



正翻译步骤 9

步骤 9
How To Solder and Desolder Connections: 步骤 0 中的图像 1,3 How To Solder and Desolder Connections: 步骤 0 中的图像 2,3 How To Solder and Desolder Connections: 步骤 0 中的图像 3,3
  • You're going to heat the solder pad and the component lead very hot for 2 to 3 seconds. The pad and lead should readily melt the solder wire.

  • Press the tip against the circuit board's solder pad and the component lead for about 1 second to heat them both. Angle the tip so it has maximum contact with the pad and lead.

  • If you're using a narrow soldering tip or working with a large solder pad, you may not be able to transfer enough heat to the area. You can try increasing the temperature by 50°C or switch to a larger tip for more effective heat transfer.

  • If you heat the circuit board continuously for more than 10 seconds, the excessive heat may damage the solder pad or component. Additionally, it could start loosening adjacent components.

  • Feed the solder wire into the heated area until there's a concave pool of solder surrounding the lead.

  • This should happen within a few seconds. If the solder doesn't adhere to the pad, apply flux to the pad or increase the temperature.

  • Don't feed the solder directly onto the tip as it won't flow properly into the pad and lead causing a weak connection.

  • Remove the solder wire, then remove the soldering iron from the solder pad.

您需要加热焊盘和元件引线 2 到 3 秒。焊盘和引线应能迅速熔化焊锡丝。

将烙铁头按压在电路板的焊盘和元件引线上约 1 秒钟,以加热它们。调整烙铁头的角度,使其与焊盘和引线最大程度接触。

如果您使用较窄的焊接头或使用较大的焊盘,则可能无法将足够的热量传输到该区域。您可以尝试将温度提高 50°C 或切换到较大的焊接头,以实现更有效的传热。

如果持续加热电路板超过 10 秒,过高的热量可能会损坏焊盘或元件。此外,它还可能使相邻的元件松动。





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