本指南将向您展示如何更换 PS4 内的散热硅脂。现在您可能想知道散热硅脂是什么。导热膏是一种银色膏状物,可用于将处理器的热量传递到散热器中。因为散热硅脂会逐渐变干,您可能会希望每隔几年左右就更换所有电子产品的散热硅脂。散热硅脂就在散热器的正下方,而散热器是所有灰尘堆积的地方。如果您清洁散热器并更换散热硅脂,您的 PS4 终将像全新的一样。我的 PS4 大约六岁了,在完成整个过程之后,它不再过热并且像个鼠标一样安静。此任务所需的唯一技能是您必须能够拧松和拧紧螺丝。这是一个非常简单的过程,但可能会比较乏味,所以如果你打算这样做,请选择一个你有空的日子。
What If my PS4 doesn't have the two screws on the side
I should imagine that plastic cover will come off?
How did you go?
Cary B -
I only have two screws, those in the middle of the console.
Have you removed the plastic covers mentioned in the previous step? That will expose the other two screws.
same, here. there are only the middle screws, no covers or screws on the sides. and it sits pretty tight
turns out 12XX models are different. Look at this for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpr0z0ve...
This video guide is very useful, thank you. The disc drive itself is different than this ifixit guide too
Yes there is slight variations between the first models, and the second gen and on models. I have an original and only has the two screws in the middle, removal of the cover remains the same.
What you need to do here is be patient. Do not pull the wires. Get some fine nosed pliers, wiggle the white connector from left to right in small movements and edge it out slowly. You can also use your nails one finger at each edge of the white connector to do this.
Its really hard but i managed it with both of the tweezers/pincers at the same time
1. Keep in mind to pull not too hard on the wires and make step 2 and 3 simultaneously!2. the straigt and wider tweezer to pull the white connector itself
(top and bottom grip)
3. the small and angled tweezer to pull the wires carefully
(as shown on the picture above)Another option, is to remove the screws holding it down, leave the cable in place and lift it out carefully, revealing the other end of the connection. The hidden side of the connection wire is easier to get a handle on.
dumb question but I’m very new to this. when reconnecting the wifi antenna, does it just click back on? I'm hesitant to try this procedure if I need to solder anything since I have zero experience.
Yup! Hold it in place and press straight down on top of it with your finger or a spudger. If you have any other cable/connector questions see this guide.
What type of connector is the antenna? MHF?
卸下固定天线的 9.7 毫米 Torx 安全螺丝。
This does not work on the newer 12 series
Thank you! I thought I was insane. I've been trying to figure out where the hell this thing goes and the seat for it is like an inch from the corner. It's driving me mental trying to figure out how to put this back on
取下 Wi-Fi 天线。
When I’m connected to wifi it does good for awhile then it disconnects from the wifi and I can’t use the controller. I have to turn the game off and disconnect power source. Do you think the wifi antenna could be the problem or doin have another situation.
I would check the antenna connection to the motherboard, if it's properly seated I don't think it's the problem.
hazelrat -
Please note that the younger generations of PS4 have a different setup of connectors to the driver, its sometimes 3 of these as presented but with different sizes and no pad to press down. However, dont be alarmed, just use the pair of tweezers and gently pull them off the connectors of the motherboard. Grab on tight on the blue area of the ribbon cable and pull gently! They tend to sit tight so take some time and patience on this.
Thank you!!!
This is not true for the larger center connector. At the top, there is a brown part. Use fingers on either side (with wings) and move it upward (2-3mm). When this is done, then you can remove the center connector. The other two connectors are just a compression fit and you just pull them up.
bei mir ist das leider defekt Plastikteil abgebrochen wie kann ich das ersetzen
Is it possible to buy the white port for ps4? My one seems to be damaged so won't hold the ribbon cable.
This may be a difficult fix, as the white port seems to be integrated into the motherboard. You could try simply holding the ribbon cable down with electrical tape, if it's just a fitting issue?
hazelrat -
This portion does not exist on models that have the three ribbon cables (Model CUH-1215A on bottom sticker).
WOW... do NOT pull up by the CABLES! Cant believe I have to clarify this. Who made this guide??
Use a spudger to lift the left and right sides gently out. And/or use fingernails to grip the white sides and gently lift this out
向上和向后提起上壳以将其从 PS4 上卸下。
“Significant force” is a bit of an understatement. It’s like it’s superglued together..
