
The PowerMac G5 is a desktop computer first produced in 2003 by the Apple Corporation. This guide will review the repair process of an Apple PowerMac G5 model number A1047 EMC 2061 from 2004. It was discontinued in 2006 as part of the Intel switch first to developers then consumers.

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How do I remove the hard drive in the top bay?

I need to replace the hard drive located in the top bay at the rear of the enclosure. It just clicks and fails to spin up. the hard drive must slide out, and there is a tab that swings out of the way, but the case enclosure is in the way. Apple engineers are masters of making equipment accessible and repair friendly, but I am stumped on this one. There must be an easy way. Anyone know where the magic hard drive ejection lever button thingy is?



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You have to remove the bottom drive first. Throw down the locking tabs. remove the cables. Pul the bottom drive out, then the top drive. Watch how it comes out (top drive as it is a bit strange and you'll have to put it back in. Remove the four rubber screws on the sides to use in the next drive. Note there are four spares placed in the vertical partition wall.


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Thank you. New drive is in and ready to go. Writing zeros, Then new OS and apps.

I knew I was making it harder than it really is.

ifixit is a Godsend.





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