
PS5 游戏机于 2020 年 11 月发布,其视觉效果大幅升级,并配备了创新的全新 Dualsense 控制器。太空时代的黑白配色方案与过去的 PlayStation 设计大相径庭。

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PS5 powering off after a couple seconds

PS5 came into my shop for a broken HDMI port. The HDMI port was replaced successfully, ps5 was reassembled, tested, and returned to the customer. The customer then called back reporting that it was shutting off on them. I directed him to bring it back in, we tested it, and it didn’t shut off for us while he was standing there. We waited for about 5 minutes for it to shut off and I asked him how long it normally takes. He told me it was almost immediately, like 5 seconds, and this was the longest it had been on. I told him I would test it for a little bit longer, so he ended up leaving it with me. After about a total of 7 minutes, 2 minutes after he left, the PS5 finally shut off.

I assumed this was a thermal event considering it shut off for him after 5 seconds, but had stayed on for longer with me, and decided to order some new Liquid Metal. I removed the old Liquid Metal, fully cleaned the APU and the heatsink and reapplied a drop to the APU and another slightly smaller drop to the heatsink. I was successful in fully spreading the Liquid Metal across the APU and heatsink, and reassembled it again. The ps5 powered up, stayed on for about 15-20 seconds, then shut off again. I turned it on again, this time it stayed on for about 5-10 seconds and shut off.

This is the issue that was happening before reapplying Liquid Metal, which leads me to believe it’s not related to Liquid Metal, but I have no idea what it could be related to and what else I should look into. Any help is appreciated.

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I actually ended up figuring it out. It turned out to be related to the CMOS battery. I removed it for 5 minutes, volt tested it to make sure it was getting between 3-3.3v (which it was) and then reinserted it. The PS5 managed to stay on for several hours afterwards, making it through an entire fortnite download and a 2.5 hour movie.


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Maybe the fans need to be cleaned?

I would check to see if the PS5 is in rest mode, it can cause the PS5 to randomly shut down

  • Open the PS5 Settings menu 
  • Navigate to Power Saving 
  • Select Rest Mode 
  • Click Don’t Put in Rest Mode

Otherwise you could try rebuilding the database

  • Hold the power button on your console for around five seconds until the PS5 enters Safe Mode.
  • Connect your PS5 controller using a USB-C cable. Unfortunately, wireless controllers are not supported in Safe Mode.
  • Scroll through the options until you find Rebuild Database. Select Rebuild Database, and then click OK.
  • From this point onwards, the process of database reconstruction is automated.


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Thanks but that wasn't the case. Appreciate your help




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