

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Google Pixel 3 XL,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解, Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 让我们看看躺在 Pixel 3 XL 刘海屏下的科技结晶:

    • 6.3 英寸 OLED 屏幕,分辨率为 QHD+ 1440 × 2960(523 ppi),配备第五代大猩猩玻璃。

    • 八核,64-bit 高通骁龙 845 处理器 (2.5 GHz + 1.6 GHz),4 GB LPDDR4x 内存

    • 12.2 MP,ƒ/1.8,主摄像头配备光学防抖,双像素相位自动对焦;双 8.1 MP 自拍摄像头

    • 64 GB 或 128 GB 内置储存

    • Qi 无线充电

    • IP68 级防水防尘

    • Android 9.0 Pie

  2. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 在潜入内部之前,让我们仔细看看 Pixel 3 XL 的光滑肌肤,旁边是它小号的同胞。

    • 这两台手机的背面看起来像是上两代产品混合的结果,但是这一次是一整块的玻璃(一部分具有哑光效果)。

    • 很不幸,玻璃并没有铝合金耐用,我们只能祈祷这个很可能会碎的部件可以轻松的更换。

    • 来到正面,我们在屏幕顶上看到一个额外的相机。

    • 没错,当所有人都往背面堆放更多的相机时,Google 来到正面并在现有的广角相机(28 mm等效焦距)旁增加了一颗超广角相机(19 mm等效焦距).

    • Pixel 3 XL 独有的时髦机器人刘海迎接我们去拆开这台手机。

  3. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 前置扬声器使得 Pixel 3 避免了在铝制边框上留下任何扬声器开孔。

    • 叠在一起,很显然其中的一台比另外一台要大一号,但是除此之外没有更多的不同之处。

    • USB-C 充电接口,SIM 卡槽和八十年代风格的电源键在两台手机上都有。

  4. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 现在我们在外观的工作已经完成,是时候进入内部了。

    • 经验告诉我们只需要一点吸力和切割就可以将显示屏分离开,但是当这些手段不起作用时,我们会拿出大(热)枪。

    • 看起来 Pixel 3 XL 仍然使用了泡棉胶,但是比我们去年看到的那个对维修非常友好的东西要坚韧的多。

    • 我们拿出了可靠的小伙伴 iSclack,期望可以分离屏幕组件,但是背盖先屈服了。

    • 整件事情开始提醒我们 Pixel 3 少了它前任的特点,多了现阶段产品都有的粘度

  5. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    Manta Driver Kit - 112 Bit Driver Kit
    • 比期望中和胶水纠缠了更久之后,我们终于进来了!

    • 可能 Googel 认为额外的胶水对于更多的防水指数是必要的,但是我们已经见过了更好打开的 IP68 手机

    • 感恩,指纹传感器线缆足够长到避免被我们过度热情的开启撕裂。

    • 内部的景象和我们期望的差不多:闪亮的全新无线充电板,一个电池,一块主板,一对相机和一个指纹传感器生活在背盖上。

    • 主板上的金属盖比预想中的要小,SIM 卡托藏在扬声器部件的下方。

    • Google 认为区区几颗螺丝就能劝退我们?想不到吧,我们准备了梅花螺丝刀和保险起见的另外111种螺丝刀。

  6. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 打开盖板,我们有发现了更多的强力胶将NFC(近场通讯)线圈固定在 Pixel 的电池上。但是我们窥探到了一些喘息的机会!

    • 电池被维修友好的易拉胶固定起来。如果你的技术过关,你就会有一次简易移除的机会。

    • 但是这带子并没有帮上什么忙,但是我们在 Pixel 3 上有更好的运气。

    • 我们用牙线弄出了电池,但是不小心将下面一条脆弱的带状电缆切断了!有备无患——维修手册原来可以在这个地方帮上我们。

    • 通过了胶水的考验后,电池拆下来了:Pixel 3 XL 电池容量 13.2 Wh。这实际上比 Pixel 2 XL的 13.6 Wh 要小了一些,但是和初代的 Pixel XL 的 13.28 Wh 差不多。

    • Pixel XL 仍然打败了 iPhone XS Max(12.08 Wh),和 Galaxy S9+(13.48 Wh)接近。

  7. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 在电池曾经躺过的坑上,我们拆出了一个盖在主板的天线。

