Husband broke volume up/ down, thought it was for Sim card.

Also forgot pattern lock, email, and password, as this is 20th phone bought because of hacker in my acct. for over 2 years. Can't backup, or do anything. Only see 9 dot square, Aug. 29th, time, and numbers 595166. No idea what that means. Need help finding and removing who is hacking every new phone, number, email, password, everything. Have made my life a living Hell, for 3 years. Divorcing after 30 years of marriage.

Thank You.

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@sharonkhantz sorry to hear that. Anyhow, let's see if we can help you with this. If you can take a picture of what it is that your display shows you. Your description of this is good but it might help if we see what's going on. Post the image with your Question (edit it) 在已经存在的问题里加入图片

Tell us more about the "broke volume up/ down" It is physically broken or just does not work?

