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If not disconnecting battery before replacement of ssd, will ssd be damaged for sure, or is it just a precaution and not likely?
This is recommendation. I never disconnect battery and no issues occur so far.
Oleg -
Yes, damage can occur. Always disconnect any kind of power before removing different boards. After removing battery connector, it can be a good idea to discharge capacitors by pressing the power button on your mac. This ensures theres no latent current passing through the circuits.
I know this is an old comment but it is the top one, so this is a note for other people :)
You don’t only risk the SSD, you also risk damaging the rest of the computer.
Also please only use a plastic tool to lift off the battery connector, shorting out the pins can damage your SMC!
Which SSD can i use for upgrade? Can it be a normal like from Samung or else? Or has it to be from Apple?
karimi1993 - 回复