    • 在手机的底端,我们战胜了更多的胶水,解救了看起来像是另外一个屏蔽罩的东西。

    • 又一个陷阱!这个屏蔽罩实际上是扬声器外壳,是我们刚刚把它分成两半来尝试接近部件的下方。

    • 扬声器室用防水胶密封,必须拆除密封才能接近副板上任何常用的端口。

  8. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 随着屏蔽罩被拆下,我们终于可以看到最新款 Pixel 的主板了。

    • 随着主板被拿出,我们不禁注意到其底部有导热硅脂的帮忙,用来从最频繁工作的芯片上转移热量到金属边框上。

    • 看起来涂了很多导热硅脂,但是高性能的硬件会产生很多热量。

    Step 7 shows an antenna plastic near the top of the phone and Step 8 shows the two coax that run to the bottom of the handset. Looks like part of that plastic antenna shown in Step 7 near the top is for BT/Wifi on the button side of the PCB, then there are 4 antennas on the other side of the board (two coax, two gold contacts up to that plastic antenna part). I’m wondering if there is any indicators what antennas are used for what inside the handset. Thoughts?

    Brandon M - 回复

  9. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 这些胶水累死我们了——坐下来看看这些芯片。

    • 美光 8JE77G9WGH 4 GB LPDDR4X DRAM 位于高通骁龙 845 之上

    • 海力士 H28S7Q302BMR 64 GB 通用闪存

    • 谷歌 SR3HX Pixel Visual Core (和我们在 Pixel 2 XL 上看到的一样)

    • 高通 SDR845 射频收发器

    • 高通 QPM2622 和 QPM2642

    • 高通 QET4100 40 MHz 包络追踪器

    • 高通 PMI8998 电源IC

    What type of antenna and wifi coaxial cable are? I accidentally broke the connector

    Zeeshan - 回复

  10. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 还有一些……

    • 谷歌 H1C2M Titan M 安全芯片

    • IDT P9221 Qi 无线充电接收器

    • 高通 WCD9340 Aqstic 音频编解码器

    • 高通 QDM3620, QDM3670, QDM3671分集接收器模块

    • 高通 PM845 电源管理IC

    • 村田 1QB SS8601001

    • 高通 QPM2635

    Can you identify which audio amplifiers they use?

    Cltest Edin - 回复

    Does anybody know which cpu model used in pixel 3 (not xl)? MSM8998 102-AB or MSM8998 302-AB?

    Andrey - 回复

    Can any one tell where i get wifi ic

    Asif Mughal - 回复

  11. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们小心的取出粘在框架上的左眼球广角摄像头。

    • 据谷歌介绍,这颗增加的相机可以让你在自拍镜头中容纳更多的朋友。

    • 在背部,谷歌再一次打赌 AI 可以帮助一颗传感器干两个的活

    • 根据早前的评测,他们可能没说错。道上的说法是这是一颗小幅升级过的索尼 IMX363 传感器,剩下的就是 Pixel Visual Core。

    Well they're not exactly betting a single camera can do the work of two, considering they've already beat two camera phones time and time again.

    George A. - 回复

    What is that component that’s left in the middle? Looks like there’s a flex on it, too, so wouldn’t that also need to be removed?

    Kate Richardson - 回复

    what is the unit function in between of two front cameras?

    xuchen05 - 回复

  12. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    Halberd Spudger
    • 副板没有任何意外就拿出来了,上面有 USB-C 接口,SIM 卡托和一些天线硬件。

    • 震动马达有点不愿意离开自己的家,但是我们的撬棒很有说服力。

    • 这个震动马达据说较去年有所提升,能够提供更精确的触觉反馈。

    • 应变计和去年一样可爱

  13. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 以科学的名义,我们选择拆开屏幕,以便从中学习。它被粘的很牢固,但是不敌热量,耐心和一点点能做到的自信

    • 一开始,边框的黑色边缘骗我们觉得屏幕是向下弯曲到边框的,未来的窥探者们,小心了!

