • 不确定什么样的粘合剂在等待我们(是讨厌的Surface 粘合剂?还是容易的iMac 粘合剂?),我们放了一对iOpener 来软化它。

    • 滑动许多次的iMac 打开工具以后,我们准备好称它为中间胶水。这不是我们在Surface Pro 中看到的过多焦油,也不是干净的的iMac 粘合剂。它处在中间。经历一些麻烦,但不是不可能的。

    • ...但是,在经历这些的麻烦后,却还是无法取下玻璃— 它不肯让步。看起来我们在液晶显示屏的中心遗漏一些紧固件没有拆除。在哪里呢?

  15. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们暂时将注意力转移到桌面更多的螺钉,更少胶水部分,希望我们能够更幸运地移除它。

    • 缺乏一个专门的工具,我们从显示器的背面手工拆除铰链外壳。一大堆微小的夹子紧紧地卡住它,没有粘合剂或螺丝。

    • 在下面潜伏着一对天线,有明显超过一对弹簧和固定的螺钉。

    • 多个弹簧机构让显示器轻轻一推就可以从垂直位置转到接近水平。

    • 去除固定铰链到显示器的螺钉就像在玩俄罗斯轮盘:一些弹簧固定的,而另一些不是。我们测试我们的赔率,并设法找出所有正确的要拆卸的螺丝,在没有弹簧蹦出的情况下拆除基座。

    I'd prefer the "safe" screws were marked, and perhaps the spring-loaded ones marked in red :)

    hhamran - 回复

    Hello, i am trying to find out if it would be possible to modify the stand to allow the screen go fully horizontal ?

    If some kind of adjustment would allow that by losing the vertical end.

    Thanks in advance

    elpachato - 回复

  16. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们花了很久才拆到这,但显示屏更换是Studio最简单的工作之一。对任何使用Surface Dial 手重的童鞋来说,这是个好消息。

    • 随着外壳和显示屏的移除,这里仍然是一大堆硬件 —— 明显是微软迅速发展的工程技术的巅峰。

    • 顶部条有两个紧密缠绕的弹簧和中心的校准螺丝,以及四个显示互连线缆的终端,这些线缆在铰链内部延伸,并被固定到显示屏的背面。

    • 在支脚的内部,臂的另一端分别由一对拉伸弹簧拉紧,与你在在车库门中看到的类似。

  17. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 3,3
    • 拆下铰链部分后,显示屏与其外壳就完全分离了。

    • 固定在外壳内部的是一种不常见的,不对称的蝴蝶翅膀形的金属片——可能是作为屏幕的支撑板/或是用以平衡前面巨大玻璃的重量。

    • 后面有一个按钮,和两个扬声器——以及比严格意义上的“孔”更多的格栅孔。

    • 这已经是最近的一个趋势。

    Could the “not-really holes” have some "function” in terms of resonating sound or something? (I’m guessing unlikely) Though if the speaker is only right underneath the holes that really *are* holes - it’s hard to thing how any vibration would *get* to the rest of the case.

    jimwitte - 回复

  18. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 3,3
    • 隐藏在显示屏背面,我们找到主板的另一半。严格地说,在这个单元中隐藏有更多的芯片。主要包括:

    • 芯源系统M3387L LED驱动器,四个升压转换器

    • 六个微软 X904169 05 CL1631 T518907.1

    • 两个微软 X904163 01 CL1634 4C39290-01

    • 两个麦克尼斯 MX25U1635F 序列式快闪记忆体

    • Atmel ATSAMS70N21 32位 ARM Cortex-M7 处理器

    • 诺和诺泰 NT96131QG-46

    • 两个华邦 25X20CL1G 2 Mb 串行闪存

    is that display made by samsung?

    shawn khang - 回复

  19. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 3,3
    • 和一些不太显眼的芯片

    • 创惟科技 GL3520 USB 3.1 集线器控制器

    • 两个恩智浦TFA9890A 高效率D类音频放大器

    • 美满 88W8897 WLAN + BT4.0 + NFC组合芯片(和以前的Surface 设备中的一样)

    • 联发科 MT7600UAN(可能是集成的W​​i-Fi 系统级芯片,和在Xbox One无线接收器中所见的一样)

    • SM4142A DA1633 SMHV059

    • 两个GF-EU DFU62H1 F216 1628

    • 显示屏的最后一处传感器条,装有麦克风,红外传感器和集成Windows Hello 以及内置500万像素的网络摄像头。

  20. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,1
    • 我们在这个工作站上花了很长时间,这里是我们找到的所有零部件!好吧,绝大多数。

  21. Microsoft Surface Studio 拆解, 最后的想法: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,1
    • 微软Surface Studio 拆解难度系数5分 (满分10分,10分为最简单拆解)

