
Released on July 28th, 2017, the New Nintendo 2DS XL is a handheld gaming console succeeding the Nintendo 2DS.

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2DS XL WiFi Glitch

My 2DS XL used to work perfectly fine on wifi until recently, it’ll say disconnected, then wifi, and be on StreetPass for a while before disconnecting and restarting the cycle, and every time I open a game or all the wifi is off.

It’s not my wifi either because like I said it used to work and I’ve also used my mobile hotspot and it doesn’t work either.

How can I fix this?

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Let's hope this is a software issue. Try:

  • Deleting and recreating your wifi connection
  • Turning wireless communication/NFC off and on
  • Rebooting the system
  • Updating in safe mode

If all else fails, a system format should definitely fix it, but it will also delete all your data. I'd only recommend that as a last resort


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I’ve tried all those things and I can’t factory reset because I have a NNID attached to the 2DS and it needs wifi to reset that off the 2DS


@ferroza There is a way to remove an nnid without wifi, but you need CFW. If you're interested, head to 3ds.hacks.guide. Once you've read through the intro pages, you'll find a prompt asking for your system version. If you have a compatible flashcart, I recommend you scroll past it and click "ntrboot". Otherwise, keep reading. If the prompt recommends you any exploits you can't use, join the discord linked in the troubleshooting page and explain the situation, someone there can probably help you.

Once you finish the finalizing setup page, head to https://3ds.hacks.guide/godmode9-usage#r... to remove your nnid


When I reset it after all that junk, the Wi-Fi problem still persisted at setup.


@ferroza As in, you factory reset it and the wi-fi is still broken?


yeah just hold the x button and the start button and click on the wifi network it should show you an error code to why it isnt connecting




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