    • 鼓声起……是三星的!谣言到处 ,但是看起来谷歌今年选择了三星可靠的 AMOLED 面板。

    • 三星的面板应该比去年的可靠,但是很不幸,这款产品还配备了三星式的维修工艺。

    • 更换 Pixel 3 屏幕的方法很鬼畜,大概率需要更换手机的整个边框。

    • 最后但也很重要,屏幕芯片孤零零的呆在屏幕线缆上:

    • 三星 S6SY761X 触摸控制器(和 S9+ 上的一样

  14. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • 拆解更新:据广大人民群众的要求,我们也拆解了小号的Pixel 3,猜我们发现了什么?LG Diplay!

    • 好嘛,这显然和去年的情况完全相反。在去年,小号的Pixel 2 使用了三星提供的屏幕,而大号的使用了LG提供的屏幕。

    • 有传言称,LG一直努力在改进自己的OLED屏幕生产工艺水平,我们很好奇现在这块新的LG生产的屏幕可以达到什么样的水平。

    That mesh speaker cover looks like a major weak point. Not a lot of extra material or glue holding it in place.

    Steve Stone - 回复

  15. Google Pixel 3 XL 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,1
    • 以下是 Galaxy Pixel 中包含的所有精致部件。

    • 想看更多的拆解?视频团队在这邀请你收看 Pixel 3 拆解视频

    • 似乎 Pixel 一直在和制造麻烦的 Galaxy 产品线闲逛,让它拥有熟悉的天线组件,顽固的电池以及三星自己制造的难以替换的屏幕!

    • 更换损坏的屏幕不止需要完全拆解手机,你现在还要担心背盖了。Pixel 2 XL 背部玻璃覆盖了手机的20%——Pixel 3 XL 100% 的背部面板是可损坏的。这对于可修复性来说并不是一个好兆头......

  16. 最后的想法
    • 螺丝全是标准的 T3 梅花紧固件。
    • 用容易更换的易拉胶固定了电池。
    • 防水的O形环和胶水使手机达到更好防水级别的同时也使得维修变得复杂。
    • 屏幕的维修较前代相比大幅变难,需要完全拆解手机。
    • 维修任何部件时,你都需要仔细的给背部玻璃面板除胶(等一下还要再涂上胶水)。
    • 前后玻璃材质意味着掉落时造成损坏的风险增加。


en zh


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It’s been rumored that the front stereo speakers are louder and more crisp than the 2XL. Is there a visual size difference in the speakers themselves?

Derek Champagne - 回复

The new speaker housing looks a little bigger and might be sealed better than the old one. I’m no speaker expert though, so I’m not sure how much of a difference the new design makes, or if the driver is just better.

Adam O'Camb -

To be clear, are BOTH the Pixel 3 and 3XL using Samsung screens? Please say yes.

Benoit Pronovost - 回复

I came to ask the same question, so I'm subscribing to hear the answer!

David Jordan Nestor -

Surprise: it’s a LG panel! We’ve added step 14 to reflect this. Thank you for all your patience!

Arthur Shi -

Which GPSS Chip is used in the Pixel 3? Maybe the Broadcom bcm47755?

tschmi - 回复

I would like to know this too. Does the Pixel 3 or 3XL use BCM47755?

GPSCurious -

Qualcomm chip provides GNSS(GPS) feature. It is not necessary to use discrete chip for GPS.

JJ Wu -

“Google SR3HX Pixel Visual Core (as seen in the Pixel 2 XL)”

You do know that the regular Pixel 2 has it as well, right?

Martin C. - 回复

FingerprintCard FPC 1075 fingerprintsensor in a Crucialtec modul…No chance to get a Goodix sensor in a Pixel mobil.


Ivan Jensen - 回复

is there a notification led?

John Anzaldo Jr - 回复

Unfortunately, no.

Parker Wiley -

Parker, are you with ifixit? I was hoping to hear from the horses mouth so to speak, since there have been conflicting reports. Some reported around the 10th that people from google said there was, then as of the 14th everyone has been saying no. this is our best chance of getting a reliable answer.

John Anzaldo Jr -

There's no LED. Been using it for a few days now, no sign at all of any LED indicators. I'd really suggest using the always on display for notifications.

Raymond Tu -

Are both front facing speakers the same size on the Pixel 3 XL?

Alessandro Garofalo - 回复

It definitely doesn't feel like it based on normal usage. The bottom one is more bass heavy/responsive and louder, while the top one is quieter and sounds different. Definitely not the same speaker.

