Phone dropped in water. Speaker is crackling
I have a Huawei Y6s and i was talking when the phone slipped, and fell in a small cutout with water.It kind of bounced of the cutout and removed itself. Since i was on speaker phone i felt a huge decrase in volume and quality. I ended the call and wiped the phone with a towel, powered it down, and i hit it near the speaker on the towel. then i put the phone in kind of a v position on the speaker. After 20 minutes, i turned it on (huge mistake) to see the speaker. it was at 8%. Then i downloaded a speaker cleaner app and when i started doing the cleaning, it suddenly went down to 4 percent. Then in 5 seconds it went to 0 (it only goes to 2 until saying phone battery empty, phone will shut down in 30 secdns) and shut down. I didnt plug it in. A day passed and i plugged in the phone and it works, but there is some speaker crackling. What do i do? Should i try cleaning it with a toothbrush and 95% isopropyl alcohol?