You absolutely should not need a lot of force for this. In the picture above, press upward using the left thumb from under the outer lip of the cover. You may need to pull it slightly toward you as well. Once that half is lifted, the right-hand side is still firmly attached. Keeping the left-hand side of the top separated, flip the unit over. Along the right-hand side, press the outside lip with your thumb about 2 thumb-widths down from the corner. There is a tab here and once released, the cover comes off easily and off in the back. Otherwise, you’ll be placing stress vertically (and rotationally) on the first tab on the side.
I appreciate this feedback – thank you. This sounds like a safer method. I’ll test it on our guide unit and update the procedure.
I got this cover off quite easily. Still some resistance, but I didn't need this significant force at all.
Cary B -
I found an easier method for myself is to have the console upright and pointed away from myself. From this position, wrap your fingers over the top of the cover, hooking it in its front with the last digits of each finger. This allows you to press with your palm into the top of the console and pry in an upward/outward motion. This feels safer as it took much less force to disengage the problematic clip.
卸下用于固定上部 EMI 屏蔽的十二颗 9.7 毫米 Torx 螺丝。
In my PS4, there is a small black Philips screw behind where the power lead connects to the motherboard. That screw connects the EMI shield to the inner metal where the power supply sits.
I had exactly the same thing, and mine is a fairly old model of PS4. Confused me for a moment until I spotted it.
Tom G -
Can confirm this.
This screw was on mine. To anyone reading this, flip the PS4 over and look where the pain in the ass power supply connector is.
Black screw right there.
If you have that screw of course. :)
Cary B -
卸下两颗 15.6 毫米十字螺丝。
My PS4 also has 2 metal rings around each screw hole and 4 metal pieces 2 on each side closing in the same shape as the pressure plate as you take the pressure plate off?
Geoff King - 回复
How strong do you tighten the screws when re-applying the plate?
To the max, or stop one to two turns before?
I've tightened mine until the screws became taut and I've not had any stability issues.
hazelrat -
Insure you put it back with the bump down (flex down). On the older PS4, the pressure plate is directly on the PCB. Also agree that the screw will bottom out. It is not a standard screw, but has different diameters. The CPU is on the opposite side. On the inner shield (some steps below) is the aluminium body going (thermally) to the heat fins. Clean any residual thermal paste on the inner shield so that new paste applied to the CPU has good contact. The pressure plate is over the (decoupling) capacitors and the CPU is on the opposite (bottom) side. Also, the replacement fan connector does not match the main board. Save the old fan connector and you may have to solder it to the new fan.
Yes, it also has a 2nd plate that hovers over the decoupling caps and applies pressure to the area of the CPU package below. The pressure 'bar' is pushing on the 2nd plate to keep good contact with the heat sink on the inner shield. Clean out all the fins on the heat sink of dust, etc and clean/fluff the gasket parts so they have a good seal.
卸下上部 EMI 屏蔽罩。
This is the 2nd PS4 I have disassembled and on both units I have found there is a black Phillips screw securing the upper EMI shield. This should be mentioned in the teardown as the EMI shield cannot be removed completely without first removing this screw and you risk damaging the EMI shield in the process . To locate the screw turn the unit over and you will see a small black Phillips screw located near the power supply prongs. There will be a set of arrows pointing to the screw. Once you remove this screw then you can fully release the upper EMI shield.
Geoff King - 回复
Ditto. This is my first time disassembling a PS4. EMI shield didn’t lift off easily on one corner. Noticed the black Phillips screw holding it in place. I scrolled up in the tutorial to see if I missed it. Easy enough.
throw it way, electromagnetic fields dont exist
The wires came out all seperate and the bit on the ps4 broke. What do i do?
将主板从 PS4 中取出。
That shiny metal cover box on the opposite side of the hdi port shown in picture 30 at the very front is showing over heating signs I guess very brown around the edges I think is causing my PS4 not to show up on tv any ideas how to fix that hdi port looks fairly good to me but the black plastic port shows burnt signs as well that's on the same side of the HDMI port but the shiny metal cover is on the opposite side
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Se me hizo muy buena la guia, sobre todo para no cometer algun error al trabajar en la reparacion, mi PS4 dejo de zumbar el abanico con el cambio de pasta termica y una limpieza general de polvo y pelusa.
I followed this guide step by step, including reversing the order to reassemble my unit.
My PS4 is still loud but not as loud as before, so everything worked well. Thanks for the writeup!
i might be a little late to reply, but i followed this guide aswell BUT after step 31 i took off the extra metal/aluminum plating and saw thats that where the bulk of the dust will be built up, this plate has the vents that go to the cooling fan on the opposite side of it after unscrewing. i bought an original ps4, it sounded like a jet engine taking off. The vents on my ps4 were just about covered in dust almost no airflow was able to get through, after taking the extra step and taking off the 1 extra panel (the one under the motherboard in step 31) and of course after replacing the thermal paste made my ps4 run and sound like new again,
Beau -
I cannot reply to Beau's comment.
