
This Nintendo DS Lite was released in 2006 as the successor to the Nintendo DS. Getting inside this device is simple, making for easy fixes.

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How to remove light scratches from plastic?

I recently got a ds lite that had a few light scratches on the shell. Is there an easy way to get rid of these scratches? I saw some sources recommend toothpaste but I'm skeptical about using it. Or is the only way to remove them re-shelling the entire thing?

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Hi @tay0_0,

Some plastics can be made to look better (remove scratches) with some light polishing.
I usually use a Dremel tool, with a Polishing pad (speed-clic) and some polishing compound. Then go to town (carefully) and try to remove what I can. Note: There are different levels of grit in the polishing compounds. Lower grit number = coarser polish.

The toothpaste trick is basically just using the toothpaste as a polishing compound.


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