


  1. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件, 供电变压器组件: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件, 供电变压器组件: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 向后推硬盘盒的盖子来移除它

    • 盖子位于设备的右侧

    Just wanted to add: the HDD bay cover isn't on the right all the time, it varies with each unit. The side without the rubber PS logo is the bay cover.

    Yash - 回复

    I just wanted to add that the above is not correct either

    My PS3 Super Slim Mdel No. CECH-4004A has the removable PS logo rubber seal on the left side while the HDD is housed behind the right side (with no rubber PS logo seal)

    Eoin - 回复

    My p3 just went off it goes on but then it just shut down

    Chadley Abrahams - 回复

  2. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用T-8 六角螺丝刀拧下3颗黑色9.8毫米长的螺丝

    • 使用飞利浦#1螺丝刀拧下蓝色7.9毫米长的螺丝

  3. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 拉出硬盘盒

    • 卸下的硬盘盒要放在安全的地方以避免数据损坏

  4. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 在设备底部,使用金属的小撬棍,撬下3个橡胶防滑底座

    • 使用十字螺丝刀拧下4个长度为36.3毫米的螺丝

    • 其中一颗螺丝隐藏在保修贴纸下面,你可以撕掉它或用螺丝刀穿破它。

  5. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 在设备的正面的最右侧,使用撬棍工具插入前盖板与设备之间的缝隙,撬开其塑料卡扣

    • 第二个卡扣位置如图所示

    • 使用开机片向左滑动,撬开所有的卡扣

    • 这是此维修指南中最难的步骤,如果你打不开这些卡扣,你可以尝试大力出奇迹,注意,你会很容易的损坏他们,您自行承担风险。

    Getting these on is harder than getting them off.

    Jake - 回复

  6. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 按压右侧并向左推动可以移除后面板

    This tip and photo made me break this panel lmao there's a button top right of the disk tray you're supposed to push that not a "tab on the right side of the device" the mechanism to unlock the panel safely is in the top right of the inside of the disk tray

    maddestkhuntoutoften - 回复

    You cannot really even see the bottom in this photograph but it is clearly visible in step seven please before trying to remove this panel look at step seven to see the button I have described lol

    maddestkhuntoutoften - 回复

  7. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用十字螺丝刀拧下5颗长度为20.8毫米的银色螺丝

    • 在光驱旁边,使用六角螺丝刀拧下2颗长度为9.9毫米的螺丝

    • 移除上盖

  8. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 向旁边移开光驱可以看见一颗长度为8.8毫米的银色螺丝

    • 使用十字螺丝刀拧下它

    be careful, the fiber-optic cables come out easily and are a pain to put back in

    tucker hartman - 回复

  9. 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 置换超薄版PS3的供电组件: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 拔出白色的插头

    • 注意:拔时要抓塑料的连接头,而不是线

    • 卸下电源组件。(竖直向上提起电源,可能需要一点点力气)

    The left side of the PSU sits on two long metal prongs so you may need to pull a little to get it lose but you should be able to pull the whole unit in an upward motion

    Matthew Symmons - 回复





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Perfect how to guide. Fixed my PS3 easily. Thanks

Andrew Roscoe - 回复

Great guide. However, still no power on PS3. Any suggestions as to what else may be the problem?

Peter Maher - 回复

Peter Maher, I am in the same boat. I have no idea what the problem is. Red light in standby, but as soon as I try to power on, nothing. Same as before I did this power supply replacement. Obviously, something else is the problem. Anyone who has some insight into this please help!

James Neely - 回复

Did you guys get word on the red light with no power on fix mine has the same issue.

Benjamin P Patterson -

i have the same problem as Peter Maher, the red light is in standby neither turning green on pressing nor it sounds beep on long press. dont know whats wrong. anyone has any solution to this?

Thiemwang Kitnya - 回复

my ps3 red light is not working at all could this be the problem I mean the power supply

Mohammed - 回复

thanks for guide - had a blown power unit and this was a useful guide to getting at it so it could be replaced. I couldn’t see a guide for taking the power unit apart so with nothing to lose I opened that up to see what was going on, and could see the charred remains of what I guess was a capacitor.  New power unit in there now and working great. thanks

Phil March - 回复

Fantastic guide, I used it today to check if my PS3 brought from the US could be plugged in a 220 socket (as I had read on this site). I can confirm this is the case, as the power supply is actually the 100-240V one (part # N12-160P1A). Thanks for this great piece of information!

Vincent - 回复



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