
Released in 2017, the Dell Inspiron 15 Gaming 7577 is a gaming-oriented laptop with a 15-inch screen. It has a 7th-generation Intel Core processor and an Nvidia graphics chip inside.

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RTC or CR2032 battery replacement

Not too sure if this has been covered before? It seems easy enough or, it should be. My Dell Inspiron 7577 has just "died" on me - as in nothing working. This is now the third time in 5 years. Before, computer techs "repaired" this and charged me "funny money" to do the job. Ironically, not too long after the second time, a friend's HP did the same - as in not working. This was easy enough for me to repair, as in replacing the CR battery. And yet and now, can't seem to figure out what to do here. Advice and feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance - Rogan (rcoles@hotmail.com)

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Hi @ting72625

Does the laptop give any indication when the charger is connected?

If not it may be a faulty DC-In jack or faulty charger.

Have you checked that there is 19.5V DC at the output plug of the charger.

If the charger is OK, then check if the DC-In jack is OK.

Here's the service manual taken from this support webpage for the laptop.

Go to p.60 to see how to remove the DC-In (aka power adapter port) cable from the motherboard. Once it has been disconnected, connect the charger to the jack and then check if there's 19.5V DC when connecting a voltmeter to the jack cable plug's red and black wires. If not then the jack is faulty and will need to be replaced. Search online for XJ39G to find suppliers that suit you best.

Not sure if you couldn't find it but on p.34 it shows the procedure to remove/replace the RTC coin cell battery


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Hi @jayeff, thank you very much for your manual reference. This was the very thing I was looking for. There's quite a lot to "undo" and, as a result, quite a lot to repair. Thanks again. Take care...




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