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PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南


  1. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 底盖: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 底盖: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 底盖: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 找到机器后面三个接口旁边的塑料保修警告标签。

    • 用Spudger撬棒揭下保修标签。

    • 移除保修标签并不会意味着您放弃了保修。

    Remove the screw directly to the left of that one in the picture as well. Should be silver.

    Elizabeth Johnson - 回复

    ihr seid so ein scheiß haufen das stimmt über haubt nix

    Toaster 95 - 回复

    einfach alles stimmt nicht

    Toaster 95 - 回复

    Quitar la pegatina anula la garantía en España al menos

    Ana y Francisco - 回复

    So becore you start on this guide if you read the comments at the last step, this guide is geared more towards repairing of the disc drive not replacing the entire optical disc drive, i have done mine already and the guide does help get you halfway there but you are gunna need a bit more to pull the entire disc drive out, i will post another comment on the last step so you can follow these steps and then mine to further reference from that point on. See ya on the last step of the guide 🤘

    Walter Gamboa - 回复

  2. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 沿顺时针方向,用T8安全螺丝刀,拧下藏在保修标签后长为5毫米的螺丝。

    Are you SURE that it’s counter-clockwise?

    The Stuff - 回复

    Try T9. Fits better.

    Otter - 回复

    T8 fits like a glove for me

    Daniel Henderson -

    Is there anything else you can use

    randomweeb - 回复

    A small flathead screwdriver will work

    shawng6363 -

    There is a small metal rod in the middle of the screw that isn’t allowing my t8 inside. Any insight on this?

    gavinstoutconner@icloud.com - 回复

    Some T8 bits have a hole in the middle that will allow that rod to go through; some do not. If you have a set of multiple bits, check if there are any others labeled T8 or TR8 with that hole in the middle.

    Nicholas -

    There is a metal thing inside of the screw slot any insite on this?

    Tristan York - 回复

  3. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 将您的PS4 Slim倒置,使刚刚拧下来的螺丝的那一面面向您。

    • 用手指从两个面向您的边角撬开底盖。

    • 打开它可能需要些微的力,当您将底盖和设备分离时,您将会听到灰常大的清脆的声音。

    • 向后滑动并且抬起底盖就可以移除它了。

    It says to place it upside down, but didn't you do so in the previous step? I've been trying to unscrew the screw with my screwdriver that I got from here and if I had to had the system right side up, I'm afraid I might've stripped the screw from all the force I tried to use to get the screw out that will NOT budge. It didn't even move the slightest after removing the warranty sticker.

    Vidal Santos - 回复

    There is a single clip on the left side about 5cms in, and another clip on the right side equidistant to the one on the other side. Jamming a spudger in there first, and lifting those clips helped, and then I had to slide down to lift a total of 4 clips on each side (each about 4cms apart). Then push the cover away from you, if that makes more sense than “sliding it towards the back corners”, since the back corners are technically facing you.

    Emil Fisk - 回复

    It would be easier if you just lifted the top cover of the PS4.

    Poobler - 回复

    The earlier comment by Emil Fisk is spot-on. I found it impossible to remove the cover without first using a spudger to release the four clips on each side.

    midahed - 回复

    I saw many video and tried it my self, you have to remove the hard disc before removing any cover.

    Bahaa CHEBLI - 回复

  4. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 电源: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 电源: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 电源: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 令PlayStation 4 Slim的右侧,即印有PS标志的一侧朝上放置,并将带有“SONY”和“PS4”字样的一面朝向您。

    • 在朝向你的一侧用手指将顶盖掰开。

    • 打开顶盖需要用不小的力气,而且在打开时卡扣会发出很大的声音。

    • 沿着顶盖向后打开剩余的卡扣并最终移除顶盖。

    Undo 4 clips on each side by using a spudger. And then lift the front corners up and pull towards you to undo them.

    Emil Fisk - 回复

  5. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 用T8螺丝刀逆时针拧下两颗螺丝(左侧螺丝长31.0mm,右侧螺丝长24.0mm)。

    • 用#1十字螺丝刀逆时针拧下一颗3.0mm长的螺丝。

    UK model seems to be different here. There's no Philips screw where there is on your image.

    MaFt Morley - 回复

    This regards EU models in general, i think. My danish version is the same.

    William Villadsen -

    The screw on the left was 31mm, and the one on my right side was only 19mm.

    Emil Fisk - 回复

    CUH-2215B doesn't seem to have the top antenna screw

    Kenneth Beerman - 回复

  6. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除四颗固定电源的16mm长的十字螺丝。

    Es gibt diese Schrauben bei meiner Ps4 Cuh 2116A nicht und ich bekomme das Teil so nicht raus. Kann mir jmd helfen?

