使用本指南可以借助iFixit电池更换套件从MacBook Pro中安全地取出内置电池。 套件中的粘合剂去除剂将溶解固定电池的粘合剂,使您可以轻松地将其移除。
“iFixit粘合剂去除剂是高度易燃的。''请'在通风良好的地方进行此项操作。 在这个过程中不要在明火附近抽烟或工作。
为了你的安全,在开始此指南之前,请先将MacBook Pro的电池电量耗尽。如果意外刺破,带电的锂离子电池可能会造成危险且无法控制的火灾。如果你的电池已经鼓包,请参考此指南
注意:用于溶解电池粘合剂的溶剂会在你的扬声器与塑料扬声器音箱接触时损坏。 所以,本指南指导你在继续使用电池之前取下扬声器。移除扬声器还需要移除其他几个组件,包括主板。
sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00
按[回车]。如果出现钥匙提示,请输入管理员密码(开机密码)并再次按[回车]。注意:您的回车键也可能标有「⏎」或 return。
sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03
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This is an awesome guide. My girlfriend’s MacBook Pro was diagnosed with a logic board failure by the repair centre. The repair cost was going to be more than a new 6-core Mac Mini.
I tinkered with the device, and thanks to the help of the iFixit community, a battery fault was diagnosed. Installed a new battery and the problem was solved!
Everything went perfectly. Thanks for the great guide :)
Hello I bougth the battery on this site my model is A1707, I followed the procedure and when I turned it on it stays in 1% and says condition: Replace now… what can I do?
Hi Rafael, make sure you’ve calibrated your battery first. If that doesn’t fix anything and you’re using an iFixit battery, contact our customer support team and they’ll help you out. Otherwise you can post your question on the Answers Forum—there are a bunch of experts there that can offer advice.
My late 2016 model MBP’s battery had swollen after 3 years (2 months out of warranty). Apple wanted $850 to send it in and replace it. I purchased a new battery and it’s kit for a fourth of the price from iFixit. 2.5 hours later, and everything seems to be working smoothly. The guide was spot on.