
2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换


  1. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换, 底壳: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 拆除以下十颗固定在机壳上的螺丝

    • 三颗13.5mm(14.1 mm) 菲利普斯十字螺丝 。

    • 七颗3 mm 菲利普斯十字螺丝。

    • 卸下这些螺丝时,请注意它们如何以很小的角度伸出。必须以相同的方式重新安装它们。

  2. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用双手在后壳接近风扇处提起固定后壳的两个卡扣。

    • 将后壳放置在一边。

  3. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换, 电池排线: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换, 电池排线: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 对于某些维修(例如硬盘),不需要断开电池连接器,但断开连接器可防止主板上电子设备的意外短路。 如果不断开电池连接器,请小心,因为主板的部件可能会通电造成短路或其他伤害。

    • 使用撬棒的边缘从逻辑板上的插座向上撬开电池连接器。

    • 在连接器的两个短边上分别向上撬起插座是十分有效的手段。

  4. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,1
    • 将电池电缆稍微掰离主板上的插座,以免在进行其他工作时插头与插座意外连接。

  5. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换, 硬盘: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 拆下将硬盘支架固定到上盖上的两颗十字螺丝。

    • 这些螺丝固定在硬盘支架上。

  6. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 将固定支架从上盖上提起。

  7. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 通过拉片提起硬盘并将其从上壳中拉出,断开将其连接到电脑上的电路。

  8. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 将硬盘的电路从硬盘上拔下即可。

  9. 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换, 硬盘: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 2011早期 15寸 MacBook Pro 一体化机硬盘更换, 硬盘: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 从硬盘驱动器两侧卸下两个T6 Torx螺丝(总共四颗螺丝)

    • 如果你要更换硬盘,则需要将这些螺丝转移到新的硬盘驱动器上。

    • 如果需要的话,撕下旧的硬盘驱动器的拉条,并将其转移到新驱动器的一侧。

    • 如果你正在安装新的硬盘驱动器,我们有一个OS X安装指南来启动和运行。许多最近出产的Mac 能够使用OS X 因特网恢复





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Thanks yet again, iFixit! I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but your clear, explicit directions always make me feel like one.

The repair proved even easier than the "moderate" difficulty rating would suggest. The entire process took me about ten minutes—far less time than it would take to even drive to a repair depot or Genius Bar.

Also: I was unable to locally source a spudger or T6 Torx screwdriver, and couldn't afford to wait. No problemo! I was able to easily disconnect the MacBook battery using my fingernails. Also, because the Torx screws protrude slightly, I was able to unscrew them (and screw them into the new drive) using needle-nose pliers.

My new drive is now formatted and being restored using a Time Machine backup.

scott - 回复

Very easy if you have a basic understanding of how a computer is put together. Took me about five minutes, honestly. The hardest part was getting a screwdriver that was small enough. The key is to go slow and BE CAREFUL. If you're going to disconnect the battery connector, DON'T PRY IT WITH ANYTHING METAL. That should be common sense, but it probably isn't. Also, take note that the ribbon cable that is attached to the SATA connector is very delicate. Again, be careful and you should be good.

Adam - 回复

Great guide. Everything was exactly as stated. However, not my HD sits loose in the case. It shifts and clunks every time I pick it up. Did I miss something or should I just open it up and use duct tape.

joel - 回复

I had the same issue. You probably forgot to take the torx screws off the old drive and put them on the new drive. See Step 9 for details. I glossed over this, it was easy to miss, but it's definitely in the steps above and probably the cause of your issue.

Syd Logan -

REALLY straightforward :)

Have a plate or other clean, plain surface - as you unscrew them just lay out the scerws in their physical order and positions on the plate.

I DIDN'T disconnect the battery, but was VERY careful not to touch ANYTHING other than the disk - I guess that's feasibly where an accident might happen.

Go slow, keep touching a metal radiator or similar to ensure there is no static build up, and... DONE! Thanks iFixit :)

Mark Bodha - 回复



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