    Julian S. - 回复

    Only 2 Phillips actress here on my UK

    MaFt Morley - 回复

    Only 2 phillips screws on the US one as well.

    Sean Douglas - 回复

    I also only have two screws here in the US.

    Rachel Kelley - 回复

    CUH-2215B has two T9 Security Torx screws on metal shield and two Phillips screws

    Kenneth Beerman - 回复

  7. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 向上移除覆盖在电源顶部的金属片。

    Is this metal sheet required for the unit to power on?

    AlexT - 回复

    I think the metal sheet protects the rest of the console or something from heating too much.

    BloodSpark22 -

    Kann man diesen Metallblech einzeln kaufen? Finde im Internet nichts

    SoN GoKu - 回复

    A quoi sert la tôle métallique qui recouvre le ventilateur et l’alimentation svp

    Ittady92 - 回复

    Que puedo hacer si uno de los tornillos que sujetan esa lamina está barrido y no los puedo quitar?

    Maalem - 回复

  8. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 顺着固定天线的金属板底部的凸出部分拆下天线。

    What does this mean for part do? This part is not present in my console nor is the space where it's supposed to reside as shown in the picture above.

    The Hondo - 回复

    Me neither, guess they are different models.

    Daniel Henderson -

    There was a longer clip 8mm long on the left side which had to be pulled straight out. However, be careful when pulling out the antenna. My cable was soldered to the metal plate.

    Emil Fisk - 回复

    It is easier to wiggle the cable out from the plastic power supply housing in step 10.

    Emil Fisk - 回复

    The model shown in this tutorial is the PS4 Slim CUH-2115, because it has the WiFi Bluetooth antenna attached to the PSU.

    BRG Kasumi77 Main Channel - 回复

  9. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 将PlayStation 4 Slim背面朝上。

    • 用#1十字螺丝刀逆时针拧下一颗4mm长的螺丝。

    Forgot to mention to remove the hard drive.

    The Stuff - 回复

    it's usually pretty straightforward to remove the HDD first on any Playstation System

    Kenneth Beerman -

    How do you get it when the screw is stripped

    Lucas Holland - 回复

  10. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 用撬棒在主机和电源之间撬开一个缝隙。

    • 用手将电源提起并翻转。

  11. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 用手或镊子将电源上的排线小心地断开。

    • 将电源完全取下。

    Your guide is good but detail. Could be alot better for a start you forgot to mention the screw on the other side that must also be removed to let the power supply out of ps4 slim

    Chicky Boy3 - 回复

    Could you replace a ps4 slim model CUH-211B with a N16-160P1A power supply

    Aiden Thrash - 回复

    Just because I feel like this needs to be stated clearly, “Do no attempt to pull the plug out by the wires!”

    Pull from the plastic, male end of the plug or you’re going to end up have a very bad day.

    Matthew D. H. - 回复

    Literally no way I can do it by the plastic, the only way is wires. Gotta risk it I guess

    Misha FV -

    You are right, pulling the wires is entirely wrong. I used the small rectangular, thin blue plastic to push the cable back from the socket. It was too tight. From my experience of repairing, never pull wires. The consequences of damaging it are not worth it.

    El-Musleh -

    This cable is very hard to remove from the connector. It's much easier to unplug this cable from the motherboard side (in step 20) because you can push the connector out from behind. (This might only be true for some motherboard revisions.)

    You can leave the power supply propped up on top of the console, like shown in the first picture. After you've unplugged the two cables in step 13, you can put the power supply back where it was to make flipping the console over easier.

    Jak Atackka - 回复

    This is about where I'd give up

    Shane Lucey - 回复

  12. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 硬盘: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南, 硬盘: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用T8螺丝刀沿逆时针方向拧下图中的31毫米的大螺丝。

    • 使用1号十字螺丝刀沿逆时针方向拧下如图的十个5毫米螺丝。

    I have a ps4 model CUH-2215B and all the orange screws were replaced with molded plastic pins. They don’t come out. I could rip the heads off with pliers or something, but idk how it would go back together.

    Reed Deemer - 回复

    I have the same model as you and was stopped by this discovery, what i would try to do is remove them with pliers anyway and just use some spare small screws in the holes and see if that works, but I think no harm would happen if you just leave them out since it’s just a plate being held on and no important components are being held in place exclusively by the black pins.

