
发售于2017年11月3日。型号为 A1865, A1901。有 GSM 或者 CDMA 网络制式可选。提供64或者256GB 的存储空间。提供银色和深空灰色。(读音与“iPhone 10”相同)

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iPhone XS battery to iPhone X

I have a New iphone XS battery home right now. I put in my Iphone X mobile. And its working. Can it be problem later or something? Iphone X battery lays on 3.81v and 10.35Whr and Iphone XS battery lays on 3.81v and 10.13 Whr. It,s not mouch beteween does two.

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Hi Markus,

It is interesting that you've found the XS battery to be functional in the X. There are several factors that come into play when Apple is designing a battery for a given phone, but it seems that the changes between the X and the XS weren't significant enough to keep the batteries from being compatible. It's not at all uncommon for the connector itself to change, the position on the motherboard, the physical dimensions and the sensors contained in the BMS to be different.

Anyway, assuming it worked at all, there's absolutely no reason to think it won't keep working. If the connector was different it wouldn't have plugged in, and if the position had been moved the connector wouldn't have reached. Obviously it physically fits inside the case, so the dimensions are close enough. Finally, I assume you're not seeing any weird battery health readings or experiencing any reboot loops, which would say that the internal sensors are working too.

It appears the XS battery has a slightly smaller capacity, but that won't affect the normal operation of the phone outside of needing to be recharged a few minutes sooner than it would with the original X battery.

So yeah, if you've been using it for a few days and aren't seeing problems, then you should be good; there's no reason it shouldn't just keep on working.


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Yes. but now i see when i charge the % doesnt go over 44 % but the funny thing. its a 3e parts battery. And its shows 100 % in Battery healt. Usuley when u use 3e parts battery. You cant see the battery capasity its always says the phone doesnt reconise the battery. Mayby the battery is broken or its a glitch in the system derfore you cant see it charge over 44 % ?


@markus33990 Ah, I wondered if there might be an issue with that. You see, starting with the iPhone XS (and XR), Apple started pairing the battery to the logic board. So there's definitely going to be something different in the software since the X doesn't have the pairing information stored.

It's normal to lose the battery health and get the non-genuine warning whenever you replace the battery on any iPhone after the X, since it has to be paired and only Apple can do that pairing.

None of that really explains your charging glitch though. My guess is it's some sort of incompatibility between the X and the XS batteries, but as to exactly what that is, we'll probably never know since Apple keeps that kind of information carefully guarded.

You could get around it by swapping the BMS from the original X battery onto the cell from the XS, but that'll leave you with the old outdated health information unless you have a device programmer to reprogram it back to 100% health and zero cycle count.


@markus33990 Just to clarify, I'm going on the assumption that a "3e parts" battery is a brand name, is that right? In any case, it won't matter what brand you use - even a genuine Apple battery - on a XS; you'll still get the genuine parts warning and lose the health information. The X doesn't have that restriction.


Yes i think so to. 3 part i mean with that it,s NOT an original apple battery. Its a cheaper one.




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