Raymond Tu -

NFC comments are completely wrong

-step 6: this is not a NFC antenna, but wireless charging

-step 5: you can see NFC antenna on upper part with two pins connection to motherboard, around “swiss cross”

-step 10: NFC IC NXP PN81B03, between yellow and red IC

Tom - 回复


You are totally right! We definitely bungled that. Thank you for catching the mistake!

Arthur Shi -

Can you tell which audio amplifiers are used?

Cltest Edin - 回复

There is no mention of eSIM MCU as in Pixel 2 or in iPhone Xs whereas the tech spec mentions eSIM support?

stephane andrau - 回复

Yup, there's esim support because Google wants to support their own Project Fi service.

Raymond Tu -


JasonXU - 回复

I cant tell from the pictures, but does the build of the 3 XL justify the notch? Is it required or could they have made it significantly smaller?

Mike D - 回复

Got my xl last Friday was working good, I wasn’t having the problems others are. So last night I decided to charge it using a wireless charger that I used on my Samsung S9+ , It showed charging and was working fine wake up and my pixel is now dead! WTF plugged it into charger that comes with it nothing, try reset process nothing. Anyone else with this problem?

T. Ardrey - 回复

I can’t answer to your troubles with it not coming on, but while the Samsung chargers show it’s charging, they do not in fact actually charge the device to my disappointment, and probably many others that are switching from Samsung. Best guess is that the Qi chips are requiring something specific found in the Google Pixel Stand and without it, it doesn’t charge correctly. I tried my Samsung Wireless Charger with the same indication of charging that you got but the device was still losing power so I just set up the Pixel stand for charging. I would recommend, if you haven’t yet, just leave it plugged in for an hour and see if you can get it to turn on, if not, take it back to the store you got it from and replace it.

nathanwharry -

Does the pixel have video out via USB c?

Phillip Leman - 回复

Yup! You'll need a compatible adapter though.

Raymond Tu -

is the pin hole on the top of the phone a mic? and could I have done damage if they put the sim card tray pin into that hole or is the mic off set from the hole?

Richard Wasserman - 回复

The pinhole on top is a mic. I actually did the same thing and stuck the SIM tool inside!! Embarrassing to admit… The microphone seems to still function, however when I look into the hole it looks like I tore the foam dust shield.

Would be great to know how much damage we did, anyone have info on this? It's hard to see what the microphone design is from the teardown.

Bob Riley -

I did exactly the same looking for a clue on here as to what I have damaged. All seems to be working fine, but there was a definite pop sound as the tool went in

Ian George -

is there no proximity sensor? does it use the cameras for this?

Scott M - 回复


does anybody know what is the service mode code? *#*#4636#*#* isnt what im looking for. I wish to get to the testing mode

Layila - 回复

Thanks! I've been curious what's going on inside my phone

Benny Chandler - 回复

My top speaker grill is dented. Based on the teardown, does a dented speaker grill affect the IP rating?

sh8fiq - 回复

It depends on if the seal around the speaker grille is torn. As a reality precaution, the older the phone gets, the less it’s likely to retain its IP rating.

Arthur Shi -

Dear all, would it be possible to have a higher resolution picture on the Murata chipset (Murata 1QB SS8601001)? Is this the part number or the serial number? I have been trying to look up the specs but I could not find them in the Murata web site. If there are someone that could help me find a brochure or web page with the specs it would be very much appreciated. Best

Miquel Garcia - 回复

Wallpaper for 3 XL?

Jared Muskovitz - 回复

Is the earpiece speaker non-removable?

Than Dang - 回复

The earpiece speaker is affixed in place with adhesive, but is removable.

Arthur Shi -

Any chance you all would be able to identify the fpc connector on the motherboard for the fingerprint sensor?

Benjamin - 回复

Hi Benjamin,

This is the FPC connector for the fingerprint sensor. It’s actually a ZIF socket. Also, Pixel 3 XL guides are in progress and will be available within the next few weeks!

Arthur Shi -

how you dismantle the display of pix 3xl? it has aa thick adhesive on the back?

kevin michael miranda - 回复

Hi Kevin,

We have a guide for the display—you can find it here.

Arthur Shi -



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