Not too sure if this has been covered before? It seems easy enough or, it should be. My Dell Inspiron 7577 has just "died" on me - as in nothing working. This is now the third time in 5 years. Before, computer techs "repaired" this and charged me "funny money" to do the job. Ironically, not too long after the second time, a friend's HP did the same - as in not working. This was easy enough for me to repair, as in replacing the CR battery. And yet and now, can't seem to figure out what to do here. Advice and feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance - Rogan (
Not too sure if this has been covered before? It seems easy enough or, it should be. My Dell Inspiron 7577 has just "died" on me - as in nothing working. This is now the third time in 5 years. Before, computer techs "repaired" this and charged me "funny money" to do the job. Ironically, not too long after the second time, a friend's HP did the same - as in not working. This was easy enough for me to repair, as in replacing the CR battery. And yet and now, can't seem to figure out what to do here. Advice and feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance - Rogan (