
No Monitor Output on LCD or DVI

I am attempting to fix a coworker's macbook. It looks like he may have dropped it on the left corner (below the z key). I am unable to get any video from the lcd or dvi output.

This is what I have done so far:

Verified that the hard drive is ok by booting from another mac.

Gone through the disassembly process to check all connections to the display.

Taken the display apart to check that the small boards inside were still intact.

I am still getting what sounds like a proper boot, the normal mac startup noise and some disk reading sounds.

The way I have been checking the DVI is by leaving it plugged in during startup, then closing the lid (external power source, keyboard, and mouse plugged in as well). The mouse is powered by both of the usb ports so I assume those are still working correctly.

Any ideas for further diagnosis?

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I was unable to use target mode because I don't have a firewire cable.

Instead I removed the hard drive and plugged it into another mac via a SATA to USB adapter. The other mac was able to go to the boot menu and boot from the macbook hard drive.





Use Target Mode with another Intel Mac and check the hard drive. Here's how: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1661


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Does the battery have at least a 20% charge? (test by pressing the button on the battery)


It has been plugged in for at least 2 hours now and the battery is not indicating any charge. When I press the button no lights come on.




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