    • 底座非常容易拆开,大部分的模组化组件也在底座,包括标准的SATA硬盘接口和和M.2 固态硬盘接口。这些东西不需要拆卸屏幕即可更换

    • 可以整个显示器组件一起更换,不用拆除屏幕或者底座

    • 内存,处理器和显卡都是焊接在主板上的,不能后期进行更换或者升级。在购买的时候建议您仔细考虑8G内存是否够用

    • 少数部件被嵌入在屏幕中 (电源键,前置传感器和扬声器) ,这些部件在坏掉之后非常难更换


en zh


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Evan Noronha


223,594 声望



Wow, iFixit must really be mad at Apple to give this Microsoft product a 5, even after complaining about the hidden fan wires and having to disassemble half the base to get to an antique hard drive. The cop out is replacing the entire display assembly.

plink53 - 回复

Both the iMac 5k and Surface Studio have a repairability of 5/10. Looks like they have the same build qualities with both cop outs being the %#*@ display assembly.

Anthony -

I thought the same thing

tjarkoslomski -

The midframe-over-connector design does add to the complexity of basic repairs, but we felt that the lack of adhesive and modular components in the base more than made up for this pesky design feature.

Regarding "antique" hardware: the quality/speed of the hard drive does not factor into the repairability score—we're mainly concerned with how accessible those components are. It would have been nice to find a high-speed SATA III drive lurking underneath, but the fact that this drive can be upgraded/replaced without any destructive disassembly earns major points in our book (although if it was more easily accessible the Studio would have scored higher on our repairability scale).

Evan Noronha -

I think iFixit must be mad at Microsoft and happy with Apple


"Notably, the speaker itself is anchored and vibration-proofed by way of some (very Apple-esque) rubber screw gaskets."

"A tall standoff spacer, reminiscent of those found in 27" iMacs, holds this beast in place."

"nasty Surface adhesive? Nice iMac adhesive?"

I get the last one, but the first two are very commonly used in the industry

Vince Longman -

As a reply to plink53, everything about this teardown is reparable with relatively inexpensive tools. Moreover, the things most people would want to replace, like the hard drive, are standard and replaceable without needing to remove the entire display.

I find the 5 repair score fair.

tm56 - 回复

So how difficult would it be to connect this monitor to a stand-alone PC tower?

Nelson Ocampo - 回复

Well considering that most video cards for desktop PCs only have DisplayPort, HDMI, or DVI outputs, it would be quite difficult. You would have find a way to convert the signal into a compatible signal for the display of the Surface. Then you would have to adapt your HDMI/DVI, or DisplayPort connection to the Surface's display ribbon cable. It would be quite a pain in the ass. Like trying to connect a laptop screen to a PC tower.

trythetrunk -

If one of these were purchased and the HD swapped with a faster/larger one, does anyone know of a way in which to get the OS, drivers, etc. to install and setup properly? All MS says is that doing so will void a warranty, and there's no mention of an OS, drivers, or otherwise being available.

Mav - 回复

I assume that you just download the recovery image for Surface Studio (like for all the other Surfaces) from Microsoft's website and put it on your flash drive.


The Raptor -

I don't understand why MS made the power supply internal. Takes about 1/4 of the precious space. BIG waste.

lauwarm - 回复

However the base needs to have a certain weight and size in order to make the unit relatively stable and not topple over anytime the neighbour opens the front door. So good thinking to put it in the base.

Ruurd Pels -

I doubt that the weight makes a lot for a stable stand. Balance between base and screen and the dimensions of the base are much more important.

lauwarm -

Can't make everyone happy. I see tons of people complaining about Xbox bricks.

brian -

Precious space for what? This isn't a tablet. You don't need the precious space for a larger battery or other sensors. Most people don't want a power brick on the outside. They want a simple, single power cord.

yury merrit -

Anyone else have any issue with the fan in the power supply making rattling noises? I ripped it out and ordered a replacement part. Seems to be running fine the last several days without it. That sound was super annoying.

photographer -

Boo, soldered ram. Puts on $5000 rose colored iSpectacles. I mean hooray, Microsoft is getting "courage" too!

michaeldthompson - 回复

I would love to get one of these for free. I would sell it and buy a car. :D

preziremprokletigugl -

Yowza, that's a lot of copper! I like that in the Studio and Surface Book performance base, Microsoft is creating novel cooling setups to allow higher TDP parts in smaller spaces, rather than engineering ways to just get thinner for the same or lower TDPs. If you catch my drift on examples of the latter...

tipoo - 回复

64GB and 128GB SSDs for the hybrid storage - well that successfully avoids my most pessimistic view, I thought maybe they were talking about hybrid drives like the Momentus XT (though that was dispelled on their spec sheet soon after the presentation).

