
Phone dropped in water. Speaker is crackling

I have a Huawei Y6s and i was talking when the phone slipped, and fell in a small cutout with water.It kind of bounced of the cutout and removed itself. Since i was on speaker phone i felt a huge decrase in volume and quality. I ended the call and wiped the phone with a towel, powered it down, and i hit it near the speaker on the towel. then i put the phone in kind of a v position on the speaker. After 20 minutes, i turned it on (huge mistake) to see the speaker. it was at 8%. Then i downloaded a speaker cleaner app and when i started doing the cleaning, it suddenly went down to 4 percent. Then in 5 seconds it went to 0 (it only goes to 2 until saying phone battery empty, phone will shut down in 30 secdns) and shut down. I didnt plug it in. A day passed and i plugged in the phone and it works, but there is some speaker crackling. What do i do? Should i try cleaning it with a toothbrush and 95% isopropyl alcohol?

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Hi @arthurreming

The impurities in the water causes corrosion and provides circuit paths for the electricity which were not in the phone's operating design and could damage the components. The corrosion starts immediately and is ongoing until it is completely cleaned away

First do not try to charge or to turn on your phone and then remove the battery as soon as possible from the phone to minimize any further damage.

Then you need to dis-assemble the rest of the phone and clean all the affected parts using Isopropyl Alcohol 99%+ (available at electronics parts stores) to remove all traces of corrosion and water. If possible do not use "rubbing alcohol" as in some cases this is only 70% IPA or less, can contain additives which may leave conductive residues and is not as effective. If you do have to use it check the label to verify the amount of IPA. The higher the percentage of IPA the better

Here is a link that describes what happens. Electronics Water Damage

As always with electronics, especially surface mounted pcb be gentle when handling and especially when brushing away the corrosion. You do not want to remove any components from the board. Remove the shields that may be covering some components as the water may have got in under there. The ends of any flex cables and their connectors need to be cleaned as well

Hopefully after you have done all this the phone might possibly work correctly again.

Here is a link to a teardown video that may help.

If this process seems too daunting, take your phone to a reputable, professional phone repair service, experienced in liquid damage repair and ask for a quote for a repair. If you decide to do this, do it sooner than later.


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it was only sumerged in the bottom area where the speaker and charging port is located. The crackeling is from the speaker cleaning app itself. It booted and works fine now. The incident happeneed a day ago



Doesn't matter.

You have to check if the water went further or not .

It may work OK now but it can fail in a few days or even weeks later. Corrosion is insidious. It keeps on going until it is all cleaned away

If you're going to open it up to clean the loudspeaker you may as well check it all over just to be sure..


@jayeff i dont trust myself with opening it. Should i take it to a repair shop and keep it off for now?



Take it to a reputable, professional mobile phone repair service experienced in liquid damage repair.

Ask them what their guarantee is. It may be only 1 month but that's normal. With liquid damage repairs a lot or repairers won't even touch them as it is too difficult to guarantee that it will work OK for a long time.

They may say that there's no further damage and just repair the speaker problem.

I think that it is better to know whether there was or there wasn't just in case.

In the meantime and I realize that this means turning on the phone just once more, backup your important data on the phone to the cloud or a PC first, before getting it repaired just in case it does fail completely.

Also remember (write down somewhere) your Google account details (if the phone has a Google account) and phone pin etc, just in case a factory reset is required as you will need the account details to access the phon.

Once you have done this do NOT turn on the phone again before taking to a repair service.


thankfully i have everything in the micro sd card. it didnt even touch water so its all good. i only have my contacts in it




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