    Anurag RB26 - 回复

    Many of the screws were replaced with plastic rivets. Just use a straight head jewelers screw driver or very small chisel to shear off the head of the rivet by hitting the screw driver or chisel with a hammer. Be sure to keep the screw driver or chisel on a steep angle so not to place force down into to console. No need to replace them when re-assembling, They are not needed.

    bsey60@yahoo.com - 回复

    Anyway of ur gonna clean ur ps4 , it's better to remove the bottom one , u can get the motherboard without even touching that cover , it's not so necessary

    sherlanmamaril - 回复

  13. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 用手抓住边缘并抬升以移除金属屏蔽罩。

  14. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用PH000型号的螺丝刀沿逆时针方向拧下两个3毫米螺丝。

  15. PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 PS4 Slim硬盘替换指南: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 捏住硬盘的有两个黑色塑料爪的一边,抬起以移除硬盘。

    Naja, etwas unvollständig, das Laufwerk ist ja noch drin.

    Alex - 回复

    Where is the part number so I can order the exact fit? I have a older ps4 not the pro

    Neto Rosas - 回复

    This guy is incorrect unless you plan on breaking off all of the rivets, and replacing only half of the disk drive. Proper replacement requires full disassembly

    Ender - 回复

    How do I identify the part no’ for replacement please?

    Pete B - 回复

    This guide is only for replacing the disk loading system not the entire drive.

    Drew B - 回复

    Die Anleitung ist unvollständig und hört auf wenn es erst richtig los geht. Das Laufwerk ist noch drin und die Konsole muss restlos entkernt werden. Wärmeleitpaste sollte zur Hand sein. Bitte bitte ergänzt das noch. Es suggeriert das es deutlich einfacher ist, als es ist.

    jan hofmann - 回复


    GABBAR GAMR - 回复

    SO basically I just wasted my time reading this whole guide only to find out it's not to replace the whole drive?


    Bullet Baxter - 回复

    Ich musste letzt endlich die komplette PS4 zerlegen, um das komplette Laufwerk zu wechseln. Bitte hier nachbessern.

    Walter Söffky - 回复

    This yet another not fully completed guide. This is NOT a full disc drive replacement.

    William Loggarakis - 回复





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incomplete guide, what replacement? the last step is taking the cover off but what about the disk drive?

Yegor Ilchuk - 回复

Yeah, where's the ending to this?

Ben Baptist - 回复

To remove the complete drive you have to remove the motherboard. with the motherboard removed some of the above steps may not be necessary.

This guide is useful if you just need to remove disc or clean laser.

Freddie Parsons - 回复

when replacing do you have to swap a board like the PS4’s of the past?

Frank Ferrante - 回复

Nope, on the ps4 slim the optical drive is not married to the motherboard so any drive as long is the same model will work with any motherboard

Joshua Sites -

What drive is used for replacement? Anyone have a link?

Matthew Silliman - 回复

Newer ps4 slim has some black buttons on the drives instead of the 10 screws I’m stuck on getting the plate to the disc drive any suggestions????

Haktendo - 回复

I had to shave off the tops of those black buttons with a pocket knife to get the plate to come off.

Elizabeth Soltwedel -

The screw behind the warranty is not a T8 , it’s a TR8 (Tamper Resistant) screw. Just so you know which screwdriver to ACTUALLY buy/use.

Manuel Guzman - 回复

T8 works fine

Dakota Ryder -

hi guys, is it possible to replace a ps4 slim disc drive with a standard ps4 disc Drive?

thank you

Gaby Cove - 回复

Nope i’m afraid you’ll have to buy the same model of ps4 slim disc drive with same one.

David Peck -


I have the ps4 slim, the optical drive stopped working. I been through the process here and replaced the drive with a new one but the new one won't work either. Any suggestions?

Andrew Turner - 回复

this will help me get my PS4 repaired

Jonathan Davis - 回复

i just need to get a new disc drive online

Jonathan Davis - 回复

I have installed a new drive and it is not taking in disc, any suggestions ?

Fabio - 回复

Thanks for putting this up. I was wondering how different it was going to be, compared to tearing down the Pro.

Matthew D. H. - 回复

This guide is incomplete.If you want to actually replace the disc drive,then refer to the fan guide. The entire system let's be taken apart to get to the disk drive and or the fan. I also Ordered a replacement drive and installed it properly and it does not work

Quintin Harbin - 回复

I replaced the optical drive but it only accepts the disc part of the way in. It's like something is blocking it because I can hear and fell the pull of the feed on the disc. I've taken it apart several times to check. What am I missing?

Elizabeth Soltwedel - 回复

I'm having the same problem

Antonio Rivera -

So I replaced it but it want take any discs at all? Im not sure what to do

Antonio Rivera - 回复

Nope, on the ps4 slim the optical drive is not married to the motherboard so any drive as long is the same model will work with any motherboard

Joshua Sites - Aug 13, 2018


erexx - 回复

Not even a full guide💀💀

Roope Yrjölä - 回复

Le lecteur éjecte pas le cd de jeux. Comment faire ?

Emo - 回复



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