It also starts far higher than the 24GB that you'll get if you order a 1TB Fusion Drive in an iMac.

tipoo - 回复

?. My 5k got 128gb with fusion 1tb

Dmitrij Iermolaiev -

Great teardown, very entertaining. I'm still baffled why they aim this at a high end user and they don't offer a larger SSD size. I was scared it would be those horrible hybrid drives so at least it's not that!

Mark Cho - 回复

On the motherboard is the "Intel GL82CM236 Platform Hub Controller" which supports up to 8 SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) Ports.

A 2.5" SSD should be able to run at SATA III speed.

The Raptor - 回复

Very disappointing that the m.2 is sata rather than pcie x4. Huge difference in performance. IFixit: can you tell if the m.2 connector/hardware would support pcie? And if so, x2 or x4? Thanks

Charles Wallace - 回复

Related question - iFixit's teardown unit was the low-end model, with 64gb SATA M.2 module. I wonder if the larger M.2 (128gb?) in the high-end model uses PCIE? x2 or x4? Anyone know?

Charles Wallace -

@Charles Wallace @The Raptor

Yes, M.2 SATA and M.2. PCIe cards have different connectors, but many motherboard sockets can accept either. If you look closely at this image from Step 7 it appears the connector doesn't force the second key so a M.2 PCIe card would be able to fit: https://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/ig...

The remaining question is then if the controller supports it.

Red -


My mistake. I've check Kingston's website and it's possible systems have M.2 sockets that can support either SATA or PCIe.


The real question is whether the controller supports PCIe protocol.

We might not know the answer until someone tries putting in a PCIe SSD.

The Raptor -

What is more important, is that it is only AHCI and not NVMe.

In particular, NVMe has much lower latency, and massively greater parallelisation which greatly increases performance for virtual memory.

Both this machine and the new MacBook Pro's have soldered memory but this will be far more limiting without NVMe support, which the MacBook Pro's have.

alex -

The answer is yes.

@theofficemaven confirms that the Surface Studio with Intel Core i7 comes with a 128GB Toshiba XG3 THNSN5128GPU7 M.2 2280 PCIe 3.0 x4 NVMe SSD installed.

The Raptor -

What kind of connector is the display hooked to the motherboard by? Wondering it it's possible to connect the display to another computer

Jimmy Misto - 回复

I have also been wondering about this... I looked at the zoomed in images in search of what type the connectors were but I have no idea. Any insight would be awesome!

Conrad Cunningham -

Is anyone else annoyed by the fact that they keep putting 5400 rpm hard drives in instead of 7200 rpm hard drives? I mean what is a few cents to throw in the faster drive?

gjcorlett - 回复

"The RAM, CPU, and GPU are soldered to the board and cannot be upgraded. "

Yes they can. But it is not worth doing it.

preziremprokletigugl - 回复

A SATA SSD instead of PCIe and a freaking HDD for how much they charge for this thing? That's absurd.

Michael Hoadley - 回复

The Surface Studio model with Intel Core i7 has PCIe SSD.

The Raptor -

Please tear down the mouse and the keyboard that came with it!

Michael Lombardi - 回复

Is the GPU soldered or not.

Nilam Patel. - 回复

Someone will make a fortune if they can figure out a way nto connect this beautiful screen to another PC. It would give the Surface Studio a 10 year life span because the only thing holding this equipment back, and as constantly stated in ALL reviews, is the antique hardware used in the base.

Any takers to come up with a way to achieve this?

Ian Baker - 回复

Hello, i am trying to find out if it would be possible to modify the stand to allow the screen go fully horizontal ?

If some kind of adjustment would allow that by loosing on the vertical end.

Thanks in advance

elpachato - 回复


钟致远电脑服务 - 回复

Is it possible to trash the bottom part and connect it to a very powerful gaming machine or workstation as a touch and pen enabled monitor?

gcelikkol - 回复

Is it possible to leave the bottom gutted and use something to make it just a display for a more powerful machine?

Christian Church - 回复

What’s a Macronix MX25L1006E 1 Mb CMOS serial flash? Does that replace the use of a CMOS battery?

Fernando Luís Paludo - 回复

A question, “Four SK Hynix H5GC4H24AJR 512 MB GDDR5 SDRAM “, are they been used as hard drive cache?

yang wang - 回复

This is Javed from India and I want to purchase SMPS of the same surface studio Part number -x937405-008 please help and share the quatation at javedaqeel76@gmail.com

Javed Aqeel - 回复

do you know where to buy a entire desplay assembly?

John Coffey - 回复

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Johan william - 回复

Sort of wish the pictures were better. Cannot read the numbers on the chips, so a little hard to reverse-engineer the design.

I know that wasn't the purpose but would have me, so I don't have to take mine apart [yet]

Eric Snyder - 回复

Thanks for not showing how to disassemble the screen by just showing a before and after shot.
IFixIt? IDontThinkSo.

Steve Niemiec - 回复



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