使用本指南拆卸或更换华为P20 Pro中的互连电缆,包括充电端口。
打开华为 P20 Pro 将损坏设备上的防水密封。如果你不更换黏胶密封,你的手机将正常运行,但是会失去防水功能。
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Hallo ich habe alles nach der Anleitung gemacht. Nun geht der Connector wieder, aber ich habe das Problem, das ich innerhalb von Gebäuden kein Netz mehr habe. Außerhalb von Gebäuden kein Problem. Was kann ich tun? Das Antennenkabel weißt auf den ersten Blick keine Beschädigungen auf…
hola, y.. ¿cuales tipos de pegamentos recomiendan para volver a pegar la tapa trasera? Use Poxiran( cemento de contacto) pero no se adhiere bien al plastico
Hi, you can use double sided adhesive tape like this one or even pre-cut adhesive for the rear case if you get one for your device on the internet. Poxi-ran could work too after removing old adhesive and if applied carefully only on those areas where there was adhesive.
dear friend hi. thanks for your perfect explanation but in my case, i wasn’t so able to fix my Huawei P20 charging socket and battery replacement that i had to do. The problem that i have is that the phone now is not charging. when i connect the cable to charge the phone the first 2 sec looks like is charging but after that is stopped. One more problem that i have is when the phone is into the charger and you turn it of is doing a restart by itself. The speaker is working and also the data transfer. Have you ever seen this kind o issue before?