



正翻译步骤 8

步骤 8
How To Solder and Desolder Connections: 步骤 0 中的图像 1,3 How To Solder and Desolder Connections: 步骤 0 中的图像 2,3 How To Solder and Desolder Connections: 步骤 0 中的图像 3,3
  • Melt a small glob of solder onto the tip of the iron. This is called "tinning the tip" and will help with heat transfer.

  • You'll likely see some wispy smoke as you melt solder. This is mostly the rosin-core flux that's built into the solder wire. Flux helps molten solder flow, but gets vaporized over time. Once that happens, you'll need to either melt more solder to refresh the flux, or apply flux from an external source.

  • If this is your first time using a soldering iron, repeat the cleaning and melting procedure a few times to get a feel at how molten solder handles and how much solder the tip can hold.


在熔化焊料时,你可能会看到一些缕缕青烟。这主要是焊锡丝中的 "松香芯助焊剂"。助焊剂能帮助熔化的焊料流动,但随着时间的推移会蒸发掉。一旦出现这种情况,您就需要熔化更多的焊锡来补充助焊剂,或者从 “第三只手” 上涂抹助焊剂。


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