I also went the extra step of taking that metal shroud that sits below the motherboard (step 31).
I completely recommend this step. It is then you can get access to the heat sink fins to remove dust. There are 3 screws that hold this metal shroud in place. Easy to get out.
Then you can also now remove the fan - 2 screws for this.
You can then clean out the accumulated dust from the fan and in the plastic shroud, that the fan sits in.
Holy cow, dust factory. :)
Great guide! Just did it and now the console is dead silent during gameplay of super demanding games <3 I just went a step further after Step 31 and removed the plate there so that I could properly take care of the heat sink underneath that had lots of dust on it.
“Great guide! Just did it and now the console is dead“ I just read that and was shocked for a second, you had me in the first half.
What thermal paste did yall use
I just used Arctic Silver 5, it’s for sale on iFixit’s store and works great. However, it is not a lot if you repair or build a lot of devices.
I had to replace my fan and thermal paste. My fan bearings were not gliding at all. Before fixing I would just hear a click, like the fan was trying to spin but couldn't. There was a huge blockage of dust on the heat sink too. Not sure which did the trick but now I'm playing the latest COD on PS4 and it's absolutely silent. I do have two tiny Phillips head screws leftover though. Oh well?
When I take my PS4 apart I always write down where the screws came from on a piece of paper. It helps if you're a little forgetful.
Some Guy -
What screw driver do i need?
Micah Gout - 回复
Habe gestern die Sony PlayStation die weiße Version die Wärmeleitpaste und Kühlpad erneuert und jetzt ist sie wieder leise und nicht mehr laut
Super Anleitung!!! Meine PS4 ist vom startenden Düsenjet zu absolut nicht hörbar gerettet. Dank Dir!!!!!!
Habe auch Schritt 31 noch gemacht und der Kühler war komplett voller Staub.
Kostenpunkt der Reinigung: 8,99,- für Druckluftspray und 15,- für Wärmeleitpaste.
Nochmal großes Danke!!!
Simply remarkable. I replaced the fan and thermal paste in my PS4 and it has made the WORLD of difference. Cleaned all the dust from every part with my Dyson along the way, especially the heatsink which was absolutely clogged.
This guide is incredible. My PS4 sounded like a harrier jet taking off, now it is whisper quiet - no exaggeration. Even the wifey cannot believe it.
Really wish i had done this sooner. Whole job took around an hour with my 8 year old son helping, he had a blast.
Hola a todos, realicé un proceso de mantenimiento a un play station 4 modelo 1100 del año 2014 (primer mantenimiento desde ese año), la razón, el ventilador se activa a la máxima velocidad y la consola se siente caliente. Proceso: Eliminación de polvo y limpieza general, cambio de pasta térmica del procesador y cambio de todos los pads térmicos. Al probar los resultados en la consola, en juegos modernos como god of war 4, el ventilador sigue activándose al máximo y la consola se sigue calentando.
¿Existirá alguna otra razón de que persistan los problemas?
Por la antigüedad de la consola. ¿ya no existe solución a los problemas aún haciendo mantenimiento y limpieza ?
¿Existe alguna otra solución ?
Esperando su ayuda, les mando un saludo.
Seguir o passo a passo e fiz a limpeza do meu PS4 hoje usei a pasta térmica prata, aqui estava no meu processador estava até ressecada o barulho que ele fazia parecia uma máquina de lavar aproveitei e tirei o dissipador e jateei ele todo com ar, tinha muita poeira agora ele está tão silencioso como quando eu comprei tenho uma pergunta a Quem souber me responder Me ajuda aí De quanto em quanto tempo é o ideal para fazer essa manutenção nele
Amazing guide! Worked perfect.
One small problem though: I have one torx screw thats left after i put it back together.
Whoops, Im sure it'll be fine though.
Just glad i could revive a dead ps4
I followed this guide step by step, cleaning every removed part as I go. The 9 year old PS4 that I was working on (it was never cleaned before) is now working silently when playing NFS Heat (I had to put my ear to the console side to be sure that the fan is working). I put PTM7950 as thermal compound and it seems to be working great.
Great Guide my ps4 had overheating problems and when I clean the fans it would still overheat like crazy but was too nervous to try it myself and the guide made me realize that I wasn't as difficult as I had thought since I how had a step by step instructions
I have a CUH-1102A version of this PS4.
Would this teardown work for it?
Cary B - 回复